

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
JobHunting版 - Intern/Full-time Opportunity for Graphics/GUI Software Engi (转载)
CS PhD 毕业,求职,有合适的帮忙内退一下~在这里先谢谢各位了!刚收到电面通知,Software Engineer, 请教
Philips Research Aisa:Ultrasound (转载)油服软件公司招GUI Developer
Hiring: senior sw eng in C# and 3D graphicsJob Opening - PM, SQA, SW engineer at System Integration Company in Bay Area
adobe的面经貌似很少Bay area company Hiring PM, SQA, SW engineer
Graphic Software Engineers opportunities[求教]Amazon的面试
求Graphic方面的书籍[Job Opening] 3D Engine Developer - Physics and Low Level Optimization
Qualcomm graphics team hire software engineer (转载)Jr. Platform Software Engineer,电面会问些什么
graphcis 相关的software engineer 面试需要准备leetcode吗?车联网Cloud engineer工作机会推荐
话题: gui话题: graphics话题: experience话题: computer话题: 3d
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
发信人: algra (algra), 信区: Programming
标 题: Intern/Full-time Opportunity for Graphics/GUI Software Engi (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 10 14:35:22 2013, 美东)
发信人: algra (algra), 信区: ComputerGraphics
标 题: Intern/Full-time Opportunity for Graphics/GUI Software Engineer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 10 14:32:06 2013, 美东)
The company I work for is looking for a software engineer
with graphics and/or GUI development experience.
Contact me if you are interested.
Some requirements are listed here:
● Master or PhD degree in computer/mechanical/biomedical engineering, or a
related field
● Fluency in C/C++, knowledgeable in object oriented concepts.
● Computer graphics programming experience with one or more graphics
toolkits, particularly 3D visualization toolkits (i.e. OpenGL,
OpenSceneGraph, VTK, etc.) is a definite plus
● GUI programming experience, especially Qt is a plus
● Experience in 3D character modeling and dynamics simulation is a big plus.
BTW, the company is not a computer gaming company.
发帖数: 34
Added more info.
The company I work for is looking for a software engineer
with graphics and/or GUI development experience.
Contact me if you are interested.
Some requirements are listed here:
● Master or PhD degree in computer/mechanical/biomedical engineering, or a
related field
● Fluency in C/C++, knowledgeable in object oriented concepts.
● Computer graphics programming experience with one or more graphics
toolkits, particularly 3D visualization toolkits (i.e. OpenGL,
OpenSceneGraph, VTK, etc.) is a definite plus
● GUI programming experience, especially Qt is a plus
● Experience in 3D character modeling and dynamics simulation is a big plus.
● Experience in GPU programming (Cuda, OpenCL) is a big plus.
BTW, the company is located in Huntsville, AL
and is not a computer gaming company.
1 (共1页)
车联网Cloud engineer工作机会推荐Graphic Software Engineers opportunities
Software Engineer position in Xilinx求Graphic方面的书籍
Data/Computer Scientist RecruitingQualcomm graphics team hire software engineer (转载)
The Programming Technologies Lab of Huaweigraphcis 相关的software engineer 面试需要准备leetcode吗?
CS PhD 毕业,求职,有合适的帮忙内退一下~在这里先谢谢各位了!刚收到电面通知,Software Engineer, 请教
Philips Research Aisa:Ultrasound (转载)油服软件公司招GUI Developer
Hiring: senior sw eng in C# and 3D graphicsJob Opening - PM, SQA, SW engineer at System Integration Company in Bay Area
adobe的面经貌似很少Bay area company Hiring PM, SQA, SW engineer
话题: gui话题: graphics话题: experience话题: computer话题: 3d