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Joke版 - cnn又搞笑了 (转载)
Morning Joe发华邮雄文:川普有精神病 (转载)主党女议员明天要搞day without a woman (转载)
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老川在推特上演WWE拳击,痛打假新闻网CNN (转载)老川赞美nyt美国的明珠,世界的明珠
厉害:有人在trump记者会上把cnn, msnbc信号给掐了 (转载)Trump儿子感谢MSNBC Maddow (转载)
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话题: cnn话题: zucker话题: trump话题: ever话题: president
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发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: cnn又搞笑了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 18 14:03:17 2017, 美东)
CNN president: Network’s ‘credibility is higher than ever’
BY JOE CONCHA - 01/18/17 12:04 PM EST 382

CNN President Jeff Zucker says President-elect Donald Trump's attacks on his
network are an attempt to "delegitimize journalism,” adding that CNN's "
credibility is higher than ever.”
"It’s just unfortunate that the most powerful person in the world is trying
to delegitimize journalism and an organization that plays such a vital role
in our democracy," Zucker told New York Magazine in an interview Wednesday.
"I think he’s entitled to his opinion, but it’s — to use one of his
favorite words — sad."
Zucker reflected on Trump’s press conference last week, when the president-
elect refused to let CNN reporter Jim Acosta ask a question and accuse him
of “fake news.”
"I think the era of access journalism as we’ve known it is over," said
Zucker, who took over at CNN in 2013.
"It doesn’t worry me that Donald Trump hasn’t done an interview with CNN
in eight months. I think our credibility is higher than ever, and our
viewership is higher than ever, and our reporting is as strong as ever. …
Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a
Trump has not appeared on CNN since an August interview with Anderson Cooper
, and has repeatedly attacked the network by calling it "dishonest as hell"
and "fake news."
Zucker — who once ran NBC Universal, including MSNBC — also said MSNBC ”
Morning Joe" co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski made a mistake by
going to Trump's Mar-a-Lago hotel to attempt to arrange an interview on New
Year's Eve.
"I think in that case, optically, it would have been a lot better to have
just made a phone call and ask for the interview," said Zucker.
Asked if he ever spoke to Megyn Kelly about coming to CNN, Zucker said he "
had one conversation" with the former Fox News star to host a show in
primetime, but the conversation, "never got serious, it never got real."
Kelly opted to go to NBC News instead for reportedly millions less than the
$25 million Fox had offered per year.
1 (共1页)
美帝这社会主义已经成了厉害:有人在trump记者会上把cnn, msnbc信号给掐了 (转载)
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trump解雇manafort, CNN 女主播哆嗦了 (转载)这变黑牛的左b真不认爹妈了 (转载)
Re:CNN反trump已经丧心病狂了 (转载)msnbc出息了,把trump比萨达姆,墨索里尼 (转载)
Morning Joe发华邮雄文:川普有精神病 (转载)主党女议员明天要搞day without a woman (转载)
CNN为了骂trump说黑人都是罪犯 (转载)关闭清真寺
CNN要跟床铺死磕到底了 (转载)媒体:此炸弹非彼炸弹
老川在推特上演WWE拳击,痛打假新闻网CNN (转载)老川赞美nyt美国的明珠,世界的明珠
话题: cnn话题: zucker话题: trump话题: ever话题: president