我的closing fee 比一个同事高不少, 不知那个ower's title insurance 和lender's
title insurance 是不是和房价和贷款额有关。房子在NJ.
Owner's title insurance 385.00
Lender's title insurance 962.00
review transfer documents 275.00
Title examination to consolidated title group 477.00
Government recording charges
Deed 155.00
Mortgage 355.00
Notice of settlement 95.00
【在 b****e 的大作中提到】 : 我的closing fee 比一个同事高不少, 不知那个ower's title insurance 和lender's : title insurance 是不是和房价和贷款额有关。房子在NJ. : 请大家帮忙看看: : Owner's title insurance 385.00 : Lender's title insurance 962.00 : review transfer documents 275.00 : Title examination to consolidated title group 477.00 : : Government recording charges : Deed 155.00