Family版 - 请教:关于新工作搬家费(Relocation Assistance)的问题 |
t*******e 发帖数: 280 | 1 刚拿到一个Offer,正在谈判跟搬家费(Relocation Assistance)有关的事。有几个问
1. Relocation Assistance的钱是“实报实销”吗?还是把钱直接给你,由你自己支配?
2. 知道Relocation Assistance应该包括搬家的费用,这没问题,但是是否也可以包括
3. 如果包括卖房子的费用,那卖房子之前对房子的维修费用是不是也可以包括在内?
4. 如果新单位问你Relocation Assistance需要多少钱,提多少算合适呢?(i.e.:合理范围,或利益最大化但又不让对方感觉是“狮子大开口”)
多谢! | v***s 发帖数: 4031 | 2 Things You'll need budget for your relocation expenses and
Negotiate Your Relocation Assistance Package When the Time Is Right
1 Project a budget of relocation assistance items prior to your job
interview to avoid being caught trying to do the math on the spot.
2 Request copies of all written benefit and compensation policies prior to
your final interview, but delay specific discussion of relocation assistance
until the appropriate time in the hiring process.
3 Negotiate your relocation assistance package after you have been offered
the job or told explicitly that you are the person your employer wants to
hire for the job.
4 Include any of the following items for which you anticipate significant
expenses: moving your household belongings, temporary lodging during the
move, assistance in selling or renting your existing home, exploratory trips
while you look for permanent lodging or work in your new office prior to
the actual move, gas and food expenses until you are situated and trips to
spend time with your family if, for instance, they remain in the previous
home through the end of the school year.
5 Put other items on the table if you have a legitimate case for them in
negotiations: child care, mortgage points or a bridge loan to help you
transition from one house to another.
6 Try to negotiate an advance against the full amount of your relocation
budget, since many costs need to be paid on the spot and this can create a
serious cash-flow burden if you have to meet them out-of-pocket.
7 Get your relocation assistance package in writing, even if in an informal
memorandum, before you sign an employment contract or take any irrevocable
steps that commit you to accept the new position.
8 Make an effort to save your employer on your relocation costs after you
negotiate your package by bargaining effectively for services such as a
moving van. It will help to stamp you as a fair team player if you are able
to refund a portion of your advance when you submit your receipts after your
move is completed.
Tips & Warnings
Be flexible if your employer is concerned about issues of precedent. It's
fine if your employer calls it a signing bonus, but the burden will be on
you to maintain documentation to ensure that you can deduct appropriate
relocation expenses.
Relocation assistance payments are normal business expenses, but you and
your employer must be prepared to document them for federal, state, and
local tax agencies lest they be construed as personal income. | t*******e 发帖数: 280 | 3 Thanks! I saw this article before, but was just wondering if anyone has
personal experience about "Relocation Assistance ".
【在 t*******e 的大作中提到】 : 刚拿到一个Offer,正在谈判跟搬家费(Relocation Assistance)有关的事。有几个问 : 题不太清楚,想请有过经历的朋友指教一下: : 1. Relocation Assistance的钱是“实报实销”吗?还是把钱直接给你,由你自己支配? : 2. 知道Relocation Assistance应该包括搬家的费用,这没问题,但是是否也可以包括 : 卖旧房子和买新房子的费用呢? : 3. 如果包括卖房子的费用,那卖房子之前对房子的维修费用是不是也可以包括在内? : 4. 如果新单位问你Relocation Assistance需要多少钱,提多少算合适呢?(i.e.:合理范围,或利益最大化但又不让对方感觉是“狮子大开口”) : 多谢!
| t*******e 发帖数: 280 | 4 看来有这方面经历的人不多啊。。。
【在 t*******e 的大作中提到】 : 刚拿到一个Offer,正在谈判跟搬家费(Relocation Assistance)有关的事。有几个问 : 题不太清楚,想请有过经历的朋友指教一下: : 1. Relocation Assistance的钱是“实报实销”吗?还是把钱直接给你,由你自己支配? : 2. 知道Relocation Assistance应该包括搬家的费用,这没问题,但是是否也可以包括 : 卖旧房子和买新房子的费用呢? : 3. 如果包括卖房子的费用,那卖房子之前对房子的维修费用是不是也可以包括在内? : 4. 如果新单位问你Relocation Assistance需要多少钱,提多少算合适呢?(i.e.:合理范围,或利益最大化但又不让对方感觉是“狮子大开口”) : 多谢!