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FleaMarket版 - 【转让】AA $50 Promotion Code
【出售】AA $50 Promotion CodeAA American Airlines 10% off code
Two $50 American Airline Promotion codes @ $20 each【【出售】】AA american airline 10% off for $10usd
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[出售]AA 100 off 250 coupon (could be applied up to 6 people)[出售] 10% off AA promotion code for $100 o.b.o
20% off American Airlines flights on aa.com coupon[出售]Air Canada 25% off code
[出售]AA 10% OFF coupon $15出Alaska airline companion fare discount 50
话题: code话题: promotion话题: aa话题: 25
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 36
$50 AA Promotion Code asking for $25 OBO, 8月10日过期,有意者站内联系.
Here are a few items to note when using your Promotion Code:
* To utilize the Promotion Code on a future purchase, the minimum base
fare of the itinerary must be the same or higher amount than the
Promotion Code amount. For example, your future itinerary must have a
base fare, excluding taxes and fees, of (Promotion Code amount) or
higher in order to use this Promotion Code.
* Future reservations using the Promotion Code must be booked online at
AA.com and will only allow one person in the reservation. Additional
customers must be booked separately as the discount would not apply to
* The Promotion Code may not be used for children ages 15 and under.
* The Promotion Code is valid for one-way or round-trip travel only.
Multi-City trips do not qualify.
* All reservations applying a Promotion Code are 'instant purchase'
and may not be placed on hold.
* The Promotion Code may not be applied to previously held or
purchased reservations.
* The Promotion Code is valid only on American Airlines, American
Eagle, and AmericanConnection and does not apply to other codeshare
* The Promotion Code is valid for one year from date of issue and will
not be replaced if lost.
* The following Embargo Dates Apply and are Subject to Change
(Public fare rules will impose embargos over and above the listed
2011 U.S. Domestic / All International
Jan 1-3; Feb 18-21; Mar 11-13 + 18-20 + 25-27; Apr 22-25; Jun 17-19 +
24-26; Jul 1-5; Nov 18-23 + 26-28; Dec 16-23 + 26-31
2012 U.S. Domestic / All International
Jan 1-2; Feb 17-20; Mar 9-12 + 16-18 + 23-25; Apr 6-9; May 25-28; Jun
29- Jul 1 + 6-8; Nov 16-21 + 24-26; Dec 21-24 + 28-31
1 (共1页)
出Alaska airline companion fare discount 50[出售] AA 10% coupon @10
Air Canada 15 PERCENT off Promotion Code for 2 150[出售]AA 100 off 250 coupon (could be applied up to 6 people)
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[出售]Delta 25K miles, US domestic ticket[出售]AA 10% OFF coupon $15
【出售】AA $50 Promotion CodeAA American Airlines 10% off code
Two $50 American Airline Promotion codes @ $20 each【【出售】】AA american airline 10% off for $10usd
[出售]American Airline 15% off coupon【出售】$100 off $250+ American Airlines Ticket coupon
【出售】25% AA Promotion Code coupon (gone)出售:100 Off American Airlines Flight of $250
话题: code话题: promotion话题: aa话题: 25