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GunsAndGears版 - Concealed Carry: When Can You Use Deadly Force?
休斯顿CHL(concealed handgun license)课堂笔记-2: 何时可以开买了一本杂志,Concealed Carry Handguns 2010 Buyer’s Guide
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话题: force话题: deadly话题: use话题: concealed话题: carry
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发帖数: 6011
Original Post:
When can you use deadly force? The short answer is that your attacker must
possess the ability and opportunity to do you grave harm—but you must also
have to have done everything in your ability to avoid a confrontation.
In the new Gun Digest book Armed: The Essential Guide to Concealed Carry,
author Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., provides more insight to this point:
Here’s a guy holding a knife in an aggressive manner. Can you shoot him?
Not a chance, with that fence in between you. Though this guy is behaving in
a threatening manner, unless he vaults over that fence like Superman, there
’s no real threat to you.
When would the use of deadly force by a private citizen against another
human be considered judicious? How can a private citizen be authorized to
kill another human under his or her own summary judgment? The very simple
answer is that deadly force is recognized as a last resort for use only when
you need to save your life.
We are referring to the “doctrine of competing harms” and the “doctrine
of necessity.” Put very simply, you are allowed to break the law (in this
instance, kill), in the rare circumstances where following the law (not
killing) would cause more injury to you or other innocent humans.
Same guy, same fence, same knife. But now you’re both on the same side of
the fence. Can you shoot him? Maybe, maybe not. He’s still at a pretty good
distance—do you have the time to escape and a direction in which to do so?
This would be a really good time to yell, “Stop! Leave right now! I am
In reality, the answer is not so simple. Any time you even draw your gun in
a social confrontation, you are walking on thin ice. If you are going to
keep or carry a gun for self-defense, in addition to being well trained in
marksmanship and tactics, you should be well-educated about the
circumstances under which the use of deadly force is warranted legally and
morally, so that you can be judicious.
Can you shoot this knife-wielding attacker, who’s now at bad-breath
distance and looks like he’s about to gut you like a fish? Possibly,
probably—but you have lots of other questions to answer first. Do you have
a knife and are you physically equal to the attacker? Is there still time to
escape? Is there any other less-than-lethal force, such as pepper spray or
martial arts skills, that can diffuse this situation? You MUST think through
every and all options before you draw your gun and shoot.
The Ability to Do Great Harm
Here we are talking about the concepts of power and disparity of force.
Clearly, a person with a gun or a knife and the ability to use it has the
power to kill or cripple you. However, you can’t shoot that person unless
he has the immediate opportunity to use that ability on you and he acts in
such a manner that leads you to reasonably conclude you are in immediate
jeopardy. But, what about if the threat does not have a gun, knife, or
bludgeon? There are several other factors that would fulfill the criterion
for ability.
1. Force of numbers. Two or more threatening persons, even without
identifiably deadly weapons, against you alone, would constitute a disparity
of force. If they attack you and act in such a manner as to lead you to
believe that, unless you do something, they are going to kill or cripple you
, then you are on solid legal ground. Against a group of attackers, each
member of the group shares the same responsibility for the fear the group
creates in the intended victim, and also shares the danger from the intended
victim’s lawful response.
2. Able-bodied versus the disabled. If you are old and frail or physically
challenged and you are viciously attacked by a younger, more able-bodied man
(and the criteria of opportunity and jeopardy are in play), you are on
solid legal ground.
3. Greater physical size and strength. If you are attacked by King Kong
Bundy, you are on solid legal ground in using a force multiplier (a weapon)
to avoid being killed or crippled.
4. Training or reputation. Is the attacker a person known to you to be
highly trained in the martial arts? For this criterion to be considered a
valid, affirmative defense for the defensive use of deadly force, you must
have known about it before you resorted to using deadly force. It is not
valid if you didn’t know it at the time, but learned that it was so after
the fact. You will be judged based solely on what you knew at the time.
5. Male versus female. Our society assumes that females are more vulnerable
and that there is a cultural predisposition for males to be more inclined to
violent physical aggression than females. So, if you are female, you are
being attacked by a lone male, and the other criteria of opportunity and
jeopardy are in play, you are on solid legal ground in terms of using deadly
force if you have no other viable choice to avoid being killed or crippled.
This would also include self-defense against rape.
To read more about the issues surrounding concealed carry and use of deadly
force, check out Eimer’s new book, Armed: The Essential Guide to Concealed
Bruce N. Eimer, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, NRA Certified Law
Enforcement Firearms Instructor, Certified Utah Concealed Firearms
Instructor, and a professional writer. His daily work includes practicing
clinical psychology, conducting forensic evaluations, writing, and training
people in the defensive use of firearms through his company, Personal
Defense Solutions, LLC. Doctor. Eimer has testified as an expert witness in
civil, criminal, gun rights, and self-defense cases. He is the owner of the
popular online forum, www.DefensiveHandguns.com and writes the monthly “
Armed Senior Citizen” column for Concealed Carry Magazine. Doctor Eimer is
the co-author of the Essential Guide To Handguns (Looseleaf Law Publications
, 2005) and has contributed articles to various gun magazines such as Combat
Handguns and www.GunsAndPatriots.com.
发帖数: 907
好文 读了 谢谢分享


【在 H******S 的大作中提到】
: Original Post:
: http://www.gundigest.com/gun-blogs/books/concealed-carry-when-c
: When can you use deadly force? The short answer is that your attacker must
: possess the ability and opportunity to do you grave harm—but you must also
: have to have done everything in your ability to avoid a confrontation.
: In the new Gun Digest book Armed: The Essential Guide to Concealed Carry,
: author Bruce Eimer, Ph.D., provides more insight to this point:
: Here’s a guy holding a knife in an aggressive manner. Can you shoot him?
: Not a chance, with that fence in between you. Though this guy is behaving in
: a threatening manner, unless he vaults over that fence like Superman, there

1 (共1页)
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休斯顿CHL(concealed handgun license)课堂笔记-2: 何时可以开买了一本杂志,Concealed Carry Handguns 2010 Buyer’s Guide
about concealed handgun permit枪是一定要买的,问题是
什么是concealed weapons permit求助:有在俄勒冈州买枪的F1么?
也想加入拥枪一族,但没有绿卡Texas Aims to Relax Gun Law
话题: force话题: deadly话题: use话题: concealed话题: carry