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Living版 - when to get the CD (close disclosure) --- originally called HUD
有关short sale fee的问题 (急等)请问,closing cost是不是就是价格的6%
Seller Agent 可以这样来hold钱吗? 同时求推荐律师!被loan broker骗了,问退出的损失
新手买房遇到棘手问题for refinance
为什么基本要close了,buyer agent突然让我们签一个关于disclosure的附加文件?请教个贷款中的问题
请教lock rate问题装Dish需要HOA的批准么?
final closing disclosure上面数字不对且缺少一些数字,MORTGAGE BROKER非要我签字可以换loan agent吗?
正常吗?in new GFE, credit towards origination charge 少了卖家counter offer要求用他们指定的morgage broker
话题: cd话题: monday话题: march话题: days话题: saturday
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 555
Plan to close next Monday.
Based on the new rule, I need to acknowledge the CD 3 business days before
The person who handles my closing said the 3 days also includes weekends.
This is the rule:
A loan cannot close for 3 business days (not including Sundays and federal
holidays) after the CD has been acknowledged by all individuals who hold
title to the property.
This is what she said:
Saturday is included in the 3 days, so if you count back from Monday, you
need to acknowledge receipt of the closing disclosure by Thursday, March
10th, which is when you will have the CD by. The time does not matter, as
long as you say you have received it by midnight on March 10th you will be
fine. I will put you on the schedule for Monday, March 14th at 9:00 AM.
Now I am confused. Does this 3 days includes Saturday? Is this normal to get
CD so late?
发帖数: 126
if you acknowledge it on Thursday, you have to wait three days, which are
Friday, Saturday and Monday, the earlier date to close is Tuesday.

【在 z****e 的大作中提到】
: Plan to close next Monday.
: Based on the new rule, I need to acknowledge the CD 3 business days before
: closing.
: The person who handles my closing said the 3 days also includes weekends.
: This is the rule:
: A loan cannot close for 3 business days (not including Sundays and federal
: holidays) after the CD has been acknowledged by all individuals who hold
: title to the property.
: This is what she said:
: Saturday is included in the 3 days, so if you count back from Monday, you

1 (共1页)
卖家counter offer要求用他们指定的morgage broker请教lock rate问题
这个Property Appraisal Delivery Waiver 是什么意思final closing disclosure上面数字不对且缺少一些数字,MORTGAGE BROKER非要我签字
美国房子里的木头正常吗?in new GFE, credit towards origination charge 少了
有关short sale fee的问题 (急等)请问,closing cost是不是就是价格的6%
Seller Agent 可以这样来hold钱吗? 同时求推荐律师!被loan broker骗了,问退出的损失
新手买房遇到棘手问题for refinance
为什么基本要close了,buyer agent突然让我们签一个关于disclosure的附加文件?请教个贷款中的问题
话题: cd话题: monday话题: march话题: days话题: saturday