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Law版 - Help: how to setup a website
*Delaware LLC 教训与求助*做GAMES做哭了 555555 帮帮我吧
Re: 我也来问个土问题Re: 问几个有关law school的问题Is a lawsuit proper by LIA now?
[转载] 请求帮助【From LIA】LIA 更新,最近几天的动态 (至3月24日) (转载)
办绿卡的感受(26)-我所认识的RIR,PERM和I140485一起递【Class action lawsuit ?】Wachovia这样算不算欺诈
紧急求助:关于H1违约赔偿怎么样file law suit?
PowerScore 的LSAT书值得买吗?备考LSAT的书籍资料 for sale
Lawsuits claim "ladies' night" discriminate(ZZ) (转载)!!求助:关于body injury claim,问个关于法律的问题
话题: setup话题: website话题: plan话题: f1话题: il
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6
I plan to setup an adult website. But I have several questions and ask for
1. Is it leagal in IL?
2. I plan to collect membership fee around $20 per month, do I need setup a
company or I can just use personal account of paypal.com and charge for
3. I hold a F1 visa, is that OK?
Thank you very much
发帖数: 496
First of all, I think Startup board is a better place to discuss such issues.
If you are really a law student, you should know better than anyone that
setting up a small business is a better way to protect yourself in case you
are dragged into some lawsuit some day. I am in the process of starting a LLC.
I'm not a risky person, so I'd rather spend a little more money and go for the
safe side. And I really think the whole process is a rewarding experience, no
matter how much money you make from i

【在 l****t 的大作中提到】
: I plan to setup an adult website. But I have several questions and ask for
: help:
: 1. Is it leagal in IL?
: 2. I plan to collect membership fee around $20 per month, do I need setup a
: company or I can just use personal account of paypal.com and charge for
: service?
: 3. I hold a F1 visa, is that OK?
: Thank you very much

1 (共1页)
!!求助:关于body injury claim,问个关于法律的问题紧急求助:关于H1违约赔偿
@@@@@ UCSD CHINAMAN事件的职业处理方法 (转载)PowerScore 的LSAT书值得买吗?
大龄读JD ,有什么不好和好的地方?大家帮忙看看,这是怎么回事?该怎么办啊?
收到封law firm的信,有人知道怎么回事嘛 (转载)Lawsuits claim "ladies' night" discriminate(ZZ) (转载)
*Delaware LLC 教训与求助*做GAMES做哭了 555555 帮帮我吧
Re: 我也来问个土问题Re: 问几个有关law school的问题Is a lawsuit proper by LIA now?
[转载] 请求帮助【From LIA】LIA 更新,最近几天的动态 (至3月24日) (转载)
办绿卡的感受(26)-我所认识的RIR,PERM和I140485一起递【Class action lawsuit ?】Wachovia这样算不算欺诈
话题: setup话题: website话题: plan话题: f1话题: il