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Joke版 - rubio说8场辩论我赢了7.95 (转载)
Re: rubio mock trump twitter 还挺有意思的 (转载)老板明天继续约谈 (转载)
rubio都开始暗示trump的生殖器了 (转载)Extreme Programming
Re: 25-second memorized speech (转载)圆锥和正四角锥体积
Rubio super PAC把rubio比作harry potter (转载)舒服吗?
超级学术video现在 阿三在各个公司搞的scrum, jira, sprint等等, (转载)
The Trump Style (转载)RDR2多平台画质差异
老米总是那么逗。。。弯曲的软件公司从大到小, 从稳定的到startup 都用JIRA, SCRU
作40小时家务是不是差不多等于马宫上200小时班?很郁闷,很郁闷,爆发一下子 (转载)
话题: rubio话题: debates话题: debate话题: 辩论话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: rubio说8场辩论我赢了7.95
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 10 17:00:31 2016, 美东)
Rubio: I did well in 7.95 out of 8 debates
By Michael Crowley
02/10/16 02:17 PM EST
Marco Rubio offered another explanation for his much-mocked, robotic
repetition of the line "Barack Obama knows exactly what he's doing" at last
Saturday's debate.
"I wanted to avoid fights with other Republicans. The question was about the
record," the Florida senator told reporters Wednesday on board his campaign
plane flying from New Hampshire to South Carolina. "I just pivoted to my
message because I didn't want to be involved in a scrum."
Rubio then sought to put his debate performance into context.
"We’ve had how many—8 debates? In 7.95 of those debates I did very well. I
had a bad incident at the beginning of this debate. And it clouded
everything else we talked about," he said. "It’s on me. So we’re going to
make sure it doesn't happen again."
Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/south-carolina-primary-2016-live-updates-and-results/2016/02/marco-rubio-debate-performances-219093#ixzz3znyEq1i4
1 (共1页)
很郁闷,很郁闷,爆发一下子 (转载)超级学术video
凤姐:Men ask me out all the time (转载)The Trump Style (转载)
Re: rubio mock trump twitter 还挺有意思的 (转载)老板明天继续约谈 (转载)
rubio都开始暗示trump的生殖器了 (转载)Extreme Programming
Re: 25-second memorized speech (转载)圆锥和正四角锥体积
Rubio super PAC把rubio比作harry potter (转载)舒服吗?
话题: rubio话题: debates话题: debate话题: 辩论话题: his