

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Faculty版 - New Mandatory Language Requirements for Foreign Nationals (转载)
我只知道faculty分2种一个好玩的PPT:Trends in the Production of Scientific Knowle (转载)
About tenure问问
collaboration with others in campus请教一个Corresponding author 的问题
Fastlane的Status时间改变说明什么NSF CAREER: Status 变了,不幸啊
"Collaborator" for NSF proposal明天的NSF deadline会不会顺延
research lab specialist 这个title好不好? (转载)有申请NCI(NIH)R21的?
NSF ProposalNSF Co-PI move, 钱是否跟着走?
PI 到底应该起到什么作用呢?关于research assistant professor
话题: mandatory话题: new话题: language话题: foreign
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 954
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: newborn2009 (newborn2009), 信区: Military
标 题: New Mandatory Language Requirements for Foreign Nationals
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 25 19:31:26 2014, 美东)
小将们看看08 的好政策,--只对有守法学历的,不对违法没学历的。
“Effective January 1, 2015, the government has mandated that J-1 visas
cannot be processed by sponsor institutions without quantitative proof of
English proficiency. Please see the attached policy and explanation of the
TOEFL exam requirements. You can forward this information to your PIs and
trainee candidates. GME will not process J-1visas with start dates of Jan.
1 and after without proof of the minimum score on the TOEFL exam. We are
checking on the policy regarding transfer J-1 visas and with General Counsel
regarding H1B visas.”
1 (共1页)
关于research assistant professor"Collaborator" for NSF proposal
over-length page charges?research lab specialist 这个title好不好? (转载)
NSF CCLI ?NSF Proposal
PI是什么的缩写?PI 到底应该起到什么作用呢?
我只知道faculty分2种一个好玩的PPT:Trends in the Production of Scientific Knowle (转载)
About tenure问问
collaboration with others in campus请教一个Corresponding author 的问题
Fastlane的Status时间改变说明什么NSF CAREER: Status 变了,不幸啊
话题: mandatory话题: new话题: language话题: foreign