h******y 发帖数: 351 | 1 这老哥太有喜感了
Boston Bombing Trial Video Shows Carjack Victim's Daring Escape
During the frantic manhunt for the brothers accused in the Boston Marathon
bombing, the two suspects carjacked Chinese immigrant Dun Meng in his
Mercedes SUV.
But when they stopped for gas, Meng made a break for freedom, hiding in the
service station while an attendant called 911.
His escape, after midnight on April 19, 2013, was captured on a series of
surveillance videos, was released Thursday as evidence in the terror trial
of one of the brothers, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
The footage shows Meng dashing from the car and across the gas station lot,
then entering the station's shop an hiding in a storage space. The attendant
called 911, and handed the phone to Meng, who struggled to articulate that
the carjackers had boasted that they'd committed the April 15, 2013 bombings.
The 911 dispatcher didn't appear to understand, but he sent officers, who
interviewed Meng. He told officers the vehicle had a tracking device, and
that helped police follow the car.
Not long after, police got into a shootout with the brothers, in which the
elder, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed.
c******n 发帖数: 16666 | |
q***n 发帖数: 3594 | 3 急急如丧家之犬,惶惶似落网之鱼
//sorry 虽然这么说很不厚道,但实在忍不住。。
【在 h******y 的大作中提到】 : 这老哥太有喜感了 : Boston Bombing Trial Video Shows Carjack Victim's Daring Escape : http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/boston-bombing-trial/boston-bo : During the frantic manhunt for the brothers accused in the Boston Marathon : bombing, the two suspects carjacked Chinese immigrant Dun Meng in his : Mercedes SUV. : But when they stopped for gas, Meng made a break for freedom, hiding in the : service station while an attendant called 911. : His escape, after midnight on April 19, 2013, was captured on a series of : surveillance videos, was released Thursday as evidence in the terror trial
l****t 发帖数: 36289 | |
b***p 发帖数: 700 | 5 我擦,要是我,表现还不如这位兄弟哪,被人用枪顶住头
【在 h******y 的大作中提到】 : 这老哥太有喜感了 : Boston Bombing Trial Video Shows Carjack Victim's Daring Escape : http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/boston-bombing-trial/boston-bo : During the frantic manhunt for the brothers accused in the Boston Marathon : bombing, the two suspects carjacked Chinese immigrant Dun Meng in his : Mercedes SUV. : But when they stopped for gas, Meng made a break for freedom, hiding in the : service station while an attendant called 911. : His escape, after midnight on April 19, 2013, was captured on a series of : surveillance videos, was released Thursday as evidence in the terror trial
k*******2 发帖数: 4163 | 6 跑得很有喜感,broken chinglish也很有喜感。
【在 h******y 的大作中提到】 : 这老哥太有喜感了 : Boston Bombing Trial Video Shows Carjack Victim's Daring Escape : http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/boston-bombing-trial/boston-bo : During the frantic manhunt for the brothers accused in the Boston Marathon : bombing, the two suspects carjacked Chinese immigrant Dun Meng in his : Mercedes SUV. : But when they stopped for gas, Meng made a break for freedom, hiding in the : service station while an attendant called 911. : His escape, after midnight on April 19, 2013, was captured on a series of : surveillance videos, was released Thursday as evidence in the terror trial
B*******e 发帖数: 3882 | 7 溜的挺快的. 这次逃脱和这大本的gps 帮了警察不少忙
【在 k*******2 的大作中提到】 : 跑得很有喜感,broken chinglish也很有喜感。 : : the
k*******2 发帖数: 4163 | 8 是啊,他是个幕后英雄。
【在 B*******e 的大作中提到】 : 溜的挺快的. 这次逃脱和这大本的gps 帮了警察不少忙
b***p 发帖数: 700 | 9 站着说话不腰疼,要是1分钟前被人用枪顶住头,能说话就已经很牛逼了,而且警察来
【在 k*******2 的大作中提到】 : 跑得很有喜感,broken chinglish也很有喜感。 : : the
l******a 发帖数: 16364 | 10 算得上有勇有谋了,救了自己,也帮了大家
【在 b***p 的大作中提到】 : 站着说话不腰疼,要是1分钟前被人用枪顶住头,能说话就已经很牛逼了,而且警察来 : 了后,马上能告诉车上有gps
J****n 发帖数: 937 | |
j********8 发帖数: 2201 | |
l**********i 发帖数: 11748 | 13 He said, 'You have to answer the phone, but if you say anything in Chinese,
I will kill you right now.'" Meng did as he was told
马上就会觉得好奇怪 |
l*****n 发帖数: 1648 | 14 不厚道,人家可是从被劫持的车上逃下来的。换你早就在车上串了稀的,腿都抬不动了
【在 q***n 的大作中提到】 : 急急如丧家之犬,惶惶似落网之鱼 : //sorry 虽然这么说很不厚道,但实在忍不住。。 : : the
m*****3 发帖数: 13701 | |
f***n 发帖数: 4682 | |
w*p 发帖数: 16484 | 17 相当冷静啊,不过都逃到小卖部了,没有必要躲柜子后面吧
【在 h******y 的大作中提到】 : 这老哥太有喜感了 : Boston Bombing Trial Video Shows Carjack Victim's Daring Escape : http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/boston-bombing-trial/boston-bo : During the frantic manhunt for the brothers accused in the Boston Marathon : bombing, the two suspects carjacked Chinese immigrant Dun Meng in his : Mercedes SUV. : But when they stopped for gas, Meng made a break for freedom, hiding in the : service station while an attendant called 911. : His escape, after midnight on April 19, 2013, was captured on a series of : surveillance videos, was released Thursday as evidence in the terror trial
T******e 发帖数: 18290 | 18 怕追过来啊
【在 w*p 的大作中提到】 : 相当冷静啊,不过都逃到小卖部了,没有必要躲柜子后面吧 : : the
T*U 发帖数: 22634 | |
l****t 发帖数: 36289 | 20 其实我老一直担心
歹徒要真追进来,不就堵里面了? |
t****4 发帖数: 7500 | |
w*p 发帖数: 16484 | 22 那俩人忙着逃命,那有功夫追这小子。动作稍慢一点就被警察围了
【在 l****t 的大作中提到】 : 其实我老一直担心 : 跑到那么个狭小所在,一面就是玻璃门,ms还上不了锁-他一直试图往里拉- : 歹徒要真追进来,不就堵里面了?
t********7 发帖数: 2691 | 23 他要是不逃跑,是不是就性命难保了。。。
唉 高人啊! |
v*****1 发帖数: 2200 | 24 标题不如改成:老中向阿三跪求救命
【在 h******y 的大作中提到】 : 这老哥太有喜感了 : Boston Bombing Trial Video Shows Carjack Victim's Daring Escape : http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/boston-bombing-trial/boston-bo : During the frantic manhunt for the brothers accused in the Boston Marathon : bombing, the two suspects carjacked Chinese immigrant Dun Meng in his : Mercedes SUV. : But when they stopped for gas, Meng made a break for freedom, hiding in the : service station while an attendant called 911. : His escape, after midnight on April 19, 2013, was captured on a series of : surveillance videos, was released Thursday as evidence in the terror trial
d****o 发帖数: 32610 | 25 这事儿受害者有一个老中美女,
【在 h******y 的大作中提到】 : 这老哥太有喜感了 : Boston Bombing Trial Video Shows Carjack Victim's Daring Escape : http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/boston-bombing-trial/boston-bo : During the frantic manhunt for the brothers accused in the Boston Marathon : bombing, the two suspects carjacked Chinese immigrant Dun Meng in his : Mercedes SUV. : But when they stopped for gas, Meng made a break for freedom, hiding in the : service station while an attendant called 911. : His escape, after midnight on April 19, 2013, was captured on a series of : surveillance videos, was released Thursday as evidence in the terror trial
s******8 发帖数: 4192 | 26 这是正确的。因为你不知道劫匪是否知道你逃到哪儿去了,如果他们试图找,你在窗户
【在 w*p 的大作中提到】 : 相当冷静啊,不过都逃到小卖部了,没有必要躲柜子后面吧 : : the
Z*****l 发帖数: 14069 | |
b*x 发帖数: 5456 | |
t***u 发帖数: 20182 | |
a***e 发帖数: 399 | 30 民族英雄。以后抢中国车要小心了
【在 t****4 的大作中提到】 : 这哥们长中国人脸了,这还能说出话已不错了
G********1 发帖数: 1341 | |
q***n 发帖数: 3594 | 32 以后恐怖分子抢了车,一看是老中,直接毙掉以绝后患
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】 : 民族英雄。以后抢中国车要小心了
f******r 发帖数: 437 | 33 这哥们的反应真是很牛了, 楼上几个站着说话不腰疼的。
911接线员听力真够差的。 这哥们要是后来几天同意接受采访可能更好些,估计大家
都会记得他了, 可惜他给婉拒了。 |
s*****d 发帖数: 258 | |
o*****t 发帖数: 1540 | 35 从你说的话中表现出你的情商为零。
发信人: quwan (去玩), 信区: Joke
标 题: Re: 还记得Boston马拉松,车被劫持的中国老哥吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 12 20:21:11 2015, 美东)
//sorry 虽然这么说很不厚道,但实在忍不住。。
【在 q***n 的大作中提到】 : 以后恐怖分子抢了车,一看是老中,直接毙掉以绝后患
a***2 发帖数: 1399 | 36 every step is almost optimized as a civilian. Even precisely tell the
correct location of the gas station right away! Hero!
【在 t****4 的大作中提到】 : 这哥们长中国人脸了,这还能说出话已不错了
z*********n 发帖数: 94654 | 37 绝对的牛,值得大赞!
【在 h******y 的大作中提到】 : 这老哥太有喜感了 : Boston Bombing Trial Video Shows Carjack Victim's Daring Escape : http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/boston-bombing-trial/boston-bo : During the frantic manhunt for the brothers accused in the Boston Marathon : bombing, the two suspects carjacked Chinese immigrant Dun Meng in his : Mercedes SUV. : But when they stopped for gas, Meng made a break for freedom, hiding in the : service station while an attendant called 911. : His escape, after midnight on April 19, 2013, was captured on a series of : surveillance videos, was released Thursday as evidence in the terror trial
S********5 发帖数: 753 | 38 https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2015/03/12/more-testimony-about-death-mit-
Boston Globe有更详细的专访,以及interview视频。 |
K***k 发帖数: 251 | |
g*****o 发帖数: 5955 | 40 不只是gps 是on star 之类的东西吧,用手机网络,车丢了可以定位
【在 B*******e 的大作中提到】 : 溜的挺快的. 这次逃脱和这大本的gps 帮了警察不少忙
i****a 发帖数: 36252 | 41 最可能是 lowjack
【在 g*****o 的大作中提到】 : 不只是gps 是on star 之类的东西吧,用手机网络,车丢了可以定位
M****u 发帖数: 4504 | 42 你是中国人生的吗?下次你被枪指着头的时候你给表现一下勇敢或者如你发帖所愿被人
【在 q***n 的大作中提到】 : 急急如丧家之犬,惶惶似落网之鱼 : //sorry 虽然这么说很不厚道,但实在忍不住。。 : : the
S**********n 发帖数: 250 | 43 所以你以后被人抢你车的时候毙了,你要怪到这个人头上?
【在 q***n 的大作中提到】 : 以后恐怖分子抢了车,一看是老中,直接毙掉以绝后患
m***y 发帖数: 14763 | 44 嗯,在这种情况下还保持了相当高的颜值。
【在 f***n 的大作中提到】 : 这哥们长的浓眉大眼,给中国人张脸了