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EB23版 - Guidline for Premium processing for subsequent I-140s
Multiple I-140s, Priority Date Retention, and the 2013 China EB-2/EB-3 AnomalyUnused Visa Numbers for EB-2s from India and China
如果降级成功,又同时EB3排期后退,建议EB2收藏此文章LIA 从移民律师协会获得的五月排期之最新消息
刚刚收到律师的信 看来tsc完全不能pp了递交485后出入境的问题
Fragomen关于拒绝追加PP的回复From Q's blog
今天收到NSC的SR回复ZZ from Trackitt
NSC I140 PP accepted today看来5月就要倒退了
CIR introduced in Senate.... maybe a good news.奥傻说5月倒退后一直到10月才进啊!?
More on EB2 cutoff date movement消息确认:pd 8/15/2007后的不批了 10月通知2013批否
话题: nsc话题: premium话题: processing话题: labor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 502
NSC Practice Pointer: Premium Processing for Subsequent I-140s
Cite as "AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 14040242 (posted Apr. 2, 2014)"
During the March 13, 2014 Business Product Line stakeholder teleconference,
the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) clarified that attorneys may request
Premium Processing for a subsequent I-140 filing where the necessary
original Form ETA-9089 labor certification or a certified duplicate labor
certification from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is currently located
at NSC. NSC reminds practitioners to answer “Yes” to Question 7 in Part 4
of Form I-140, which asks whether the petition is being filed without an
original labor certification because the original was submitted with a
previous I-140. NSC further recommends attaching an addendum that explains
the original labor certification was submitted with a previous I-140 and
includes the receipt number for the previously submitted I-140. Do not
answer “Yes” to Question 8 in Part 4 of Form I-140 because this will
indicate to NSC that a duplicate labor certification is needed and will
preclude Premium Processing.
NSC also confirmed that a Premium Processing request will be denied if the A
file containing the original certified labor certification is not located
at NSC, unless the file is already in transit to NSC. When NSC receives an I
-140 petition, it generally requests the A file. Thus, while the original
labor certification may not initially be located at the NSC, it may be
received at NSC later, at which time a Premium Processing application could
be accepted. Attorneys can try contacting USCIS National Customer Service
Center (NCSC) to determine where the A file is located, or, in the
alternative, try filing the I-907 Request for Premium Processing to see if
USCIS will accept it. If the I-907 is rejected, attorneys are not precluded
from filing another I-907 in the future.
发帖数: 12190
说A file不在NSC会拒绝pp,除非A file已经在运往NSC的路上了


【在 N*****5 的大作中提到】
: 从律师那里得到.律师说这个也适用于TSC.
: NSC Practice Pointer: Premium Processing for Subsequent I-140s
: Cite as "AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 14040242 (posted Apr. 2, 2014)"
: During the March 13, 2014 Business Product Line stakeholder teleconference,
: the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) clarified that attorneys may request
: Premium Processing for a subsequent I-140 filing where the necessary
: original Form ETA-9089 labor certification or a certified duplicate labor
: certification from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is currently located
: at NSC. NSC reminds practitioners to answer “Yes” to Question 7 in Part 4
: of Form I-140, which asks whether the petition is being filed without an

发帖数: 8388
不算。人家又不保证A file到了NSC就看。

【在 F*********u 的大作中提到】
: 说A file不在NSC会拒绝pp,除非A file已经在运往NSC的路上了
: 这个是说被拒绝的就会一直被拒,除非已经开始审理你的case调了A-file
: 这时候虽然pp会成功但也属于浪费钱是么?
: ,
: 4

发帖数: 93
看糊涂了 既然官方都允许了 为什么最后PP成功的还是很少数呢

【在 F*********u 的大作中提到】
: 说A file不在NSC会拒绝pp,除非A file已经在运往NSC的路上了
: 这个是说被拒绝的就会一直被拒,除非已经开始审理你的case调了A-file
: 这时候虽然pp会成功但也属于浪费钱是么?
: ,
: 4

发帖数: 429

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.6

【在 N*****5 的大作中提到】
: 从律师那里得到.律师说这个也适用于TSC.
: NSC Practice Pointer: Premium Processing for Subsequent I-140s
: Cite as "AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 14040242 (posted Apr. 2, 2014)"
: During the March 13, 2014 Business Product Line stakeholder teleconference,
: the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) clarified that attorneys may request
: Premium Processing for a subsequent I-140 filing where the necessary
: original Form ETA-9089 labor certification or a certified duplicate labor
: certification from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is currently located
: at NSC. NSC reminds practitioners to answer “Yes” to Question 7 in Part 4
: of Form I-140, which asks whether the petition is being filed without an

发帖数: 447
好人啊,律师不让 PP 的童鞋可以拿这个去催了
1 (共1页)
消息确认:pd 8/15/2007后的不批了 10月通知2013批否今天收到NSC的SR回复
Sen. Grassley's Amended H.R. 3012 Proposal to Lift his HoldNSC I140 PP accepted today
现在是否确定格老Lift Hold?CIR introduced in Senate.... maybe a good news.
这几天没消息了啊More on EB2 cutoff date movement
Multiple I-140s, Priority Date Retention, and the 2013 China EB-2/EB-3 AnomalyUnused Visa Numbers for EB-2s from India and China
如果降级成功,又同时EB3排期后退,建议EB2收藏此文章LIA 从移民律师协会获得的五月排期之最新消息
刚刚收到律师的信 看来tsc完全不能pp了递交485后出入境的问题
Fragomen关于拒绝追加PP的回复From Q's blog
话题: nsc话题: premium话题: processing话题: labor