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Indiana版 - Car for sale: 2002 Hyundai Elentra, 101,000 miles
卖车,01 Toyota Camry LE 109K Miles $5200 OBOindianapolis 卖车
卖车,2005 Hyundai Tiburon GS Coupe 2D普渡卖车Hyundai Sonata LX 2004
A 1999 Mazda wants to get a new owner1999 Toyota Corolla CE for sale
回国卖车:2005年ford taurus SE 4DSALE 1999 Honda Civic $ 2200
回国卖车:2005 Ford Taurus SE 4D (已出)賣車:99年NISSAN
普渡卖车- Mazda 626 LXA great 2002 Honda SUV for sale
2003 Ford Focus ZX5 hatchback for sale2002 Honda SUV (两驱/四驱互换),free GPS - $7200 (good deal)
卖车:2005 Chevy Malibu LS V6 - ask for 5500卖车 99 Mazda 626 ES
话题: hyundai话题: new话题: car话题: power话题: elentra
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 460
2002 Hyundai Elentra, 101,000 miles, In very good condition. Most millage
are highway millage because I drove between Purdue and Indianapolis every
day and I never had problem with it.
The car has been maintained very well. Besides regular engine oil change,
fluids change, tire rotation, There are some other highlights:
New timing belt (Cost around $500 to change a new one when reach $100,000
New tie rod (I have it changed this April)
4 New tires
Cruise Control
Power Door Locks (with theftproof alarm)
Other things from Hyundai make
Air Conditioning
Power Windows
Power Steering
Tilt Wheel
We are selling this car because of moving. It's a very reliable car and
ideal for a budget buyer.
Ask for 3700 (KBB price for good condtion 3800 and remember this one has a
new timing belt).
VIN: KMHDN45D02U245703
Contact information:
h****[email protected]
Pictures are available upon request.
1 (共1页)
卖车 99 Mazda 626 ES回国卖车:2005 Ford Taurus SE 4D (已出)
买车啦普渡卖车- Mazda 626 LX
卖车:2005 Ford Focus, 26-35MPG - $6800!!!2003 Ford Focus ZX5 hatchback for sale
@卖 车@:2005 Ford, 26-35MPG - $6200卖车:2005 Chevy Malibu LS V6 - ask for 5500
卖车,01 Toyota Camry LE 109K Miles $5200 OBOindianapolis 卖车
卖车,2005 Hyundai Tiburon GS Coupe 2D普渡卖车Hyundai Sonata LX 2004
A 1999 Mazda wants to get a new owner1999 Toyota Corolla CE for sale
回国卖车:2005年ford taurus SE 4DSALE 1999 Honda Civic $ 2200
话题: hyundai话题: new话题: car话题: power话题: elentra