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Law版 - How to deal with this attorney ? Thanks
和解协议Stipulation of settlement能有多大效用???I want to sue the school. Please help me.
有人收到过 Dell 的 legal notice 么?MPEP question - no fees listed?
which kind of attorney?请问这个律师有没有Misconduct
问个Special Civil的Interrogatories的问题请问各位,我这种情况去和landlord argue,能成功么?
有没有人做TAX ATTORNEY 的啊a patent bar exam Q
IP firm 新人发个牢骚兼请教无良老板变态,求救 (转载)
请教一下这里的律师和离过婚的父母我和delta 600刀的机票纠纷,请大家给看看该怎么解决
Is a lawsuit proper by LIA now?可以问landlord要以前tennant的move out inspection吗?
话题: attorney话题: settlement话题: deal话题: defendant话题: check
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34
My attorney lost my settlement check last Oct., then he just abandoned the
case and he did not reply any my calls or emails anymore(I recently
received an email from him saying that he is still working on the case, I
know this is BS).So,I plan to file a motion against the original defendant
asking them to reissue the settlement check. Should I sue the attorney
together with the original defendant? Because he is the person who lost the
settlement check.
Can anyone know how should I deal with thi
发帖数: 3888
Unbelievable... Leave him an voice mail and tell him you intend on reporting
him to the bar for mishandling your check and being unresponsive to your
Why would you be penalized for reporting him to the bar?
发帖数: 34
I mean I need to sue the defendant by myself again or get another attorney
if I report to the Bar.
I am not sure if I sue him,then maybe he is responsible for my loss, like
settlement check.
发帖数: 52
Don't be so naive. He did not "lose" your settlement check, but have used
it unethically for himself (by forging your signature). You need to report
him to your state bar right away.
FYI- you cannot sue the defendant again, because your case was already over,
gone, and settled (in order for the defendant to issue a settlement check,
a settlement agreement must have been signed). If the check was indeed "
lost," it would be just a phone call away for the defendant to issue a new
发帖数: 34


【在 c*********n 的大作中提到】
: Don't be so naive. He did not "lose" your settlement check, but have used
: it unethically for himself (by forging your signature). You need to report
: him to your state bar right away.
: FYI- you cannot sue the defendant again, because your case was already over,
: gone, and settled (in order for the defendant to issue a settlement check,
: a settlement agreement must have been signed). If the check was indeed "
: lost," it would be just a phone call away for the defendant to issue a new
: check.

发帖数: 34
this guy does not talk to me.
block my cellphone, refused to reply my email.
If I want to sue the attorney, do I have to report him to the Attorney
Grievance Commission or wait after the court date then report? Many thanks.
发帖数: 77
landcruiser: I hope this advice is still timely. Since you are at GW, i
assume you are talking about the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission (AGC
)? It's like a prosecutor's office, except that the people there prosecute
attorney misconduct instead of criminal activity. Usually it's a good idea
to report attorney misconduct to the AGC as soon as possible, and they will
open an investigation for you--like how you should report criminal activity
to the police ASAP, rather than waiting to sue
发帖数: 77
1 (共1页)
可以问landlord要以前tennant的move out inspection吗?有没有人做TAX ATTORNEY 的啊
麻烦大家看一下下面这句话:IP firm 新人发个牢骚兼请教
再帮忙看一下Re: 这笔费用我应该出吗?请教一下这里的律师和离过婚的父母
small claimIs a lawsuit proper by LIA now?
和解协议Stipulation of settlement能有多大效用???I want to sue the school. Please help me.
有人收到过 Dell 的 legal notice 么?MPEP question - no fees listed?
which kind of attorney?请问这个律师有没有Misconduct
问个Special Civil的Interrogatories的问题请问各位,我这种情况去和landlord argue,能成功么?
话题: attorney话题: settlement话题: deal话题: defendant话题: check