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Golf版 - tom watson
有人用过momentus那个swing trainer没?击球中手腕的发力是不是也很重要啊?
ernie els swing using wrist by golf magazine关于THIN,FAT给MEDSON
挥杆-铁杆 视频你是swinger还是hitter
Tom Watson真是老当益壮,60岁了还这么牛!这个月的练习重点
Ran into two long hitters this weekend四大满贯赛事之一--美国名人赛历史介绍 --ZT from sina
Do you "compress" or "trap" the ball with your iron shots ?四大满贯赛事之一--美国名人赛历史介绍--ZT
Driver 一问.高尔夫美国名人赛冠军荣誉:披上绿上衣--ZT
话题: rhythm话题: ball话题: grip话题: watson话题: same
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2325
had a instruction session on G channel to promote his DVD
he wants more money or leave some legacy?
the points he stressed i haven't heard before:
***use light grip pressure, old school wagge to loosen up, grip pressure
is tied to swing rhythm
*** alignment, pick a aim line near the ball, then set up. looking at
target may get disconnected since it is far away
*** use bigger turn (but same rhythm) when you want more distance
I thought tempo and rhythm are the same thing, but just figured out
发帖数: 421
my major cause of slice is ball position......how to place the ball at the
same position consistantly?


【在 v*****r 的大作中提到】
: had a instruction session on G channel to promote his DVD
: he wants more money or leave some legacy?
: the points he stressed i haven't heard before:
: ***use light grip pressure, old school wagge to loosen up, grip pressure
: is tied to swing rhythm
: *** alignment, pick a aim line near the ball, then set up. looking at
: target may get disconnected since it is far away
: *** use bigger turn (but same rhythm) when you want more distance
: I thought tempo and rhythm are the same thing, but just figured out

发帖数: 4031
heard of light grip pressure and know Fred Couples grips his clubs very
lightly while swinging. It doesn't work out with me. As for curing a slice,
I usually have a slightly strong left-hand grip, presetting the club face
close at stance, and I don't intentionally cock my wrists or let my wrist
angle change in the backswing. And I don't intentionally rotate up my left
palm at or after impact.
发帖数: 10701


【在 v*****r 的大作中提到】
: had a instruction session on G channel to promote his DVD
: he wants more money or leave some legacy?
: the points he stressed i haven't heard before:
: ***use light grip pressure, old school wagge to loosen up, grip pressure
: is tied to swing rhythm
: *** alignment, pick a aim line near the ball, then set up. looking at
: target may get disconnected since it is far away
: *** use bigger turn (but same rhythm) when you want more distance
: I thought tempo and rhythm are the same thing, but just figured out

发帖数: 2325
ball position varies according to club.
don't understand why you try to "place the ball at the same position
consistantly "...

【在 r*****a 的大作中提到】
: my major cause of slice is ball position......how to place the ball at the
: same position consistantly?
: while

发帖数: 2325
the second item is from nicklaus, as watson told.
the third item, watson didn't give source.
he also said Augusta national favor long hitters, he had difficulty to land
his ball to favorable slopes which set up easier green approach... no
wonder very few short hitters in masters top 10 except Choi...

【在 ET 的大作中提到】
: 谁总结的最后2个,
: 很到位。
: while

发帖数: 10701
因为choi的fade shot能settle quicker on green?


【在 v*****r 的大作中提到】
: the second item is from nicklaus, as watson told.
: the third item, watson didn't give source.
: he also said Augusta national favor long hitters, he had difficulty to land
: his ball to favorable slopes which set up easier green approach... no
: wonder very few short hitters in masters top 10 except Choi...

1 (共1页)
高尔夫美国名人赛冠军荣誉:披上绿上衣--ZTTom Watson真是老当益壮,60岁了还这么牛!
新手买clubRan into two long hitters this weekend
Who will win the last glory this year?Do you "compress" or "trap" the ball with your iron shots ?
how can phil be so goodDriver 一问.
有人用过momentus那个swing trainer没?击球中手腕的发力是不是也很重要啊?
ernie els swing using wrist by golf magazine关于THIN,FAT给MEDSON
挥杆-铁杆 视频你是swinger还是hitter
话题: rhythm话题: ball话题: grip话题: watson话题: same