g*********r 发帖数: 1443 | 1 今天学了点新知识,和大家分享:
Reflection, Refraction, and Color
The uppermost, sunlit layer of the ocean where 70 percent of the entire
amount of photosynthesis in the world takes place is called the euphotic
zone. It generally extends to a depth of 100 meters (330 feet). Below this
is the disphotic zone, between 100 and 1,000 meters (330 and 3,300 feet)
deep, which is dimly lit. Some animals are able to survive here, but no
plants. Although the amount of light is measurable at this range of depths,
there is not enough available for photosynthesis to take place. The layer of
the ocean where no light at all penetratesover 90 percent of the entire
ocean area on Earthis called the aphotic zone, where depths are more than
1,000 meters (3,300 feet).
Light Penetration.
A certain amount of incoming light is reflected away when it reaches the
ocean surface, depending upon the state of the water itself. If it is calm
and smooth, less light will be reflected.
If it is turbulent, with many waves, more light will be reflected. The light
that penetrates the surface is refracted due to the fact that light travels
faster in air than in water. Once it is within the water, light may be
scattered or absorbed by solid particles. Most of the visible light spectrum
is absorbed within 10 meters (33 feet) of the water's surface, and almost
none penetrates below 150 meters (490 feet) of water depth, even when the
water is very clear.
Greater abundances of solid particles in the water will decrease the depth
of light penetration. Therefore, water near the seashore that is more turbid
(cloudy) due to particles will show a decrease in light transmission, even
in shallow water. This is due to large numbers of particles brought in by
river systems, and biological production by microorganisms, as well as waves
, tides, and other water movement picking up debris on the ocean floor.
Light Spectrum.
Water selectively scatters and absorbs certain wavelengths of visible light.
The long wavelengths of the light spectrumred, yellow, and orangecan
penetrate to approximately 15, 30, and 50 meters (49, 98, and 164 feet),
respectively, while the short wavelengths of the light spectrumviolet,
blue and greencan penetrate further, to the lower limits of the euphotic
zone. Blue penetrates the deepest, which is why deep, clear ocean water and
some tropical water appear to be blue most of the time. Moreover, clearer
waters have fewer particles to affect the transmission of light, and
scattering by the water itself controls color. Water in shallow coastal
areas tends to contain a greater amount of particles that scatter or absorb
light wavelengths differently, which is why sea water close to shore may
appear more green or brown in color.
验出在18oz Norweigian jig上方3 feet用一个glow in dark的grub teaser, jigging
起来非常有效,非常consistently outfish船上其他人。可能是因为在这个深度能见度
很低,发荧光的目标更醒目。上个月用了一个chartuse的550g glow jig, 结果狂上鱼
,经常是jig一接近bottom就hook up,根本就不需要jigging action。这个jig的缺点
是体型flat,受水流影响大,550g的jig在水流急的情况下,要垂直hold bottom比较困
难。我想如果在Noreast一带常用的21 oz或24 oz的Norweigian jig上涂上一层glow涂
料,或者UV涂料(例如 http://uvfishvision.com/cart/),就具有下沉快,可见度高的双重优点,理论上会更有效。
抛砖引玉,希望爱好深海jigging的大牛们讨论指正,呵呵。 | k****n 发帖数: 2499 | 2 谢谢分享,没深海玩过。只有淡水可以玩,我以前有考虑过glow涂料,有人说没有用,
,以后我也要试试,看看能否在清晨和傍晚的时候带来更多鱼获 | b******d 发帖数: 1948 | 3 建议收藏,以后good good study,day day up 的时候,可以挖挖坟。 | W*******s 发帖数: 18705 | 4 发光的饵肯定在深海有效,这个已经是常识了。海里有很多发光的鱼类,常被捕食的鱿
用。大小口墙眼晚上猎食,不需要有荧光辅助,可能还会吓跑它们。 | m******h 发帖数: 5753 | 5 赞第一手经验,
我去年买了一些 glow tape, charge 以后可以强光30min, 之后可以保持12h,
【在 g*********r 的大作中提到】 : 今天学了点新知识,和大家分享: : Reflection, Refraction, and Color : The uppermost, sunlit layer of the ocean where 70 percent of the entire : amount of photosynthesis in the world takes place is called the euphotic : zone. It generally extends to a depth of 100 meters (330 feet). Below this : is the disphotic zone, between 100 and 1,000 meters (330 and 3,300 feet) : deep, which is dimly lit. Some animals are able to survive here, but no : plants. Although the amount of light is measurable at this range of depths, : there is not enough available for photosynthesis to take place. The layer of : the ocean where no light at all penetratesover 90 percent of the entire
| m**o 发帖数: 9137 | 6 淡水的小虾就有荧光,以前在国内钓鱼,晚上用活的小虾做鱼饵,一旦死了就不好用了。
前年用了一个我二妈里卖的很便宜的荧光1/64的JIG TUBE。钓无赖和可爱皮杠杠的。
冰钓没有试验过。 | g*********r 发帖数: 1443 | 7 在Maine冰钓smelt时,某高手用有荧光的sabiki比我钓得好,我用的是普通的sabiki。
不过当时我认为是人家手感比我好,smelt就在水下10 feet以内,好像不需要荧光。现
【在 m**o 的大作中提到】 : 淡水的小虾就有荧光,以前在国内钓鱼,晚上用活的小虾做鱼饵,一旦死了就不好用了。 : 用荧光钓到过不少可爱皮,无赖。 : 前年用了一个我二妈里卖的很便宜的荧光1/64的JIG TUBE。钓无赖和可爱皮杠杠的。 : 白鲈也很见效。 : 冰钓没有试验过。