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GunsAndGears版 - 25% discount on Daniel Defense products
AR用来Home Defense合适吗?求解答:Daniel Defense枪管
rifle shopping大家给个排名呗
Daniel Defense Omega X 12.0 FSP Handguard $200打算买Daniel Defense V5 或 V7,问题请教
Daniel defense M4咋样?花1500买把枪觉得很肉疼
AIM的这个Spikes upper质量怎样,价格如何?Daniel Defense 被NFL拒之门外的广告~~~~
请指教 Daniel Defense M4 有lifetime warranty吗?刚买了CZ 75B, $615 out of door
dual scope mount for AR?TEXAS 持有air rifle 在gun law里面有什么限制?
Why Daniel Defense?北卡气枪打猎
话题: defense话题: daniel话题: discount话题: 25%话题: products
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1274
Daniel Defense firearms and accessories have come to be known as the
standard bearer in the industry as far as AR-15 rifles and
accessories are concerned. Bottom line is, when it comes to quality there
just is none better. The word on their products is that they are expensive,
but they are worth it. Well, we are about to take the expensive part of that
out of the equation.For a very limited time... Now through Nov 5th, we are
offering a 25% discount on any firearm or accessory in our Daniel Defense
line...That's Right..... A full 25% Discount.
All Daniel Defense rifles and products are 25% through this website:
In order to receive the discount, you MUST call.
In order to redeem discount, simply go to our website
Then go to the Daniel Defense page and pick what you want.
The 25% discount applies to any item on the Daniel Defense page.
Then call our operator.
When placing the order tell your operator you are redeeming
the 25% discount and they will manually adjust the price.
发帖数: 5133
1 (共1页)
北卡气枪打猎AIM的这个Spikes upper质量怎样,价格如何?
how to buy gun in NJ?请指教 Daniel Defense M4 有lifetime warranty吗?
0.22 rifle的问题dual scope mount for AR?
下周日(6、20)再去CRESAP?Why Daniel Defense?
AR用来Home Defense合适吗?求解答:Daniel Defense枪管
rifle shopping大家给个排名呗
Daniel Defense Omega X 12.0 FSP Handguard $200打算买Daniel Defense V5 或 V7,问题请教
Daniel defense M4咋样?花1500买把枪觉得很肉疼
话题: defense话题: daniel话题: discount话题: 25%话题: products