M******n 发帖数: 43051 | 1 German meat lovers can now buy packs of sausages with pictures of the pig
that went into the sausage as part of an initiative aimed at changing the
way people think of animals.
甚至还有肉猪选美大赛,优胜者会...被做成香肠,史上最悲催的选美... |
r*********e 发帖数: 29495 | 2 人类越发的变态了
【在 M******n 的大作中提到】 : German meat lovers can now buy packs of sausages with pictures of the pig : that went into the sausage as part of an initiative aimed at changing the : way people think of animals. : 甚至还有肉猪选美大赛,优胜者会...被做成香肠,史上最悲催的选美...
M******n 发帖数: 43051 | 3 人家是为了唤起大家对动物的关心,呼吁我们要感恩...
【在 r*********e 的大作中提到】 : 人类越发的变态了
N***m 发帖数: 4460 | 4 smart commercial...
【在 M******n 的大作中提到】 : German meat lovers can now buy packs of sausages with pictures of the pig : that went into the sausage as part of an initiative aimed at changing the : way people think of animals. : 甚至还有肉猪选美大赛,优胜者会...被做成香肠,史上最悲催的选美...