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Investment版 - anybody interested in derivatives?
[通知] Investment Madoff Stanford High Yield Fund (MS基金开启博彩:06/17/2009 Bets为什么No-Load Funds收Commission,
[通知] Investment Madoff Stanford High Yield Fund (MS基金开启博彩:6/24 Betsmutural fund 和大盘的关系
where to invest emergency funds问一下American Funds 的Roth IRA
FA on big banks新手请教ira
想开个Mutual Fund帐号,哪家合算?刚刚注意到American Funds的Roth IRA有5.75%的sales charge
dodfx退休账号重仓多年的international fund, 亏了
请教一下INDEX FUND,多谢如何投资公司的 401 K
How is this combination?把emergency funds放在tips fund里面怎么样?
话题: fund话题: anybody话题: interested话题: bets
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2416
Attention everyone,
Here goes the call for anybody who's interested in making a
derivatives market with me around the Investment Board Fund.
For the starter, we could offer CDS on the Fund. And as the
trading volume goes up, we could also offer futures contracts,
not only on the Fund, but also on the bets.
发帖数: 30533
Start with betting on GM bankruptcy first!

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: Attention everyone,
: Here goes the call for anybody who's interested in making a
: derivatives market with me around the Investment Board Fund.
: For the starter, we could offer CDS on the Fund. And as the
: trading volume goes up, we could also offer futures contracts,
: not only on the Fund, but also on the bets.

发帖数: 34805
I want to bet with 20 times margin and if I wiped out,
I can wait 3K for bail out.

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: Attention everyone,
: Here goes the call for anybody who's interested in making a
: derivatives market with me around the Investment Board Fund.
: For the starter, we could offer CDS on the Fund. And as the
: trading volume goes up, we could also offer futures contracts,
: not only on the Fund, but also on the bets.

发帖数: 2416

When is the deadline for placing bets on that one?

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Start with betting on GM bankruptcy first!
发帖数: 30533
Start time: 2009-04-02 17:54:34
days: 2

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: When is the deadline for placing bets on that one?

1 (共1页)
把emergency funds放在tips fund里面怎么样?想开个Mutual Fund帐号,哪家合算?
Fidelity Freedom Fund 如何?dodfx
新手弱问:怎么选基金?请教一下INDEX FUND,多谢
什么时候卖fund?How is this combination?
[通知] Investment Madoff Stanford High Yield Fund (MS基金开启博彩:06/17/2009 Bets为什么No-Load Funds收Commission,
[通知] Investment Madoff Stanford High Yield Fund (MS基金开启博彩:6/24 Betsmutural fund 和大盘的关系
where to invest emergency funds问一下American Funds 的Roth IRA
FA on big banks新手请教ira
话题: fund话题: anybody话题: interested话题: bets