G**Y 发帖数: 33224 | 1 *** Don't read if you have already made up you mind ***
Why the Seahawks-Packers finish was not an interception, and why it would
have been called the same by any referee crew.
http://lifexinxrewind.wordpress.com/2012/09/26/why-the-seahawks |
l*x 发帖数: 14021 | 2 Pic #3: Tate two feet on the ground, where was his right hand?
The rule is simultaneous *control*. NOT possession. For possession you need
control *and* to touch the ground, thus control does not require touching
the ground. Order of *possession* does not matter, the receiver did not have
control just by having a hand on the ball. The defender had control first,
while in the air. Once he got control, maintained it, established possession
, and touched the ground with two feet, he’d intercepted it. |
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 3 你好执着啊 呵呵 包子奖励
ps:包子不代表本版立场 呵呵
【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】 : *** Don't read if you have already made up you mind *** : Why the Seahawks-Packers finish was not an interception, and why it would : have been called the same by any referee crew. : http://lifexinxrewind.wordpress.com/2012/09/26/why-the-seahawks
B******5 发帖数: 4676 | |
G**Y 发帖数: 33224 | 5 人家老美比你敬业
【在 l*x 的大作中提到】 : Pic #3: Tate two feet on the ground, where was his right hand? : The rule is simultaneous *control*. NOT possession. For possession you need : control *and* to touch the ground, thus control does not require touching : the ground. Order of *possession* does not matter, the receiver did not have : control just by having a hand on the ball. The defender had control first, : while in the air. Once he got control, maintained it, established possession : , and touched the ground with two feet, he’d intercepted it.
G**Y 发帖数: 33224 | 6 谢版主。
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 你好执着啊 呵呵 包子奖励 : ps:包子不代表本版立场 呵呵
l*x 发帖数: 14021 | 7 But that doesn't mean he was right. I am even more convinced it was an INT.
Tate's right hand never grabbed the ball until much later after his feet
landed. Look carefully, his right hand was only grabbing Jennings' hand and
then moved around to find the ball, but only found Jenning's arm. His feet
were on the ground already at that time.
I am using the gif from your link
Besides Seahawks fans, Packers haters, and the sub referees, how many people
think it was a TD.
【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】 : 人家老美比你敬业 : 多图,多角度,youtube慢镜头 : : need : have : , : possession
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 8 13% for who voted on espn,including seahawks fans, packer haters and sub
【在 l*x 的大作中提到】 : But that doesn't mean he was right. I am even more convinced it was an INT. : Tate's right hand never grabbed the ball until much later after his feet : landed. Look carefully, his right hand was only grabbing Jennings' hand and : then moved around to find the ball, but only found Jenning's arm. His feet : were on the ground already at that time. : I am using the gif from your link : Besides Seahawks fans, Packers haters, and the sub referees, how many people : think it was a TD.
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 9 可能先入为主吧 我最开始就认为是int 后面所有的讨论都没发让我reverse 哈哈
你真是海鸟球迷? 我咋觉得。。。
【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】 : 谢版主。 : 也不代表我本人立场。呵呵。 : 其他版友说的对。这东西就是先入为主。作为Seahawks的球迷,我不可能改变立场。 : 呵呵。 : 这贴只能给中立球迷看。
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 10 不是海鸟球迷能这么执着么...
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 可能先入为主吧 我最开始就认为是int 后面所有的讨论都没发让我reverse 哈哈 : 你真是海鸟球迷? 我咋觉得。。。
G**Y 发帖数: 33224 | 11 我是海鸟伪球迷,哈哈。
【在 p****s 的大作中提到】 : 不是海鸟球迷能这么执着么...
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 12 假设在washington州且闲着没事干跑到espn上投票的大部分都是海鸟球迷(我觉得这个
我昨天看了brady 6,然后看了一眼tuck rule,这个感觉比那个还狠了,不过那个是冠
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 可能先入为主吧 我最开始就认为是int 后面所有的讨论都没发让我reverse 哈哈 : 你真是海鸟球迷? 我咋觉得。。。
l*x 发帖数: 14021 | 13 I mean, seriously, you got the win already. that was huge. Enjoy the win and
move on. Don't feel like the world had just wronged you.
Not to mention there was the push off before the catch. Even NFL's statement
acknowledged that. So even you prove it was indeed a TD, Seahawks should
still have lost the game. |
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 14 俺觉得你是真球迷,关于海鸟是否td的帖子光主题你就发了7个了。不过既然你说了他
是海鸟真球迷,那他写的帖子也就算不了数了。conflict of interest, end of story
【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】 : 我是海鸟伪球迷,哈哈。 : 但是被老美真球迷的精神折服了。 : 不管人家说的对不对。 : 这态度太认真了。
G**Y 发帖数: 33224 | 15 Then why don't you move on and have to feel like the world had just wronged
【在 l*x 的大作中提到】 : I mean, seriously, you got the win already. that was huge. Enjoy the win and : move on. Don't feel like the world had just wronged you. : Not to mention there was the push off before the catch. Even NFL's statement : acknowledged that. So even you prove it was indeed a TD, Seahawks should : still have lost the game.
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 16 aglee, to GGYY, if you want to persuade us (the packer fans and the soysauce
fans) that seahawks won the game by their own, you will fail eventually. As
a soysauce fan, I also wanted sewhawks to win the game, just for the upset.
.. but the way they won it was just too unacceptable.
【在 l*x 的大作中提到】 : I mean, seriously, you got the win already. that was huge. Enjoy the win and : move on. Don't feel like the world had just wronged you. : Not to mention there was the push off before the catch. Even NFL's statement : acknowledged that. So even you prove it was indeed a TD, Seahawks should : still have lost the game.
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 17 That''s because they got wronged...and it is not him not moving on, just
look at the posts of you on the board, you have the most posts about the
seahawks touchdown...
【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】 : Then why don't you move on and have to feel like the world had just wronged : you. : : and : statement
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 18 不要试图说服教育了 用最近时髦的词“见仁见智”吧
最后的结果已经不可能更改了 球队跟球迷都应该move on
我只是觉得 绿湾今年的状态和赛程 没准最后就倒在这场比赛上
如果最后跟海鸟用这个tie breaker 那就更是讽刺。。。
GGYY这点挺老美的 “占了便宜”还非要让别人心悦诚服 呵呵
俺比较老中 如果遇到这种事 一般就偷着笑拉倒了
【在 p****s 的大作中提到】 : 俺觉得你是真球迷,关于海鸟是否td的帖子光主题你就发了7个了。不过既然你说了他 : 是海鸟真球迷,那他写的帖子也就算不了数了。conflict of interest, end of story : .
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 19 俺可没试图说服教育,哈哈。我觉得是他想说服版上的人那个球是好球啊。我只是觉得
版上老是这样的贴子很无聊,radio talkheads已经说够多了的。
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 不要试图说服教育了 用最近时髦的词“见仁见智”吧 : 最后的结果已经不可能更改了 球队跟球迷都应该move on : 我只是觉得 绿湾今年的状态和赛程 没准最后就倒在这场比赛上 : 如果最后跟海鸟用这个tie breaker 那就更是讽刺。。。 : GGYY这点挺老美的 “占了便宜”还非要让别人心悦诚服 呵呵 : 当然骨子里认为“没占便宜” : 俺比较老中 如果遇到这种事 一般就偷着笑拉倒了 : : story
l*x 发帖数: 14021 | 20 Did I start this thread? I didn't initiate any discussion or claim Packers
got robbed. I just had a few replies. Most of my posts here the last couple
days are about other topics.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you to enjoy the win and don't feel like you
have to justify it. That's part of the sports. I know what happened to the
Seahawks in the SB a few years ago. Sh** happen.
【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】 : Then why don't you move on and have to feel like the world had just wronged : you. : : and : statement
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 21 不吵了不吵了 呵呵 何必呢。。。
【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】 : Then why don't you move on and have to feel like the world had just wronged : you. : : and : statement
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 22 我不要了,我打酱油,真正觉得不爽的是lpx,我是太闲了...这不是个好习惯...要不
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 不吵了不吵了 呵呵 何必呢。。。 : 要不给你们三都发个包子?
G**Y 发帖数: 33224 | 23 我也不吵了。我给大家发包子谢罪。
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 不吵了不吵了 呵呵 何必呢。。。 : 要不给你们三都发个包子?
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 24 不过我真心佩服GGYY,就算是我的母校我也不会这么维护了。不过之前有人攻击JT说他
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 不吵了不吵了 呵呵 何必呢。。。 : 要不给你们三都发个包子?
l*x 发帖数: 14021 | 25 I was not angry at all, nor was I trying to argue with anyone. Instead, I
was trying to do the opposite. This is sports, sh** happen, whether you get
the good end or the bad end of the deal, move on. It's not like one team
always get lucky and the other team not. Seahawks got some bad calls in
their SB. So sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. There is really
no need to convince the other people. Just forget about it and take the W. I
wish Packers got the W, and the world condemn us.
【在 p****s 的大作中提到】 : 我不要了,我打酱油,真正觉得不爽的是lpx,我是太闲了...这不是个好习惯...要不 : 您再开一个新的好玩的话题好了
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 26 哈哈 本版除了三大匪首 其他球迷势力太小 不过绿湾最近颇有些球迷
【在 p****s 的大作中提到】 : 我不要了,我打酱油,真正觉得不爽的是lpx,我是太闲了...这不是个好习惯...要不 : 您再开一个新的好玩的话题好了
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 27 您心真宽...我想要是哪天我校球队真被黑了我估计也要骂娘了,当然如果黑了别人就
【在 l*x 的大作中提到】 : I was not angry at all, nor was I trying to argue with anyone. Instead, I : was trying to do the opposite. This is sports, sh** happen, whether you get : the good end or the bad end of the deal, move on. It's not like one team : always get lucky and the other team not. Seahawks got some bad calls in : their SB. So sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. There is really : no need to convince the other people. Just forget about it and take the W. I : wish Packers got the W, and the world condemn us.
l*x 发帖数: 14021 | 28 当然骂了,只是不在这里骂而已。
【在 p****s 的大作中提到】 : 您心真宽...我想要是哪天我校球队真被黑了我估计也要骂娘了,当然如果黑了别人就 : 偷着乐了,哈哈。 : : get : I
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 29 俺现在支持的球队基本都烂 所以心态很平和 呵呵
【在 l*x 的大作中提到】 : 当然骂了,只是不在这里骂而已。 : 心真宽的话,就不是真球迷了。
z*i 发帖数: 58873 | 30 有这好事?
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 不吵了不吵了 呵呵 何必呢。。。 : 要不给你们三都发个包子?
z*i 发帖数: 58873 | 31 有这好事,排着!
【在 G**Y 的大作中提到】 : 我也不吵了。我给大家发包子谢罪。
b******t 发帖数: 677 | 32 即便你对control的解释是对的,你可以现有control在有possession
视屏截图很清楚表明,golden tate双手抓球双脚落地的时候,jennings的一只脚还在
空中,这个时候怎么都不能算jennings catch the ball或者interception,因为都还
而此时,比赛已经结束了,因为tate已经 touchdown了
【在 l*x 的大作中提到】 : 当然骂了,只是不在这里骂而已。 : 心真宽的话,就不是真球迷了。
JZ 发帖数: 437 | 33
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 不要试图说服教育了 用最近时髦的词“见仁见智”吧 : 最后的结果已经不可能更改了 球队跟球迷都应该move on : 我只是觉得 绿湾今年的状态和赛程 没准最后就倒在这场比赛上 : 如果最后跟海鸟用这个tie breaker 那就更是讽刺。。。 : GGYY这点挺老美的 “占了便宜”还非要让别人心悦诚服 呵呵 : 当然骨子里认为“没占便宜” : 俺比较老中 如果遇到这种事 一般就偷着笑拉倒了 : : story
a***x 发帖数: 26368 | 34 行了,行了,别卖乖了。俺继续去扎楼下的鸭子去了。。。。
【在 b******t 的大作中提到】 : 即便你对control的解释是对的,你可以现有control在有possession : 视屏截图很清楚表明,golden tate双手抓球双脚落地的时候,jennings的一只脚还在 : 空中,这个时候怎么都不能算jennings catch the ball或者interception,因为都还 : 没双脚落地。 : 而此时,比赛已经结束了,因为tate已经 touchdown了 : : need : have : , : possession
l*x 发帖数: 14021 | 35 Let me show you the other side of the picture. Two hands on the ball?
The point is moot anyway. Let's move on. My last post on this topic.
p.s. If you are a seahawks fan, talk more about the 8 sacks. That was
beautiful defense and should get the credit for the win. |
b******t 发帖数: 677 | 36 we should not miss this one then :)
【在 l*x 的大作中提到】 : Let me show you the other side of the picture. Two hands on the ball? : The point is moot anyway. Let's move on. My last post on this topic. : p.s. If you are a seahawks fan, talk more about the 8 sacks. That was : beautiful defense and should get the credit for the win.
l*x 发帖数: 14021 | 37 Come on, Get the basic facts straight, please. It's who CONTROLs the ball
first matters, not whose feet land on the ground. CONTROL <> PROCESSION.
CONTROL doesn't need both feet on the ground.
Hochuli defined a simultaneous catch as one in which four hands secure the
football at the same time. It is not a simultaneous catch, he says, if one
player has it in mid-air and then another joins him in the act of possessing
it. The player who had possessed the ball first (in the case of Monday's
game, Jennings) is the one who should be rewarded with possession.
First-and-10 on A20. A2 and B3 simultaneously control a pass in the air at
the A40. As they land, one or both players fall down to the ground.
Ruling: A’s ball, first-and-10 on A40. The ball is dead.
First-and-10 on A20. A2 controls a pass in the air at the A40. B3 then also
gets control of the ball before they land. As they land, A2 and B3 fall down
to the ground. Ruling: A’s ball, first-and-10 on A40. Not a simultaneous
catch as A2 gains control first and retains control.
【在 b******t 的大作中提到】 : we should not miss this one then :)
L*1 发帖数: 11537 | 38 As a long time Packers fun, I do not think Packers got robbed, as it can
really go either way -- unfortunately, it went the way not in favor for
The killer was the missed pass interference call. |
w*****r 发帖数: 153 | 39 Totally agree. When I saw the live play, I felt it was a simultaneous catch
and thus a TD. After watching numerous replays, I'd say Jennings had more
control of the ball.But I can't say who established the control or
possession first.
The call on OPI would have made everything a lot simpler and easier.
【在 L*1 的大作中提到】 : As a long time Packers fun, I do not think Packers got robbed, as it can : really go either way -- unfortunately, it went the way not in favor for : Packers. : The killer was the missed pass interference call.
b******t 发帖数: 677 | 40 纯技术讨论, my view
你control ball而没有最后的possession没有用,因为比赛在你有possesion之前在最
在看一眼这张图,Jennings在落地前,tate已经control the ball,双脚落地,这已经
符合touchdown的要求所以touchdown complete,比赛在此时此刻已经没有时间所以也
所以也不存在之后的Jennings落地还继续maintain possession之类包括谁先control
【在 l*x 的大作中提到】 : Come on, Get the basic facts straight, please. It's who CONTROLs the ball : first matters, not whose feet land on the ground. CONTROL <> PROCESSION. : CONTROL doesn't need both feet on the ground. : Hochuli defined a simultaneous catch as one in which four hands secure the : football at the same time. It is not a simultaneous catch, he says, if one : player has it in mid-air and then another joins him in the act of possessing : it. The player who had possessed the ball first (in the case of Monday's : game, Jennings) is the one who should be rewarded with possession. : A.R. 8.26 SIMULTANEOUS CATCH : First-and-10 on A20. A2 and B3 simultaneously control a pass in the air at
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 41 你们还在讨论技术细节啊 呵呵
俺头脑简单 认识问题方式比较直接
结合整个drive 绿湾从头到尾被黑 本该拿下的比赛(难看点)被吹没了
【在 b******t 的大作中提到】 : 纯技术讨论, my view : 你control ball而没有最后的possession没有用,因为比赛在你有possesion之前在最 : 后判定SIMULTANEOUS CATCH谁有球权之前已经结束了。 : 在看一眼这张图,Jennings在落地前,tate已经control the ball,双脚落地,这已经 : 符合touchdown的要求所以touchdown complete,比赛在此时此刻已经没有时间所以也 : 应该结束。 : 所以也不存在之后的Jennings落地还继续maintain possession之类包括谁先control : ball的争议。 : : possessing
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 42 确实,之前拿下一个first down就彻底没事了。可能搞个safety也比这强了...(为什么
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 你们还在讨论技术细节啊 呵呵 : 俺头脑简单 认识问题方式比较直接 : 结合整个drive 绿湾从头到尾被黑 本该拿下的比赛(难看点)被吹没了
P*******e 发帖数: 39399 | 43 差5分吧 safety2分 就差一个FG了 多少有点点冒险
所以之前那个2point conversation未必是个good call 当然这是事后诸葛。。。
不过我支持前面那个帖子 绿湾如果早早自己拿下比赛 就没那么多事了 呵呵
move on week4马上开始了 看似毫无悬念的比赛。。。
【在 p****s 的大作中提到】 : 确实,之前拿下一个first down就彻底没事了。可能搞个safety也比这强了...(为什么 : 不搞呢,对比赛结果ms没啥影响)
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 44 好吧,那是我记错了,那不搞safety也是对的
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 差5分吧 safety2分 就差一个FG了 多少有点点冒险 : 所以之前那个2point conversation未必是个good call 当然这是事后诸葛。。。 : 不过我支持前面那个帖子 绿湾如果早早自己拿下比赛 就没那么多事了 呵呵 : move on week4马上开始了 看似毫无悬念的比赛。。。
p****s 发帖数: 3153 | 45 前布朗队对现布朗队八连胜了,上次布朗队赢球是不是还是derek anderson当qb的时候?
【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】 : 差5分吧 safety2分 就差一个FG了 多少有点点冒险 : 所以之前那个2point conversation未必是个good call 当然这是事后诸葛。。。 : 不过我支持前面那个帖子 绿湾如果早早自己拿下比赛 就没那么多事了 呵呵 : move on week4马上开始了 看似毫无悬念的比赛。。。