l*******u 发帖数: 12906 | 1 如果文章违反版规,致以歉意并请删帖
【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】
发信人: lihuahuhu (huhu), 信区: Seattle
标 题: 弓和弩哪一个更好学
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 1 17:45:11 2011, 美东)
有hunting license,应该不用特殊的弓箭狩猎license了吧?希望能射中个兔子或者松
西版上我记得有st louis(拼写正确?)来的。这类东西是不是在密苏里州卖的便宜不
少? |
k**********i 发帖数: 8706 | 2 怎么会违规,本版刀枪棍棒弓箭都可以讨论
【在 l*******u 的大作中提到】 : 如果文章违反版规,致以歉意并请删帖 : 【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】 : 发信人: lihuahuhu (huhu), 信区: Seattle : 标 题: 弓和弩哪一个更好学 : 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 1 17:45:11 2011, 美东) : 夏天想学学射箭,体会下冷兵器的魅力。附件中的弓和弩的射速都能达到300fps(差不 : 多200mile/hour,应该和飞机起飞的速度相当)。哪一个更容易学?个人感觉弩省力一 : 点,拉弓的话可能玩几下就累了(如果能减肥可以考虑)。 : 有hunting license,应该不用特殊的弓箭狩猎license了吧?希望能射中个兔子或者松 : 鼠,不知道多长时间可以做到。
l*******u 发帖数: 12906 | 3 感谢下先。在下希望得到各位入门指点。
【在 k**********i 的大作中提到】 : 怎么会违规,本版刀枪棍棒弓箭都可以讨论 : 热烈欢迎 : 话说本版有不少弓弩大拿,或许他们能回答你的问题
k**0 发帖数: 19737 | 4 弩很容易,有些有准星,基本属于直射类武器,弓要靠感觉,难练得多。 |
l*******u 发帖数: 12906 | 5 我图里的弩有瞄准镜,是不是更好学一点?
【在 k**0 的大作中提到】 : 弩很容易,有些有准星,基本属于直射类武器,弓要靠感觉,难练得多。
k**0 发帖数: 19737 | 6 有瞄准镜更容易调校。玩弓的话至少自己要找点材料看看。
【在 l*******u 的大作中提到】 : 我图里的弩有瞄准镜,是不是更好学一点? : 需要找老师或者学校吗?还是自己玩就可以? : 我图上的这个网络上报价是850。这个价钱怎么样?有什么牌子能否推荐一下?
l*******u 发帖数: 12906 | 7 感谢大侠
【在 k**0 的大作中提到】 : 有瞄准镜更容易调校。玩弓的话至少自己要找点材料看看。 : 买啥型号真要等其他人回答了,我弓弩都玩太少了。
t******y 发帖数: 5040 | 8 弩容易太多了。
所以,各有优缺点。弩只是入门容易。 |
f**s 发帖数: 2225 | 9 但是弩限制多,俺们这非残疾人弩猎和firearm一个season
【在 t******y 的大作中提到】 : 弩容易太多了。 : 弓很麻烦的,必须量身定制,要到店里按你的身材来调整的。 : 没有摸到窍门,60-70磅的弓是拉不开的,而弩可以用腿部和腰部的力量,不难。 : 调好的弓相对更安静,而弩弹开了声音很大,考虑到箭的速度并不快,猎物听到声音后一跳,你射的箭要么就是偏了,要么就是落空了。 : 要补箭的话,也是弓更容易一些,开弓更快一点;弩每次都必须弯腰弯腿的,动静非常大。 : 如果要狩猎,一般要用到树挂,爬到30英尺高的地方。那个树挂,能站脚的地方,不过2平方英尺,你想想在这么高的地方,上身还要绑上安全带,怎么好弯腰上弩? : 所以,各有优缺点。弩只是入门容易。
l*******u 发帖数: 12906 | 10 感谢专业意见
【在 t******y 的大作中提到】 : 弩容易太多了。 : 弓很麻烦的,必须量身定制,要到店里按你的身材来调整的。 : 没有摸到窍门,60-70磅的弓是拉不开的,而弩可以用腿部和腰部的力量,不难。 : 调好的弓相对更安静,而弩弹开了声音很大,考虑到箭的速度并不快,猎物听到声音后一跳,你射的箭要么就是偏了,要么就是落空了。 : 要补箭的话,也是弓更容易一些,开弓更快一点;弩每次都必须弯腰弯腿的,动静非常大。 : 如果要狩猎,一般要用到树挂,爬到30英尺高的地方。那个树挂,能站脚的地方,不过2平方英尺,你想想在这么高的地方,上身还要绑上安全带,怎么好弯腰上弩? : 所以,各有优缺点。弩只是入门容易。
l*******u 发帖数: 12906 | 11 是不是带弓/弩也通常要带枪?
【在 f**s 的大作中提到】 : 但是弩限制多,俺们这非残疾人弩猎和firearm一个season : : 后一跳,你射的箭要么就是偏了,要么就是落空了。 : 常大。 : 过2平方英尺,你想想在这么高的地方,上身还要绑上安全带,怎么好弯腰上弩?
f**s 发帖数: 2225 | 12 只能用弓的猎季是不能带枪的,否则违法
【在 l*******u 的大作中提到】 : 是不是带弓/弩也通常要带枪?
M*******n 发帖数: 1165 | |
t******y 发帖数: 5040 | 14
【在 M*******n 的大作中提到】 : 想体会冷兵器还是弓吧,弩跟枪已经感觉比较像了
m*****g 发帖数: 320 | 15 不错了,NC买弩需要pistol purchase permit
【在 f**s 的大作中提到】 : 但是弩限制多,俺们这非残疾人弩猎和firearm一个season : : 后一跳,你射的箭要么就是偏了,要么就是落空了。 : 常大。 : 过2平方英尺,你想想在这么高的地方,上身还要绑上安全带,怎么好弯腰上弩?
m*****g 发帖数: 320 | 16 弓的量身定制也不绝对
long bow就简单很多,male adult基本就一个尺寸,只想打小动物的话draw weight满
compound bow绝对需要到店里试射调整,不过上手快很多。三个月达到20码射兔子的水
【在 t******y 的大作中提到】 : 弩容易太多了。 : 弓很麻烦的,必须量身定制,要到店里按你的身材来调整的。 : 没有摸到窍门,60-70磅的弓是拉不开的,而弩可以用腿部和腰部的力量,不难。 : 调好的弓相对更安静,而弩弹开了声音很大,考虑到箭的速度并不快,猎物听到声音后一跳,你射的箭要么就是偏了,要么就是落空了。 : 要补箭的话,也是弓更容易一些,开弓更快一点;弩每次都必须弯腰弯腿的,动静非常大。 : 如果要狩猎,一般要用到树挂,爬到30英尺高的地方。那个树挂,能站脚的地方,不过2平方英尺,你想想在这么高的地方,上身还要绑上安全带,怎么好弯腰上弩? : 所以,各有优缺点。弩只是入门容易。
s*******d 发帖数: 3991 | 17 弩和弓的hunting time不一样
【在 l*******u 的大作中提到】 : 如果文章违反版规,致以歉意并请删帖 : 【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】 : 发信人: lihuahuhu (huhu), 信区: Seattle : 标 题: 弓和弩哪一个更好学 : 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 1 17:45:11 2011, 美东) : 夏天想学学射箭,体会下冷兵器的魅力。附件中的弓和弩的射速都能达到300fps(差不 : 多200mile/hour,应该和飞机起飞的速度相当)。哪一个更容易学?个人感觉弩省力一 : 点,拉弓的话可能玩几下就累了(如果能减肥可以考虑)。 : 有hunting license,应该不用特殊的弓箭狩猎license了吧?希望能射中个兔子或者松 : 鼠,不知道多长时间可以做到。
c*******r 发帖数: 1243 | 18 一点体会分享。
300-400的弓不能用,仅以我的经历给你个参考。 |
c********p 发帖数: 322 | 19 crossbow is illegal if you are not disabled or old enough in many states.
just go compound bow, I play with that before.
It is fun, but might cost more than guns in short term. |
c********p 发帖数: 322 | 20
Many people use ground blind for compound bow and crossbow. I prefer ground
blind better since it is much more comfortable than tree stand.
If you do want a tree stand, go buy a climbing tree stand.
It is easy for a normal sized guy to use a 60 lbs compound bow. The modern
compound bow is good to kill big animals at 50 lbs, actually the lower limit
by law is 35lbs for deer hunting in my state.
The sound of the bow depends mostly on the bow itself. That's why a good one
costs so much.
BTW, during hunting, there is almost no chance for you to have a 2nd shot.
【在 t******y 的大作中提到】 : 弩容易太多了。 : 弓很麻烦的,必须量身定制,要到店里按你的身材来调整的。 : 没有摸到窍门,60-70磅的弓是拉不开的,而弩可以用腿部和腰部的力量,不难。 : 调好的弓相对更安静,而弩弹开了声音很大,考虑到箭的速度并不快,猎物听到声音后一跳,你射的箭要么就是偏了,要么就是落空了。 : 要补箭的话,也是弓更容易一些,开弓更快一点;弩每次都必须弯腰弯腿的,动静非常大。 : 如果要狩猎,一般要用到树挂,爬到30英尺高的地方。那个树挂,能站脚的地方,不过2平方英尺,你想想在这么高的地方,上身还要绑上安全带,怎么好弯腰上弩? : 所以,各有优缺点。弩只是入门容易。
c********p 发帖数: 322 | 21
The one in your picture should be Beer Charge. The accessories usually cost
a lot of money as well. Even if it is a package, 850 is still high.
This bow is bigger than you thought, and the size is really important when
If you got 850, I would recommend you add another 50-100 to get Mathews Z7x
from a good retailer store. The bare Z7x might cost around 780 if you know
where to buy it. You can choose cheaper accessories such as sight, release,
quiver, rest, et al.
Z7x is much better.
【在 l*******u 的大作中提到】 : 我图里的弩有瞄准镜,是不是更好学一点? : 需要找老师或者学校吗?还是自己玩就可以? : 我图上的这个网络上报价是850。这个价钱怎么样?有什么牌子能否推荐一下?
j***n 发帖数: 3786 | 22 很多人用弓猎,那是因为弓猎的季节比枪猎开始的早。但是很多州把弩划为跟枪猎一起
如果玩得话,弓箭也更有挑战性,乐趣更大~~~ |
c*******r 发帖数: 1243 | 23 这个我有不同看法。弓本身固然重要,但是附件也起重要作用,有时候还是主要作用。
【在 c********p 的大作中提到】 : : The one in your picture should be Beer Charge. The accessories usually cost : a lot of money as well. Even if it is a package, 850 is still high. : This bow is bigger than you thought, and the size is really important when : hunting. : If you got 850, I would recommend you add another 50-100 to get Mathews Z7x : from a good retailer store. The bare Z7x might cost around 780 if you know : where to buy it. You can choose cheaper accessories such as sight, release, : quiver, rest, et al. : Z7x is much better.
T*R 发帖数: 25894 | |
c********p 发帖数: 322 | 25
Dropway (fallaway) rest is by far the best arrow rest you can find. With
proper setup, it will not interfere with the arrow fly at all. It is better
than whisker biscuit and usually it is more expensive than whisker biscuit
too. You need more practice to use this kind of rest though.
Peep sight is cheap, and now there is even peep tube also available to help
with it. In fact if you buy your bow from a dealer, they will probably give
a good to you and set it up for free.
You can buy a pretty decent new 3-5 pin sight with light for $70.
Regular release might cause $40 for a foldable one.
Stablizer could cost from $10-150. A $30 one works perfectly with Z7x
I use dropaway rest all the time. WB could damage your vane easily and
interfere with arrow fly inevitably. I've only dropped arrow once on the 1st
day I bought my bow. If your shot is square, there is no way the arrow
could fallout.
Anyway, that's why I told lz the bare bow cause 780, and he might need
another 100-200 for the accessories. you can easily find cheap used ones on
ebay, and they work well.
Of course if he got unlimited budget, better accessories are the best.
【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】 : 这个我有不同看法。弓本身固然重要,但是附件也起重要作用,有时候还是主要作用。 : 我在这方面是有经验教训的。 : 弓猎是个精益求精的玩法,每个方面都要求完美。任何小的瑕疵都可能导致最后的功亏 : 一篑。所以如果条件允许要尽量不疏忽每一个环节,尤其那些不引人注意的小地方。 : 举个例子,rest,我之前的那张弓的rest是便宜的两叉托举型的,曾经出现过开工的过 : 程中箭从箭台落下的情况,直接导致遗失战机。还有窥视孔开的不够大,使得在早晨、 : 傍晚微光下难以瞄准。sight,release这方面的经验教训也都有很多。倒是quiver可以 : 商忖,守猎打法确实要求不高,但要是走猎则另当别论。
c*******r 发帖数: 1243 | 26 My previous rest is a dropaway type. It cames with a TomKat package from
bowtech. It failed two times and caused me to lose two deers directly. One
was the arrow dropped off the rest while I pulling the bow. This is not an
exercise issue, since I have killed deers in the past by this bow at that
time. That situation did not allow me to pull the bow by a regular gesture,
then caused the failure. Another time was noise. When arrow moved on the tip
of rest, it made noise by rubbing each other. Then spooked the deer. In my new setup, I chose QAD
rest which solved all my concerns on bowtech rest. Of cause, the price is
higher. If you involved in bow hunting for a while, you will encounter all
issues I have before. You have to solve them eventually. Upgrade to a higher
model is an option.
My new setup is a Z7. The bow itself cost about $800+, the accessories added
other $600. They are worth every penny. Bow and accessories are more like a
rifle and scope. You will get what you paid.
Again, I am not trying to advacate The higher price the better. I am trying
to alert that there are lots of details need to be taken care of before you
can harvest a valuable game. This may be why bow hunt is more fun or
difficualt than other means.
As my experience, if you are a newbie of bow hunt and also don't want to spend too much in the beginning, you may want to start from udner $600 for a whole setup, including arrows. After 2-3 seasons, then upgrade to a higher configuration if you want, which would be $1300 and up.
【在 c********p 的大作中提到】 : : Dropway (fallaway) rest is by far the best arrow rest you can find. With : proper setup, it will not interfere with the arrow fly at all. It is better : than whisker biscuit and usually it is more expensive than whisker biscuit : too. You need more practice to use this kind of rest though. : Peep sight is cheap, and now there is even peep tube also available to help : with it. In fact if you buy your bow from a dealer, they will probably give : a good to you and set it up for free. : You can buy a pretty decent new 3-5 pin sight with light for $70. : Regular release might cause $40 for a foldable one.
k**********i 发帖数: 8706 | 27 受教了!
my new setup, I chose QAD
【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】 : My previous rest is a dropaway type. It cames with a TomKat package from : bowtech. It failed two times and caused me to lose two deers directly. One : was the arrow dropped off the rest while I pulling the bow. This is not an : exercise issue, since I have killed deers in the past by this bow at that : time. That situation did not allow me to pull the bow by a regular gesture, : then caused the failure. Another time was noise. When arrow moved on the tip : of rest, it made noise by rubbing each other. Then spooked the deer. In my new setup, I chose QAD : rest which solved all my concerns on bowtech rest. Of cause, the price is : higher. If you involved in bow hunting for a while, you will encounter all : issues I have before. You have to solve them eventually. Upgrade to a higher
c********p 发帖数: 322 | 28
my new setup, I chose QAD
Dude, I think QAD rest is a type of dropaway rest.
The contact of arrow shaft with the rest can not be removed and it will make
a noise no matter how. dropaway rest still is the best type already.
If you are concerned about the arrow fallout, just use a Octane or WB. They
do interfere with arrow flight, but since your shot is usually within 40
yards, it is OK.
I also put extra material on the fork part of my dropaway rest, it
eliminates most of the sound. I do not know what this material is, not
rubber or plastic for sure.
Why buy a Z7 not Z7x?
Like I said, I've hunted for a while, my bow setup is not bad. For a
beginner with limited budget around 850, I still think what I recommended is
much better than the Bear Charge lz showed.
BTW, anyone tell me why bowfishing accessories are so expensive?
【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】 : My previous rest is a dropaway type. It cames with a TomKat package from : bowtech. It failed two times and caused me to lose two deers directly. One : was the arrow dropped off the rest while I pulling the bow. This is not an : exercise issue, since I have killed deers in the past by this bow at that : time. That situation did not allow me to pull the bow by a regular gesture, : then caused the failure. Another time was noise. When arrow moved on the tip : of rest, it made noise by rubbing each other. Then spooked the deer. In my new setup, I chose QAD : rest which solved all my concerns on bowtech rest. Of cause, the price is : higher. If you involved in bow hunting for a while, you will encounter all : issues I have before. You have to solve them eventually. Upgrade to a higher
c*******r 发帖数: 1243 | 29 Not try to argue, but sharing some of experiences ...
QAD and the one I used before are both drop away rests, no doubt. But, QAD
comes with some special designs and solves the concerns I have. First, QAD
uses a fork to hold the arrow, the fork can be pull and stay upright before
you pull the bow. In addition, it has a block bar on the top of the fork.
After the fork is pull up, they will constrain the arrow on the fork without
fall out. So, you can carry the bow around without worry about the arrow
and rest. The bow is always ready to shoot. The one I used before is also a
dropaway rest, but it uses two sticks to hold the arrow. And the sticks can
only stay upright while you pulling the bow. The arrow is easy to fall off.
Second, QAD puts buff on the fork and block bar, it eliminates the noise
from moving a shaft. The one I used before uses hard plastic. It does not
perform well on CarbonExpress shaft. I would not acclaim one is the best
than another. WB is a good chocie if you do stalk hunt, even you lose speed
and accuracy comparing with others.
Why some asscessories have big price tags than others? I think because the
producer wants the max profit :). But, some of them do work and bring some
benefits to you when you are in the range or field. For example, my new
sight is Armortech. It has click knobs, just like the knob on rifle scope,
to adjust pins. What a nice design is! It is much easier, quicker and
accurate while tunning a bow. However, I have to pay $200 for it. Some nice
produce does not costly. My new peep sight is G5. It is only 10 bucks.
Everything I put on my new bow has their own value and reason.
Why I bought Z7 not Z7x? Because there was no Z7x when I purchased this bow.
For a beginner with limited budget, I still think $850 is too much. Try to limit under $600 may be reasonable.
Btw, I am happy to exchange more experience with you, if you'd like.
【在 c********p 的大作中提到】 : : , : tip : my new setup, I chose QAD : higher : Dude, I think QAD rest is a type of dropaway rest. : The contact of arrow shaft with the rest can not be removed and it will make : a noise no matter how. dropaway rest still is the best type already. : If you are concerned about the arrow fallout, just use a Octane or WB. They : do interfere with arrow flight, but since your shot is usually within 40
g**********u 发帖数: 86 | 30 弩可以有红点,更容易学,校好以后,一天就可以打准了。
【在 l*******u 的大作中提到】 : 我图里的弩有瞄准镜,是不是更好学一点? : 需要找老师或者学校吗?还是自己玩就可以? : 我图上的这个网络上报价是850。这个价钱怎么样?有什么牌子能否推荐一下?
g**********u 发帖数: 86 | 31 那就是为什么我不喜欢compound,只要打不准,你总可以说是这个或者那个不对。
手的问题。【 在
cnwarrior (中华刀客) 的大作中提到: 】 |
s****r 发帖数: 31686 | 32 属实, 就算是拿着一把外东倒西的弓, 我想高手也能色的很准
【在 g**********u 的大作中提到】 : 那就是为什么我不喜欢compound,只要打不准,你总可以说是这个或者那个不对。 : 其实,所有的弓都比任何一个人射得准,如果弄不到你想要箭去的地方,那一定是弓箭 : 手的问题。【 在 : cnwarrior (中华刀客) 的大作中提到: 】
g**********u 发帖数: 86 | 33 所以,要玩得话,越简单的越好。这样,没有任何东西会出错,除了弓箭手本身。比较
【在 s****r 的大作中提到】 : 属实, 就算是拿着一把外东倒西的弓, 我想高手也能色的很准
c*******r 发帖数: 1243 | 34 不能认同你的这些观点。先抛开打猎的其他要求不说,但从精确度上说事。同样一款
【在 g**********u 的大作中提到】 : 所以,要玩得话,越简单的越好。这样,没有任何东西会出错,除了弓箭手本身。比较 : 容易在自己的问 : 题上集中注意力。
c*******r 发帖数: 1243 | 35 想象 和 实际 是有距离地。
【在 s****r 的大作中提到】 : 属实, 就算是拿着一把外东倒西的弓, 我想高手也能色的很准
s****r 发帖数: 31686 | 36 人的能力确实是有限, 这就是为什么大家崇拜神枪手的原因
【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】 : 想象 和 实际 是有距离地。
g**********u 发帖数: 86 | 37 那是,买东西总是比练习容易
【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】 : 想象 和 实际 是有距离地。
s****r 发帖数: 31686 | 38 既不能走向人定胜天人力去穷尽只要努力到了总会办成的 一双肉掌 万能论, 也不能
走向完全依靠技术忽略甚至贬损人的主观能动性的 技术万能论。 必须看到, 工具和
【在 g**********u 的大作中提到】 : 那是,买东西总是比练习容易
m*******r 发帖数: 13263 | 39 反背弓力量怎么选合适?
【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】 : 一点体会分享。 : 弩猎其实也并不容易。弩的重量和平衡什么的不如步枪做得好,所以在瞄准的时候多半 : 都是要找依托的。如果没有依托别看它带瞄准镜,不夸张地说,弩20码没有弓箭射得准。 : 对于弓箭打猎,如果你没有真正参与过,可能很容易产生误解,认为弓猎难,难在射箭 : 技术上。其实不然。弓猎90%以上都是使用复合弓,至少我见到的99%以上都是。复合弓 : 稍加练习在20-30码的距离上可以达到相当准的程度,而且稳定性也可以保证。弓猎真 : 正的难度在以下几点:1)找到并接近猎物。大多数负责人的弓猎猎人,在猎白尾鹿和 : 以下的猎物时,都是接近到20码,至少30码以内。这绝对是个挑战。2)猎物出现后, : 如何在短时间内确定瞄哪里、打哪里。弓箭不象枪弹的能量大,打准位置尤其重要。如 : 果是侧面解剖图还好确定,但是猎物和猎人之间的角度、位置,猎物的姿态千变万化,