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Education版 - [zz] You might be a charter school fan ...
Class Struggle - How charter schools get students they want当个中学汉语老师年薪能拿到多少
请问什么叫Charter school?今天签合同了
请教一下,中文teaching的volunteer谁来解释下CHATER SCHOOL
关于教师证的学分问题请问有人成功得到sponsor H1b visa的吗?
3/3/09: Math fans to celebrate Square Root Da在美国教中文的资格,请大家给些建议
第一封据信公立学校 中文老师H1B成功 无credential 好律师
话题: charter话题: fan话题: might话题: school话题: think
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19398
[zz] You might be a charter school fan ...
If every time your car gets too full of fast food wrappers and empty drink
cans, you go buy a new car (and kept the old one so you can make payments on
both), you might be a charter school fan.
If ice cream cones cost a dollar and you only have 75 cents, so you decide
the solution is to buy three, you might be a charter school fan.
If you think it's a shame that some schools have gotten worse since they let
Those People in, you might be a charter school fan.
If you think a great way to build grit in children is to entrust their care
to an institution that might close at any time with no warning, you might be
a charter school fan.
If you think anybody can be a great teacher as long as they teach out of the
right book, you might be a charter school fan.
If you think the trouble with democracy is that it allows too many of the
wrong people to vote, you might be a charter school fan.
If you think the best way to fix a crumbling bridge is to let private
companies all build bridges up and down the river, you might be a charter
school fan. If you think they should all do it with the same total money
budgeted for the original bridge, you definitely might be a charter school
If you think taxpayers should not get to elect the people who decide what to
do with taxpayer dollars, you might be a charter school fan.
If you think lifeboats and fire fighters should only rescue the worthy from
peril, you might be a charter school fan.
If you think the operation of education is best left to hedge fund managers,
you might be a charter school fan.
If you think competition has made McDonald's, Microsoft, Netscape, America
On Line, and Myspace great, you might be a charter school fan.
If you think rules are for suckers and little people, you might be a charter
school fan.
Of course, if you've thought for years that fully funded charters could be a
way to foster rich variety and creativity while working as partners with
public schools, you might also be a charter school fan. Just a very lonely
one at the moment.
Peter Greene --- https://plus.google.com/103250223325303666012/posts
1 (共1页)
公立学校 中文老师H1B成功 无credential 好律师第一堂数学课
'Micro Schools' Could Be New Competition for Private K-12关于教师证的学分问题
Are Our Students the Dumbest in the World?3/3/09: Math fans to celebrate Square Root Da
Class Struggle - How charter schools get students they want当个中学汉语老师年薪能拿到多少
请问什么叫Charter school?今天签合同了
请教一下,中文teaching的volunteer谁来解释下CHATER SCHOOL
话题: charter话题: fan话题: might话题: school话题: think