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HouseRental版 - Two bedrooms for rent near MIT MGH
Two fully furnished bedrooms available very near MIT MGHBoston: $390 Room near MIT/Harvard/MGH for rent
Two bedrooms apt for rent near MIT MGH【出租】单间,约550/月,9分钟到MIT,10分钟到红线kendall squ (转载)
two bed room apt for rent 1150/month very near MIT HarvardRoom For Rent Near Harvard ,MIT,MGH ($580/M)
two bed room apt for rent 1100/month near MIT MGH求租[波士顿红线]
two bed room apt near MIT MGH出租【Boston, MA】暑期 MIT Kendall 1室1厅 河景房
two bedroom apt 1150/month very near MIT MGH出租【Boston, MA】暑期 MIT Kendall 1室1厅 河景房 5月底-8月
Two bedroom apt near MIT MGHBoston Somerville 1b/1b, 近红线地铁,1站地到harvard sq 短期寻租
出租【Cambridge, MA, 02142】1 室 1 厅 1 卫加州 湾区sunnyvale cupertino学区 $1599 Really nice 2 brs 2 brs apt, Sqr 982 for rent
话题: two话题: mit话题: mgh话题: rent话题: bedrooms
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15
Two fully furnished bedrooms available. Excellent Location!
Right adjacent to 1 Kendall Sqr and Draper Lab.
2. 5min walk to MIT main campus! 7 min walk to red line T-stop. 15min wakk
to MGH.
3. Laundry is available in the basement.
4. Ample private parking.
5. Rent is $395-475 per month .
contact by e mail with your inf.
x***[email protected]
1 (共1页)
加州 湾区sunnyvale cupertino学区 $1599 Really nice 2 brs 2 brs apt, Sqr 982 for renttwo bed room apt near MIT MGH
出租【费城城中心】一室一厅一卫公寓出租 $1450 (含水电two bedroom apt 1150/month very near MIT MGH
低租8月20-10月31芝加哥downtown,LakeMichigan湖畔一居室Two bedroom apt near MIT MGH
$450 Pittsburgh:Large room with private bathroom for sublease (Walking to UPitt and CMU)出租【Cambridge, MA, 02142】1 室 1 厅 1 卫
Two fully furnished bedrooms available very near MIT MGHBoston: $390 Room near MIT/Harvard/MGH for rent
Two bedrooms apt for rent near MIT MGH【出租】单间,约550/月,9分钟到MIT,10分钟到红线kendall squ (转载)
two bed room apt for rent 1150/month very near MIT HarvardRoom For Rent Near Harvard ,MIT,MGH ($580/M)
two bed room apt for rent 1100/month near MIT MGH求租[波士顿红线]
话题: two话题: mit话题: mgh话题: rent话题: bedrooms