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Java版 - 为什么要用RMI?
How to make RMI bypass firewall?Re: DCOM, CORBA, JAVA/RMI
包子答谢--请教高手:streaming data to appletJAVA RMI access denied?? WHY??
What about RMI/IIOP? Is that part of EJB specificRMI Question?
What's the relationship between Enterprise JavaBeneed your comments
Re: EJB vs CorbaTomcat和什么一起作Application Server?
Re: 请教一个关于IBM-JDK1.1.8和IBMJava2-13兼容性的问题Java能帮我做这个project吗?
Re: 请教 rmi 的端口问题help!!
Re: 推荐推荐on-line waiting: how to implement.....
话题: rmi话题: so话题: object话题: tcp话题: now
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1144
If there is a code using TCP socket perfect fine. Now some guys want to move
to RMI. So what the benefit and limitation of RMI?
发帖数: 1879
I used RMI long time ago, probably the following is not exactly
RMI does one thing and one thing well: you don't have to design the
communication protocol. The I/O is automatically done for you
since data is send as object streams.
Also, it saves you trouble writing network communication codes,
dealing with threading issues, etc. Most of these stuff are invisible
in RMI.
So, it is for rapid client/server development.
The problem with object stream is inheritant: object persistance/ve

【在 o******t 的大作中提到】
: If there is a code using TCP socket perfect fine. Now some guys want to move
: to RMI. So what the benefit and limitation of RMI?

发帖数: 2416

You can bypassing firewall through http tunnelling.

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: I used RMI long time ago, probably the following is not exactly
: correct.
: RMI does one thing and one thing well: you don't have to design the
: communication protocol. The I/O is automatically done for you
: since data is send as object streams.
: Also, it saves you trouble writing network communication codes,
: dealing with threading issues, etc. Most of these stuff are invisible
: in RMI.
: So, it is for rapid client/server development.
: The problem with object stream is inheritant: object persistance/ve

1 (共1页)
on-line waiting: how to implement.....Re: EJB vs Corba
请教, JAVA STUDY WEBSITERe: 请教一个关于IBM-JDK1.1.8和IBMJava2-13兼容性的问题
做J2EE程序开发市场行情如何?Re: 请教 rmi 的端口问题
自己写一个Oracle的JDBC driverRe: 推荐推荐
How to make RMI bypass firewall?Re: DCOM, CORBA, JAVA/RMI
包子答谢--请教高手:streaming data to appletJAVA RMI access denied?? WHY??
What about RMI/IIOP? Is that part of EJB specificRMI Question?
What's the relationship between Enterprise JavaBeneed your comments
话题: rmi话题: so话题: object话题: tcp话题: now