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Golf版 - 没想到Waggle这么有用
tom watsongolf galaxy has free regrip deal with 8 grip (+) purchase
Choi's putterWhere do you guys change grips?
昨天的golf lesson各位大侠用什么类型的高球握杆套?
Jason Dufner 击球前的waggle很有特点新手练习后第二天早上左手三个手指痛
奔swing videoSony Open Round 3 Results
what is your grip like?the memorial
re-gripTiger shot -4 with 66
How much to change lie angle and shaft length?k.j. choi's drive distance
话题: grip话题: waggle话题: arms话题: squaring话题: tiger
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 321
以前在5 lessons里看到,没觉得有啥用,今天突然感觉到了:
1.Double check the correct grip, and grip pressure.
2.Preview the squaring of club face during impact.
3.Preset the swing speed.
4.Reduce tension of the arms/hands.
5.if you have a chance to practice with Tiger, you may end up in sync with
him, just like KJ Choi did. hehe
发帖数: 467
Yes, I didn't pay much attention to it until recently. To me, the most
important thing about waggle is the No.4 you listed here. relaxed arms and
hands(thus lighter grip pressure) really make some differences.

【在 p******g 的大作中提到】
: 以前在5 lessons里看到,没觉得有啥用,今天突然感觉到了:
: 1.Double check the correct grip, and grip pressure.
: 2.Preview the squaring of club face during impact.
: 3.Preset the swing speed.
: 4.Reduce tension of the arms/hands.
: 5.if you have a chance to practice with Tiger, you may end up in sync with
: him, just like KJ Choi did. hehe

发帖数: 321
yeah. It almost cured my slice today... - old (and bad) habits die slow...

【在 t*****n 的大作中提到】
: Yes, I didn't pay much attention to it until recently. To me, the most
: important thing about waggle is the No.4 you listed here. relaxed arms and
: hands(thus lighter grip pressure) really make some differences.

1 (共1页)
k.j. choi's drive distance奔swing video
Garcia leads the field by 2 strokeswhat is your grip like?
K.J Choi leads the fieldre-grip
target challengeHow much to change lie angle and shaft length?
tom watsongolf galaxy has free regrip deal with 8 grip (+) purchase
Choi's putterWhere do you guys change grips?
昨天的golf lesson各位大侠用什么类型的高球握杆套?
Jason Dufner 击球前的waggle很有特点新手练习后第二天早上左手三个手指痛
话题: grip话题: waggle话题: arms话题: squaring话题: tiger