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发信人: houzi (小猴子), 信区: HouseRental
标 题: 租的condo的房东要short sale, 我要注意些啥?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 24 17:04:21 2009), 转信
现在我租住在一个私人的condo里,跟房东签了lease, 到今年十月才到期。
昨天,房东突然告诉我他付不起mortage了,要short sale这个condo. 房东还说我还可
以接着住,因为short sale 需要银行approve, will take 6 months or longer.
1.如果房东short sale的话,现在这个房子还是房东的吗,我还要把房租交给他吗?
2.我有$1500 depositi 在房东那里。 房东现在欠银行钱,将来肯定也没钱还我的
deposit。我想通过少交下面两个月的房租把deposit抵 | g*******t 发帖数: 1039 | 2 read this, it may help you
don't take 2nd floor's advice (把房子搞得乱糟糟) - you'll be end up with
paying the damage (besides, do you want to live in a apt that is 乱糟糟
before you leave?)
If I were you, I'll talk to the owner to see if he'll allow you to terminate
the lease earlier, if not, ask him if he can lower the rent to cover the
disturbance for showing the apt (usually he won't agree)
lastly, condo is very hard to sell in this market, short |