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LosAngeles版 - 80-20 Endorses Republican Whitman for CA Governor
$48 per Whitman vote转贴: 吴仙标/80-20呼吁亚裔选民注册成共和党
Please vote for Meg Whitman一亿四千万打水漂了
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80-20: AsAms mad at Jerry Brown今天是选举日
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话题: whitman话题: asian话题: ca话题: 80话题: 20
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发帖数: 626
The 80-20 PAC applauds the recommendation of the 80-20 California
Coalition and has endorsed a Republican Meg Whitman for California
When Whitman wins, WE win. Here is why.
Meg Whitman had actually gone above and beyond what 80-20 has
asked for in its questionnaire, and gave us more.
In Q1 through Q3, 80-20 looked for a yes/no answer from Whitman and
Brown to address
1) the glass ceiling above Asian Ams in CA's state government,
2) the paucity of Asian Am. university trustees , and
3) the lack of Asian Am. state judges.
Brown said he didn't care to answer. Click on
visit http://www.80-20initiative.net/Brown_response_100929.pdf .
Whitman's answer was "I'll go beyond that. I'll not only appointing
APIs to the positions referred to in your questionnaire, I'll give you
input to who are to be appointed. The glass ceiling problem can be
solve the same way. Help me appoint the best high level officials who
have the authority to shatter the glass ceiling for Asian Ams."
Are these her exact words? No. But it could be what she could legally
state, given the ddictate of CA Proposition 209 which explicitly
prohibits "political institutions to consider race, sex or ethnicity." Go
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Proposition_209_(1996) .
Her reply to us is sown below.
Only the sentences shown in red (emphasis added) are substantive. All
the rest may just be sweet words signifying nothing.
What is her answer to Q4? Her answer is why wait till the 3rd year to
check my performance? See me "early in my term" so that I'll make
the kind of appointments that will yield the desired results for Asian
Why didn't she answer yes to Q5? Because CA's Legislature (Senate plus
Assembly) has already formally apologized in July 2009 to Asian Ams for
its past wrongs. Click on
http://www.apaforprogress.org/california-apologizes-chinese-americans-past-discrimination .
Is 80-20 absolutely certain that Whitman will do that much good for
us? NO. That is the defect of a statement. However given the dictate of
Proposition 209, Whitman's reply "meet with me . . . to discuss API
appointments" does seem the best she can do, perhaps a bit more
than what we asked for.
80-20 is not without a recourse, if those were empty promises.
There is always Whitman's NEXT election! We choose believe her for now.
Use your imagination to help Whitman win. When Whitman
wins, WE win. [5 "W" words? Do a high-five for the 5 Ws & be a
Whitman supporter. :) :) ]
Respectfully & proudly yours,
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President till December, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
PS Additional News! 80-20 brings values to Asian Am votets. Politicians
now chase after Asian Am. voters, like they do other voters. Example?
(1) Whitman bought political TV ads in Asian Am. community, a historic
first for any major non-Asian politician in CA.
(2) Brown sought out Dr. Albert Wang of Fremont, CA to be a "talking
"talking head" for Brown. Albert, an 80-20 Life Member, showing
solidality with 80-20, declined.
Before we are equal citizens, if WE don't put our AsAm interests
forefront and foremost, then WHO WILL???
发帖数: 626
When Whitman wins, WE win. Why? Henceforth, no one will
ever take Asian Am. voters in CA for granted. This is the empower-
ment of our community that 80-20 seeks to achieve through
this gubernatorial election.
Fantastic response to 80-20's endorsement of Meg Whitman is still
pouring in.
(1) great job. any help you need let us know. ravji h patel
(2) All my family total of 28 votes have sent the absentee ballots for Ms.
Whitman. David Wong
(3) My wife and I will keep our promises. Meg will get two additional
votes from Democrats. Guopin
(4) My husband and I will vote for whoever 80-20's endorsed. I will
suggest all my Asian friends follow my vote. Thank you for your
hard working. Christine
(5) My absentee ballot was put in the mail today in which Ms. Whitman
got my vote. I am an Independent in San Diego voting for Republican
to support 80-20 that we are in it together. Sherwin Wang
(6) I sent it to a few of my CA friends. I think it is powerful if we all do
the same thing. And if Whitman wins, we win! Great negotiation
power in the future if we do help her win the race. Again, thanks for
what you and 80-20 have done. Shau
(7) After considering your efforts regarding the CA Governor’s race, I will
for the first time be voting for a Republican, Meg Whitman. Thanks
for your effort, James Chen, Santa Barbara
(8) Tim Wu sent to 47 of his CA friends the following message. He also
attached our e-newsletter "80-20 Endorses Republican
Whitman for CA Governor"
" The California election is upon us. It is time to do some soul
searching as to whom has earned our votes. I have never voted
for a Republican in a General Election before but there is always
a first time. Go Whitman." Tim Wu
(9) Bob Chang sent to 48 of his friends the following message:
" Dear All :
Enclosed please see the announcement from 80-20 about
endorsing Meg Whiteman for Calif Governor, while Brown
did NOT give a dame to our questionnaire. If you are a CA
resident, please consider a block vote for our children's/grand-
children's sake. If you are NOT, please encourage your friends
in CA to make the right decision.
It's NOW or NEVER. If we do NOT teach Brown a lesson,
there is NO first class citizenship for our descendents in this
country !!! Thanks ! Bob Chang"
(10) Thank you for your forever energy and endless efforts! I have just
sent a request for support email to 197 friends in CA, and
asked them to vote for Whitman and Boxer. Lao Li
I apologize for not publishing all your responses, owing to space
limitations. Reward Whitman while punishing Brown. Solidarity!
Respectfully yours,
S.B. Woo, a volunteer
Acting President, 80-20 PAC, Inc.
PS: Brown called a press conference in Japantown in SF on 10/17 at 9 a.m.
to announce that AsAm Democratic officials are endorsing him. Is that
a surprise or of political value to Brown? [S. B. Woo said rhetorically
to Brown, "Jerry, this is the general election, not a primary. You need
Asian Am. civic groups, Independents, Republicans to endorse you, not
Democratic officials." ] We heard that even AsAm officials only let
Brown use their names but avoided appearing with him. It reveals that
Brown is sweating bullets sensing that he is losing Asian Am. votes fast.
Let that be a lesson to the HIGH AND MIGHTY Brown.
发帖数: 626
When Whitman wins, WE win. It'll mean the establishment of an
Asian Am. political presence in California. Most Asian Ams, regardless
of thier party affiliation, understand that.
A bloc vote is powerful in helping our children's future. A "swing" bloc
vote that can be delivered to either a Democrat or a Republican depending
on which candidate offering the better commitment to our community,
will help our children's future even more. Most Asian Ams. also
understand that. Evidence?
See some of the responses that are pouring in.
1) Have just voted for Meg Whitman via mail . . . and will thank
her committee for helping 80/20. Janice S, Wong
2) Thank you for all the hard work on behalf of Asian Americans. Due to
80-20's involvement in the California Governor's race, I WILL be voting for
Meg Whitman, although I've been a registered Democrat all my life.
Best wishes and a big thank you to everyone working at 80-20. Please
keep up the excellent work. Wayne Cheng
2601 Main Street, Suite 900, Irvine, CA 92614
3) Great, thank you for your leadership! Sam Wong
4) I have been a member of 80-20 for several years. Although I was
supportive of 80-20, I sensed that there might be a bias of 80-20 to
support Democrats. As a Republican, I was only willing to support 80-20
at the basic membership level. However, your recent endorsement of Meg
Whitman, a Republican, has clearly shown that 80-20 is an unbiased
organization that works hard for Asian American! Kudos to you and 80-
20 for your excellent work and selfless dedication. Upon hearing news, I
have just increased my support to 80-20 to a life-time family
membership. Jason Huang, MD
5) Thank you very much for your continuous effort in enhancing Asian
political presence. This mail is the most encouraging news to our
Asians. Your efforts on this matter are greatly appreciated.
Richard Wang
6) The following email was forward to me by Erl Yu, who has already
emailed his friends in CA to urge them to vote for Meg Whitman.
"Hi, my friend:
I have been a member of 80-20 initiative for many years, because I
believe they are working hard for a good cause for all Asian American,
especially in California. 80-20 recently asked me to send a letter to the
Republican candidate for California governor, Ms. Meg Whitman asking
her to agree with 80-20's request in a questionnaire. If her answer is
favorable, members of 80-20 will vote for her as a block and will also ask
our friends in California to vote for her.
Ms. Whitman’s answer is more than 80-20 asked for (see below), while the
other Democrat candidate, Mr. Brown, didn’t bother to answer
Normally I vote for Democrat, but this time in order to show that we Asian
American are in it together, I opt for Republican. Since I can’t vote in
California, but you can. I hope you can vote Ms. Whitman in the November
election. Erl"
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1 (共1页)
廉售德國原裝 2001 VW PassatO编辑总结:SCA5的驳回--这个故事刚刚开始 (转载)
让优秀的人才和你做朋友(4/4南加创业之夜) (转载)80-20: AsAms mad at Jerry Brown
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$48 per Whitman vote转贴: 吴仙标/80-20呼吁亚裔选民注册成共和党
Please vote for Meg Whitman一亿四千万打水漂了
cnn嘲笑meg whitman, 哈哈你们要看清事件的本质
话题: whitman话题: asian话题: ca话题: 80话题: 20