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Living版 - Refinancing
贷款broker要求先lock rate再做appraisalrate lockh后还能锁吗?
how to get the new low lock rateClosing之前多久lock rate
请问什么时候可以lock rateloan application 和 rate
请教大家,refinancing 的步骤一般是怎样的?今天的利率出来了么?
Lock后,利率又降了Mortgage Broker让我先不要lock
如果loan broker promise no point no fee, 最后又没有做下来贷款能relock吗?第一次买房
关于lock the raterate lock之后, 贷款经纪是不是应该把lender的lock confirmat
7 years ARM rate 3.0%5.125%, 30-Year, No Point, 25% down. today... Good or no?
话题: rate话题: lock话题: appraisal话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 27
My broker told me that I need to lock the rate first then order the
appraisal. Is it the normal process for refinancing? I'm in CA. My
husband credit score is below 700, so we only can get 4.125 for 30yr fix.
Is the rate too high? Thanks for your help.
发帖数: 5191
一般是这样的次序, rate是不是好还要看您的condition
发帖数: 27
Then after the appraisal, if the rate went down, I just can not adjust to
the lower rate any more?

【在 b********2 的大作中提到】
: 一般是这样的次序, rate是不是好还要看您的condition
发帖数: 9308

【在 N*******s 的大作中提到】
: My broker told me that I need to lock the rate first then order the
: appraisal. Is it the normal process for refinancing? I'm in CA. My
: husband credit score is below 700, so we only can get 4.125 for 30yr fix.
: Is the rate too high? Thanks for your help.

发帖数: 27
Thanks so much.

【在 b*d 的大作中提到】
: 不用先去锁利率,可以先去做appraisal,这两个是独立的时间,不用有先后。
发帖数: 5191
您说的不错, 但是一旦您先做了appraisal, rate也可能上去, 或者agent也可能说rate
变了, 到时您就比较被动. 因为appraisal是不能transfer的.

【在 N*******s 的大作中提到】
: Then after the appraisal, if the rate went down, I just can not adjust to
: the lower rate any more?

发帖数: 27
Thanks. Now my broker said that I don't need to lock the rate for two weeks
until the loan get approved. Then I can lock the rate and order the
appraisal. But If I want, I can lock the rate now. Did the rate go up a
little recently?


【在 b********2 的大作中提到】
: 您说的不错, 但是一旦您先做了appraisal, rate也可能上去, 或者agent也可能说rate
: 变了, 到时您就比较被动. 因为appraisal是不能transfer的.

发帖数: 5191
今天 pricing 变差了一些. 但是rate可能还不变, 也就是lender rebate少了些.
如果您先get approval再lock, lock的天数会少, pricing应该更好. 比如lock 19天比
lock 30天, lender给的rebate要多. 但是两个星期后market rate也可能会变差.


【在 N*******s 的大作中提到】
: Thanks. Now my broker said that I don't need to lock the rate for two weeks
: until the loan get approved. Then I can lock the rate and order the
: appraisal. But If I want, I can lock the rate now. Did the rate go up a
: little recently?
: rate

发帖数: 1879
I always suggest borrowers to lock in first, at least you know what rate you
can get at this point.
As blueangel said, if you submit loan firs without locking the rate but
ordering appraisal, assuming marketing will be the same, then you will get
good rate by locking shorter time. However, if marketing will float, some
other lenders can offer more attractive rate or entire marketing become
worse, then you cannot shift around since your appraisal cannot transfer
between lenders unless you want to start again all over for good case, or
lock the bad rate.


【在 N*******s 的大作中提到】
: Thanks. Now my broker said that I don't need to lock the rate for two weeks
: until the loan get approved. Then I can lock the rate and order the
: appraisal. But If I want, I can lock the rate now. Did the rate go up a
: little recently?
: rate

1 (共1页)
5.125%, 30-Year, No Point, 25% down. today... Good or no?Lock后,利率又降了
refinance中,可以换lender吗如果loan broker promise no point no fee, 最后又没有做下来
今天lock了rate, 3.875% 30 fixed new purchase关于lock the rate
Lock Rate之后可以取消和其他lender吗?7 years ARM rate 3.0%
贷款broker要求先lock rate再做appraisalrate lockh后还能锁吗?
how to get the new low lock rateClosing之前多久lock rate
请问什么时候可以lock rateloan application 和 rate
请教大家,refinancing 的步骤一般是怎样的?今天的利率出来了么?
话题: rate话题: lock话题: appraisal话题: my