

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Java版 - where is the library for Swing objects?
哪个JSON Library最好用呢How to know the size of a java object ?
入门Java CLASSPATH问题:JBuilder中JDataStore使用问题,在线等
J++ compile通过的code是不是[转载] JBuilder8只能装在rh上?
为何运行JAVA出现这个错误?Re: Custom Tag: embedding tag inside tag
大家做JSP/Java开发的配置是怎样的?how to integrate java api doc with eclip
请问一个最初级问题GUI libraries for JDeveloper?
As beginner,Which one I should choose?Can Java call C libraries?
what's inside an java object?[转载] using C++ dll library from java
话题: swing话题: library话题: objects话题: where话题: libswing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 137
I was trying to compile java programs on linux. I already installed j2SDK 1.4
for linux on my machine. But the compiler can't find the swing library and thus
keep giving me error messages wherever I have an swing object.. I looked at
the directory /lib, /jre/lib, but couldn't find a library for swing..
SO where is the libswing****? thanks.
发帖数: 351
I don't know the jdk version for linux,
but in windows, it is in rt.jar.

【在 c*y 的大作中提到】
: I was trying to compile java programs on linux. I already installed j2SDK 1.4
: for linux on my machine. But the compiler can't find the swing library and thus
: keep giving me error messages wherever I have an swing object.. I looked at
: the directory /lib, /jre/lib, but couldn't find a library for swing..
: SO where is the libswing****? thanks.

发帖数: 137
thanks:) I thought it should have names like libswing....Thank you!

【在 e***e 的大作中提到】
: I don't know the jdk version for linux,
: but in windows, it is in rt.jar.

1 (共1页)
[转载] using C++ dll library from java大家做JSP/Java开发的配置是怎样的?
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Help!!! set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Eclipsewhat's inside an java object?
哪个JSON Library最好用呢How to know the size of a java object ?
入门Java CLASSPATH问题:JBuilder中JDataStore使用问题,在线等
J++ compile通过的code是不是[转载] JBuilder8只能装在rh上?
为何运行JAVA出现这个错误?Re: Custom Tag: embedding tag inside tag
话题: swing话题: library话题: objects话题: where话题: libswing