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Living版 - where could you find such cheap houses
房子2选1How much does it cost to fix this house?
请问 Foreclosed, Renovation,and Property Tax请推荐好的装修师傅 contractor (Great New York and New Jersey Area)
多少年的老房子要重新换电线?Renovation Contractor
买五六十年代的房子有什么特别的注意点吗请问 ash 是很好的木头么?
话题: houses话题: materials话题: cost话题: cheap话题: find
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 454
I've heard lots of people talking about new houses priced at 300k or below.
I am curious as to what kind of materials they use and why they could be so
I've renovated several houses here in mid-atlantic area. One of the most
recent, about 100 years old, cost me about 200k+ for renovation. This is the
lowest price I can find--most other contractors ask for around 300k.
I did not use very fancy materials (of course, the materials in general
would be better than most big builders such as Tol
发帖数: 4125
Short sale, foreclosure, auction, etc.
What kind of material is case by case, but not paper for sure.
Renovating cost can vary so much depending on what materials used and where
you buy the material from.
Example, if you hire an architect or interior designer to renovate a medium
size powder room (containing just a toilet and sink) with some nice
material, your cost is $50k min, but I can do it using the same material for
less than $10K (assuming I import a full container to do the whole house)

【在 L***z 的大作中提到】
: I've heard lots of people talking about new houses priced at 300k or below.
: I am curious as to what kind of materials they use and why they could be so
: cheap.
: I've renovated several houses here in mid-atlantic area. One of the most
: recent, about 100 years old, cost me about 200k+ for renovation. This is the
: lowest price I can find--most other contractors ask for around 300k.
: I did not use very fancy materials (of course, the materials in general
: would be better than most big builders such as Tol

发帖数: 5610
Don't you know renovation cost more money than building it up directly?
As a matter of fact, insurance companies write policy for the situation in
case the house is destroyed. They include dollar cost figures to build
similar houses, and the cost is not that high.


【在 L***z 的大作中提到】
: I've heard lots of people talking about new houses priced at 300k or below.
: I am curious as to what kind of materials they use and why they could be so
: cheap.
: I've renovated several houses here in mid-atlantic area. One of the most
: recent, about 100 years old, cost me about 200k+ for renovation. This is the
: lowest price I can find--most other contractors ask for around 300k.
: I did not use very fancy materials (of course, the materials in general
: would be better than most big builders such as Tol

1 (共1页)
[合集] 我们也去北卡看家具了-1.去/住/吃买五六十年代的房子有什么特别的注意点吗
有人对renovation loan 有经验吗?装修那点事
房子2选1How much does it cost to fix this house?
请问 Foreclosed, Renovation,and Property Tax请推荐好的装修师傅 contractor (Great New York and New Jersey Area)
多少年的老房子要重新换电线?Renovation Contractor
话题: houses话题: materials话题: cost话题: cheap话题: find