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Golf版 - question
Custom Fit的区别能有多大?golf club fitting
想Customize my clubs,俺准备翻译一本书
recommend a branded driver and driver custom fittingsuggestion on clubs
阿冲球包丢了4 clubs for +2
关于iron setparid harrington hole #7
这周末 Custom Fit 了一套新铁杆为什么说blade好做球
Question about golf fittingprivate golf club
anyone tried customizing clubs?小推荐一个DC/VA:Sterling Golf and Swim Club
话题: fitting话题: et话题: custom话题: question话题: fitted
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17
first of all , thanks for ET's "how could I gain more distance" post.
it got me thinking, i shot right at 90, should a golfer like me to go and get
custom fited? you know, if it's not that expensive.
发帖数: 10701
based on any coach's expericne and advice.
customer fitting is always good, no matter for pros or beginner.
sometimes, beginners need more customlization than pros.
so, if u think it's affordable, go for it and it's good for your game.
接下来是我个人的见解,我为什么到现在也没去做customilized fitting,我不知道是不
是那么make sense还是我在走冤枉路。希望不是啦。
golf是一项很precise的game。它的precise建立在swing时body control在每次都有很少
而customized fitting很多是建立在golfer体形,flexibity, swing speed而找出的一个
答案。比如为客户选择合适的loft, lie, shaft length。

【在 c**e 的大作中提到】
: first of all , thanks for ET's "how could I gain more distance" post.
: it got me thinking, i shot right at 90, should a golfer like me to go and get
: custom fited? you know, if it's not that expensive.

发帖数: 17
thanks for the reply ET, but you misread my post, i said i shot at 90, my
score is 90 not my dirve.
发帖数: 10701
oh. i am sorry.
90 is good. bogery game. customized fitting will help a lot, I assume.
keep us update after u've done it.

【在 c**e 的大作中提到】
: thanks for the reply ET, but you misread my post, i said i shot at 90, my
: score is 90 not my dirve.

发帖数: 210
before u go have your clubs fitted, do you regularly take lessons from
pros if u don't mind my asking? the reason is that your teaching pro knows best about your swing and he/she should give you the best advice on whether you should have you clubs custom fitted.
club fitting is not cheap. over here is 150/hour with the top guys and if you
want to have both irons and woods custom fitted is going to be a couple of
hours. plus you have to pay for the clubs. it can easily run into a couple of

【在 c**e 的大作中提到】
: first of all , thanks for ET's "how could I gain more distance" post.
: it got me thinking, i shot right at 90, should a golfer like me to go and get
: custom fited? you know, if it's not that expensive.

1 (共1页)
小推荐一个DC/VA:Sterling Golf and Swim Club关于iron set
first day fitness这周末 Custom Fit 了一套新铁杆
版主狂奔-我golf oriented fitness routineQuestion about golf fitting
My golf-oriented fitness routineanyone tried customizing clubs?
Custom Fit的区别能有多大?golf club fitting
想Customize my clubs,俺准备翻译一本书
recommend a branded driver and driver custom fittingsuggestion on clubs
阿冲球包丢了4 clubs for +2
话题: fitting话题: et话题: custom话题: question话题: fitted