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Faculty版 - Ras (很颓的猪。) Re: KO (转载)
像胖头鱼这样的生物发考题真是表莲求审稿机会:cell imaging,nanoparticle或分析化学方向
急:面试求助问个FACS cell sorting的问题 (转载)
[rehab robot] 发paper新人如何得到更多的审稿机会?用excel 生成图表时,年份总被当成数据处理怎么办?
交换Martin A. Green太阳能书籍(电子、扫描版本) (转载)申请了几所学校都还没消息
这个教授是不想和我续约了吗?????求审稿机会-- Stem cells, epigenetics...
问个找教科书参考书的问题求审稿机会 Cell biology
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话题: cells话题: ko话题: ras话题: trasfected
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: Ras (很颓的猪。), 信区: Biology
标 题: Re: KO
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Jun 23 11:07:31 2000), 转信
for stable transfection: u include a selective marker (such as G418,
puromycin) in the DNA construct will transfect cells with. Then by
including the antibiotics (G18, puro...) in the media, you will be
able to seletively grow up the cells trasfected with your construct, while
killing the untrasfected ones.
For transient transfection: you don't have such selective markers in
the constracuts. You will always grow cells in regular media. Since it
is impossible to achieve 100% transfection, there is always a good portions
of cells will not be trasfected. After a few generation, those untransfected

cells most likely will out-grow the transfected cells since they usually
have better growth potential (in most cases, transfection brings some
defects to normal cellular activities).
I think your understanding on transgenic and knockout is pretty much
correct, although I am not sure about the exactly right answer.
1 (共1页)
找AP职位 求评估这个教授是不想和我续约了吗?????
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像胖头鱼这样的生物发考题真是表莲求审稿机会:cell imaging,nanoparticle或分析化学方向
急:面试求助问个FACS cell sorting的问题 (转载)
[rehab robot] 发paper新人如何得到更多的审稿机会?用excel 生成图表时,年份总被当成数据处理怎么办?
交换Martin A. Green太阳能书籍(电子、扫描版本) (转载)申请了几所学校都还没消息
话题: cells话题: ko话题: ras话题: trasfected