d*********2 发帖数: 48111 | 1 看见好多人讨论的样子。
April 22, 2005
Change of Direction: Do SO2 Emissions Lead to Warming?
Filed under: Climate Forcings —
Many scientists believe that sulfur dioxide emissions, either from un-
scrubbed power plants or from large-scale agricultural burning, serve to
cool the planet’s surface temperature.
The cooling mechanism is fairly straightforward. Sulfur dioxide is
transformed in the atmosphere into sulfate aerosol, a fine particle that
reflects away the sun’s radiation. The particles also serve as the
condensation nuclei for cloud droplets which also reflect away the sun’s
On the other hand, no one really knows the magnitude of these cooling
effects (if any). So we have argued that sulfate cooling is simply a fudge
factor put into climate models in order to chill the overly-hot projections
they make if left to their own devices.
Now comes evidence that sulfur dioxide actually can enhance global warming. | d*********2 发帖数: 48111 | 2 我们53的小时候, 70年代读科学画报, 大科学家们都是悲天悯人, 痛斥工业污染二
氧化硫导致气候变冷.......70,80年代的时候确实冷, 小小冰期。
后来气候回升, 科学家们硬是又把气温上升的锅推回到了SO2头上。
其实无论CO2, 还是SO2, 都是表子。
气温上升也好, 下降也好, 科学家们想用的时候随时拿来用。
(学术的讲, 真有人为因素, 罪魁也应该是H2O) | d*********2 发帖数: 48111 | 3 这还有篇science的贴呢
Science. 1992 Oct 2;258(5079):117-20. Sulfate Cooling Effect on Climate
Through In-Cloud Oxidation of Anthropogenic SO2. Lelieveld J, Heintzenberg J.
要么说climate science就是伪科学, 都是SO2. 变冷的时候也是, 变暖的时候也是他
, 气候学家一张嘴两张皮, 正反都有理。
在正牌受过科学训练的人眼里, 无论变暖还是变冷, 都是些仇视工业进步的bubble
clowns的情感宣泄, 有辱science.
就人类现在这点道行, 还远远比不上印尼一座火山, 或地球轨道偏离个几分对气候的
影响。 |