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LosAngeles版 - [招人] VP Model Validation Analyst
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前2天的海邊拍攝....................冷到不行..................求工作refer(predictive modeling),谢谢大家!
Two rooms for Rent in Lake Forest CA 92630在Irvine CA,各个level,credit risk modeling experience,loss (转载)
Re: T台model VS 金球红毯 (转载)工作机会 data scientist@experian datalab, San Diego (转载)
在美国Actuarial Science的phd读出来都干什么去了?[招人]Quantitative Modeler (转载)
请家教 教 Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis请问开车时用手机,被警察逮住 (转载)
话题: validation话题: model话题: analyst话题: models话题: bank
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 44
bank旁边组里招个Model Validation Analyst, 地点在Orange County,希望有
modeling经验。公司目前只能招EAD,绿卡或者公民的,目前没办法给H1B. 我可以帮忙
The Model Validation Analyst is responsible for guiding independent reviews
and validation of various models used by the Bank by assessing the
underlying model assumptions, theoretical basis, and data used by models as
well as the processing, accuracy of output and reporting. The Model
Validation Analyst is responsible for maintaining an inventory and
definition of models, which includes a criticality ranking for each model.
In addition, the Analyst is responsible for developing and implementing a
formal review schedule and plan for the Bank’s models.
The Model Validation Analyst is also responsible for developing and
documenting the usage and validity of the Bank’s use of models for more
complex products and with more ambitions scope, such as enterprise-wide risk
measurement. This position will make recommendations relative to business
decisions made regarding the use of specific models that may impose cots on
the organization, but which may have the potential for adverse consequences
from decisions based on models that are either incorrect or misused.
Additional models requiring validation may include, but are not limited to:
stress testing, capital allocation, risk measurement, pricing and
profitability, and the Allowance for Loan and Lease Loss.
bankjobrefer at gmail . com
发帖数: 44
[email protected]
/* */
1 (共1页)
请问开车时用手机,被警察逮住 (转载)Two rooms for Rent in Lake Forest CA 92630
Re: LA本周三游行招募贴Re: T台model VS 金球红毯 (转载)
解放区的田凯同学太牛逼了!在美国Actuarial Science的phd读出来都干什么去了?
twitter:《建敏感词伟业》海外推广需大力加强zz请家教 教 Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis
statistical score modeling, and scoring models 是什么东西? (转载)LA哪里看 传统的教堂建筑?UCLA 附近有吗?
[合集] 东北酒家如何?【需要你的帮助】美女奔图(多图) (转载)
前2天的海邊拍攝....................冷到不行..................求工作refer(predictive modeling),谢谢大家!
话题: validation话题: model话题: analyst话题: models话题: bank