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Investment版 - Now you can sell individual muni bond online (转载)
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muni bond 问题今天 (转载)
散户去哪里买小额的tax-exempt Muni Bond各位推荐一下bond吧
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话题: sell话题: bid话题: quote话题: now话题: bond
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 778
【 以下文字转载自 Bond 俱乐部 】
发信人: yangqi (zzzzzz), 信区: Bond
标 题: Now you can sell individual muni bond online
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 25 20:41:20 2014, 美东)
In your portfolio, choose the bond you want to sell, click action -> sell
will have a "submit request for bid quote". No need to call Fidelity anymore.
Fidelity will email you the bid quote and you decide sell or not through the
email link.
I will sell If the bid price is within 1-2% of 3rd party price. If you need
the money in emergency like down pay, even the bid quote is over the 2%
range, you can still sell it as long as there's a capital gain.
If the bid quote is less than 95% of the 3rd party price or lower than your
cost base, you can keep it.
1 (共1页)
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新手问一下401k, roth 401k and roth irabond和stock的关系
California Bonds, good investments?Emergency Fund放哪儿?
muni bond 问题今天 (转载)
散户去哪里买小额的tax-exempt Muni Bond各位推荐一下bond吧
话题: sell话题: bid话题: quote话题: now话题: bond