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Golf版 - question for ET
Why do you golf?Golf is a gambling
ET, how to improve putting?Re: 这么冷的天,大家出来晒晒吧,都买到什么好东西了?
Morning!Golf is addictive
who told me MJ is a really good golferNew Improvements in 2009
shoes dealTo Ski or not Ski, To Golf or not Golf (转载)
在美国学golf - 1第一次接触GOLF,是不是应该去个driving range,玩玩开球了?
UT golf club facts.调查一下:各位的老婆大人支持打球吗?
my new home course - falcon head golf course[转载] Golf有什么国内叫得的牌子吗?
话题: et话题: tho话题: question话题: week话题: long
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 28
I am getting serious about golf now, how long did it take you get where you
are at now (lown 70's), how often do you practice each week ?
发帖数: 10701
how long? 3 and half years.. I am still not a consistent low 70's yet..
it just happened seveal times.
i basically pratice every single day, still have to rely on the weather tho.
so 80% of 365 could be more reasonable. I don't pratice as long as I used
to be for each session nowadays tho. Maybe one hour or less.


【在 p*****8 的大作中提到】
: I am getting serious about golf now, how long did it take you get where you
: are at now (lown 70's), how often do you practice each week ?
: thanks.

发帖数: 290
man u really love golf, i went to drive range three times a week, i thought
i play a lot already, u did better. but i improved a lot by hitting 600
balls a week last three months.


【在 ET 的大作中提到】
: how long? 3 and half years.. I am still not a consistent low 70's yet..
: it just happened seveal times.
: i basically pratice every single day, still have to rely on the weather tho.
: so 80% of 365 could be more reasonable. I don't pratice as long as I used
: to be for each session nowadays tho. Maybe one hour or less.
: you

发帖数: 904
most people won't be able to get to low 70s in 3 and a half years. but, most
people will become addicted within 3 and a half years.


【在 ET 的大作中提到】
: how long? 3 and half years.. I am still not a consistent low 70's yet..
: it just happened seveal times.
: i basically pratice every single day, still have to rely on the weather tho.
: so 80% of 365 could be more reasonable. I don't pratice as long as I used
: to be for each session nowadays tho. Maybe one hour or less.
: you

1 (共1页)
[转载] Golf有什么国内叫得的牌子吗?shoes deal
在家练球ABC (什么叫包子,有牛肉吗?)在美国学golf - 1
地下室练球网UT golf club facts.
推荐一个上班闲的时候电脑上的my new home course - falcon head golf course
Why do you golf?Golf is a gambling
ET, how to improve putting?Re: 这么冷的天,大家出来晒晒吧,都买到什么好东西了?
Morning!Golf is addictive
who told me MJ is a really good golferNew Improvements in 2009
话题: et话题: tho话题: question话题: week话题: long