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Investment版 - 401k investment -- what is the "cash" option in Fidelity.
pimco total return 最近表现不好[合集] 401(k) - Fidelity Funds的问题
今年亏死了, 401K YTD 还是负的ft.要悲剧了。
Fidelity IRA investment helpplease recommend any fidelity funds for long term investment, thanks.
401 Roth 或401K 里面的funds/bons 需要买卖吗?FIDELITY 开户?
Target Date Fund vs. expense ratio 疑问新人求教:401K有如下选择 应该如何分配 (转载)
ROTH 帐号请教什么时候卖fund?
YTD Showoff (08/07/09)大家帮看一下401K选以下什么Funds比较好
有知道的Mutual fund讨论的俱乐部吗?rebalance
话题: fidelity话题: 401k话题: investment话题: cash话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4135
My Fidelity 401k YTD is -6.5%. Given this bad market, I want to keep my 401k
contribution similar to cash saved in bank. I was trying to find the right
one to for my future contribution, but still confused. In my Fidelity 401k,
there is an investment option called "PIMCO TOTAL RETURN R"; it is
classified as: Bond Investment, Subclass=Income. Is this kind of like cash account?
or this one, "FIDELITY PRIME FUND"?
If not the above two, which one is the "cash"-like one in the following list??
发帖数: 429
Short-Term Investments - FIDELITY PRIME FUND
发帖数: 4135
Thanks for confirming on this!
If you do not mind to share --Which one would you preferred to put 401k $
into at this time? By the way, what % do you put to this cash-like account
in this market?
The Pimco Total Return R had 4.9% YTD return so far though, the best in the

【在 c*****x 的大作中提到】
: Short-Term Investments - FIDELITY PRIME FUND
发帖数: 1962
When we talk about investment, it's always important to keep in mind
that we are seeking long-term future return, but not short-term past
return. Blindly chasing performance is one of the biggest mistakes you
can make.
When you see something good, you need to ask why it was doing good,
and whether it will do the same good in the future, instead of just
saying "hey, let's jump into it."
When you see something bad, you need to ask why it was doing bad,
and whether it will do the same bad in the fu

【在 Y***o 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for confirming on this!
: If you do not mind to share --Which one would you preferred to put 401k $
: into at this time? By the way, what % do you put to this cash-like account
: in this market?
: The Pimco Total Return R had 4.9% YTD return so far though, the best in the
: list.

发帖数: 4135
老大说的是! 谢谢。

【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: When we talk about investment, it's always important to keep in mind
: that we are seeking long-term future return, but not short-term past
: return. Blindly chasing performance is one of the biggest mistakes you
: can make.
: When you see something good, you need to ask why it was doing good,
: and whether it will do the same good in the future, instead of just
: saying "hey, let's jump into it."
: When you see something bad, you need to ask why it was doing bad,
: and whether it will do the same bad in the fu

发帖数: 2299
20% large cap, 20% mid cap, 15% small cap, 15% international, 15% bond, 15%
cash. 每个月定期这么存下去,每年REBALANCE,把超过百分比的卖掉一些(赚钱的)
,把低于百分比的买回一些,就这么下去,LONG TERM来讲没问题的。
直跌,你也每个月一直AVERAGE DOWN,所以没什么大问题的,除非美国整体经济崩溃。
发帖数: 34805
How long is long? The last 10 years, SPX was at loss.
Between 1964-1984, stock market has no gain.


【在 r****1 的大作中提到】
: 20% large cap, 20% mid cap, 15% small cap, 15% international, 15% bond, 15%
: cash. 每个月定期这么存下去,每年REBALANCE,把超过百分比的卖掉一些(赚钱的)
: ,把低于百分比的买回一些,就这么下去,LONG TERM来讲没问题的。
: 当然,这种投资法在熊市比较吃亏,因为大部分还是以股票为主,但是理论上讲股票一
: 直跌,你也每个月一直AVERAGE DOWN,所以没什么大问题的,除非美国整体经济崩溃。

1 (共1页)
rebalanceTarget Date Fund vs. expense ratio 疑问
ING 的sharebuilder怎么样?ROTH 帐号请教
Principal 401k plan is too terrible!YTD Showoff (08/07/09)
bond fund 的风险有知道的Mutual fund讨论的俱乐部吗?
pimco total return 最近表现不好[合集] 401(k) - Fidelity Funds的问题
今年亏死了, 401K YTD 还是负的ft.要悲剧了。
Fidelity IRA investment helpplease recommend any fidelity funds for long term investment, thanks.
401 Roth 或401K 里面的funds/bons 需要买卖吗?FIDELITY 开户?
话题: fidelity话题: 401k话题: investment话题: cash话题: my