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Golf版 - 2007 US Open Course: Oakmont Country Club
Tiger in Oakmont怎么成绩都这么差
Go ETanother round +9
How about this driver deal?90% golfer are 90+
Here are some reference about Handicap今天最drama的一洞
Wie disqualified in Pro-debutDriver head size: bigger the better??
first par in my life昨天打的tournament
U groove or V grooveanyone join USGA?
Phil criticized USGA harshlydoublepar: mind introducing urself to us
话题: oakmont话题: open话题: club话题: country话题: course
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10701
Oakmont Country Club in Oakmont, Pa., is the site of the 2007 U.S. Open. In
fact, Oakmont has been the site of the U.S. Open more often than any other
course, also hosting in 1927, 1935, 1953, 1962, 1973, 1983 and 1994.
Oakmont is regarded as one of the most challenging golf courses in the world
. Its membership likes it that way - the USGA actually slows its greens down
for the U.S. Open.
When and Who: Oakmont Country Club's original design was courtesy of Henry C
. Fownes, who founded the club
1 (共1页)
doublepar: mind introducing urself to usWie disqualified in Pro-debut
明天的Masters final round应该很精彩。first par in my life
今天才是见识了U groove or V groove
5 birdiesPhil criticized USGA harshly
Tiger in Oakmont怎么成绩都这么差
Go ETanother round +9
How about this driver deal?90% golfer are 90+
Here are some reference about Handicap今天最drama的一洞
话题: oakmont话题: open话题: club话题: country话题: course