R***U 发帖数: 1860 | 1 Finished basement with a little creek behind house.
Not taking my chances this time. |
T******r 发帖数: 2937 | 2 how much and where did u buy?
【在 R***U 的大作中提到】 : Finished basement with a little creek behind house. : Not taking my chances this time.
R***U 发帖数: 1860 | 3 There is a run on generator this week.
Call every store nearby and buy the 1st they have in stock.
【在 T******r 的大作中提到】 : how much and where did u buy?
s*i 发帖数: 1402 | 4 did you area have a history of power outage caused by extreme weather?
【在 R***U 的大作中提到】 : Finished basement with a little creek behind house. : Not taking my chances this time.
R***U 发帖数: 1860 | 5 We lost power about once a year in snow storm. Not too bad.
But the problem this time is, there are 2 nuclear power plants near shore.
I don't know what happen if they decide to shut down....
It is an insurance more than anything else.
【在 s*i 的大作中提到】 : did you area have a history of power outage caused by extreme weather?
x*******g 发帖数: 1363 | 6 I know costoc, sams typically carry this. 400 or so. You don't need to hire
anyone to do the wire, just plug in some way and oala works -- never tried
myselft though.
【在 T******r 的大作中提到】 : how much and where did u buy?
b*******g 发帖数: 1095 | 7 能带动冰箱吗?再加个电视行吗?
【在 R***U 的大作中提到】 : Finished basement with a little creek behind house. : Not taking my chances this time.
C*******d 发帖数: 15836 | 8 冰箱:一般最多800瓦
【在 b*******g 的大作中提到】 : 能带动冰箱吗?再加个电视行吗?
R***U 发帖数: 1860 | 9 我搞了2000W,有点小,但是以后camping好带着。
这种时候sump pump转就行,就不管冰箱了。
【在 b*******g 的大作中提到】 : 能带动冰箱吗?再加个电视行吗?
b*******g 发帖数: 1095 | 10 ok谢谢!
【在 R***U 的大作中提到】 : 我搞了2000W,有点小,但是以后camping好带着。 : 这种时候sump pump转就行,就不管冰箱了。
C****8 发帖数: 332 | 11 我搞了个蓄电池加逆变转换器.
算了一下,sump pump可以连续转8个小时.
【在 R***U 的大作中提到】 : 我搞了2000W,有点小,但是以后camping好带着。 : 这种时候sump pump转就行,就不管冰箱了。
K******S 发帖数: 10109 | 12 gas or fuel?
【在 R***U 的大作中提到】 : Finished basement with a little creek behind house. : Not taking my chances this time.
R***U 发帖数: 1860 | 13 car gasoline
【在 K******S 的大作中提到】 : gas or fuel?
K******S 发帖数: 10109 | 14 IMHO, actually it's better to get one that uses propane gas, because when
power is out, gas station won't pump gasoline. It will be much easier to get
propane gas tanks.
【在 R***U 的大作中提到】 : car gasoline
B***r 发帖数: 534 | 15 用这东西怎么给家电供电啊?接到Electric Box上还是用个长的插线板接到屋里就行了?
【在 R***U 的大作中提到】 : car gasoline
R***U 发帖数: 1860 | 16 长的插线板接到屋里就行了
【在 B***r 的大作中提到】 : 用这东西怎么给家电供电啊?接到Electric Box上还是用个长的插线板接到屋里就行了?
b*****d 发帖数: 524 | |