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Go版 - 大师給Chess Player推荐围棋的3个理由
Chess Grandmaster Tiger Hillarp 晋级1D初段Palm Pixi 的一个软件里面声音似乎被变振动了
喜见黄克再出山2011 US go congress?
人工智能自行学习国际象棋72小时从零到达国际大师水准围棋和Shedd Aquarium哪个更好玩?
Re: 突然想起了一个问题今天给160个美国中学生普及了围棋。
Check this out. A good survey of Computer GoFla. school district to add chess to curriculum
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话题: chess话题: go话题: player话题: tiger话题: started
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发帖数: 19398
大师給Chess Player推荐围棋的3个理由
Many chess players who discover go seem to leave chess behind, but notable
Swedish grandmaster Tiger Hillarp Person , the author of “Tiger’s Modern,
” finds go to be a nice complement to his enjoyment of chess. Persson
recently started blogging at “Chess at the Bag of Cats,” where he has set
up a go section. He writes: “I started out with Go in the beginning of 2011
and, after a rapid rise to about 9kyu, I’ve been gaining around 4kyu a
year since then.
I can really recommend chess players to do this for a number of reasons.
First, if you are too tactically inclined a player, then by playing Go you
will be forced to think about things like ‘structure’ and ‘plans’.
Secondly, if you work as a coach, reliving the struggle of being a beginner
at a difficult game (like Chess – or Go) will definitely improve your
understanding of those you are coaching.
Thirdly, there are few things that let you appreciate the ‘nature’ of what
you have learned as a chess player. Learning Go will make it obvious that
you know stuff that transcends the chess board.”
-Roy Laird, with thanks to Michael Bacon for sending the link.
1 (共1页)
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Chess Grandmaster Tiger Hillarp 晋级1D初段Palm Pixi 的一个软件里面声音似乎被变振动了
喜见黄克再出山2011 US go congress?
人工智能自行学习国际象棋72小时从零到达国际大师水准围棋和Shedd Aquarium哪个更好玩?
Re: 突然想起了一个问题今天给160个美国中学生普及了围棋。
话题: chess话题: go话题: player话题: tiger话题: started