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Java版 - need help from the J2EE expert
Re: 问一个关于Java Native Interface的问题什么应用需要几百个节点的java呢
Calling Java from C/C++Android C/C++ native calls Java APIs
Java能帮我做这个project吗?Java会产生更多的page fault导致速度变慢
[转载] using C++ dll library from javaProject Panama builds a bridge between Java and C/C++
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How to build a java web service server?C++ JNI code to invoke native method – header an (转载)
java IPC with a C++ applicationRe: 如何读取serial port in Java
话题: j2ee话题: ejb话题: expert话题: need话题: resource
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
Hi, I am doing a project using J2EE. I met some problems which made me stuck,
so I need your help very much ! Thanks in advance.
1. maybe too simple question
what is "native code" ?
2. Can I use an Entity Bean to read and edit XML file? How to use JAXB in EJB?
3. Does anyone know a lot or have experience on Resource adaptor?....I have to
develop a application which is multi-threaded... What the cost of implementing
a resource adaptor? I mean the time, the knowledge, etc.
Any help will be appre
发帖数: 23
I don't know J2EE. But I know native code means C/C++ code which needs JNI.


【在 c*******e 的大作中提到】
: Hi, I am doing a project using J2EE. I met some problems which made me stuck,
: so I need your help very much ! Thanks in advance.
: 1. maybe too simple question
: what is "native code" ?
: 2. Can I use an Entity Bean to read and edit XML file? How to use JAXB in EJB?
: 3. Does anyone know a lot or have experience on Resource adaptor?....I have to
: develop a application which is multi-threaded... What the cost of implementing
: a resource adaptor? I mean the time, the knowledge, etc.
: Any help will be appre

发帖数: 47

compiled c,c++ and so on.
sure. read the api and tutorial
J2ee doe not allow you to use thread.

【在 c*******e 的大作中提到】
: Hi, I am doing a project using J2EE. I met some problems which made me stuck,
: so I need your help very much ! Thanks in advance.
: 1. maybe too simple question
: what is "native code" ?
: 2. Can I use an Entity Bean to read and edit XML file? How to use JAXB in EJB?
: 3. Does anyone know a lot or have experience on Resource adaptor?....I have to
: develop a application which is multi-threaded... What the cost of implementing
: a resource adaptor? I mean the time, the knowledge, etc.
: Any help will be appre

发帖数: 89

EJB doesn't support local file access either.
I guess you mean EJB.

【在 m*m 的大作中提到】
: stuck,
: compiled c,c++ and so on.
: EJB?
: sure. read the api and tutorial
: to
: implementing
: J2ee doe not allow you to use thread.

1 (共1页)
Re: 如何读取serial port in Java[转载] using C++ dll library from java
Re: 如何Debug 在JNI 里调用的DLL? (急)迷惑了很久,java 和 c++ 到底谁快?
Re: JAVA中测时间的方法?How to build a java web service server?
今天才知道java IPC with a C++ application
Re: 问一个关于Java Native Interface的问题什么应用需要几百个节点的java呢
Calling Java from C/C++Android C/C++ native calls Java APIs
Java能帮我做这个project吗?Java会产生更多的page fault导致速度变慢
话题: j2ee话题: ejb话题: expert话题: need话题: resource