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LosAngeles版 - 加州全民免费医保宣告失败,SB-562止步众院 (转载)
West LA 下午有重大政治活动 :)spacious private guest house (Woodland Hills, CA 91364) for rent,交通方便,拎包入住
LA 不愿意做宅男宅女的同学们,周六hiking讨论号外号外,free tax efile for all CA resident
每周一Hi(king)(08/21)Big Santa Anita Loop@Sierra Madre (up美国众议院通过最终版本医改法案
需要建议~for white elephant gift exchange....earthquake
[活动组织] 2/18 周六 Big Santa Anita Loop hikingPlease vote for Meg Whitman
CHINO 漂亮独立屋4房3浴出租 $2400/月爷们儿请进,娘们儿止步
[活动组织] 周六 Big Santa Anita Loop hikingmm请进。。。(zz)男士止步。。。赫赫。。。
[活动组织] 周六 Big Santa Anita Loop hiking1月2日枪支安全介绍和射击活动聚会
话题: pay话题: sb话题: pass话题: 562
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发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: ddsd (ddsd), 信区: USANews
标 题: 加州全民免费医保宣告失败,SB-562止步众院
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 25 12:39:41 2017, 美东)
I hope they do pass it. This will have several benefits. When it turns into
the massive disaster that it would be it would preclude any chance the rest
of us would ever be subjected to this. The second will be just punishment to
the progressives in silicon valley and elsewhere. The lush wonderful health
plans at Google, Apple etc will be replaced with the one size fits all, low
quality for all plan. They will have to wait to see the doctor because of
the backlog of illegal aliens using the service. If they are unlucky, they
might have a serious health issue, but wait they will. Go to the best
medical care in the state such as Stanford University? Nope, state doesn't
pay for that kind of expensive treatment. Pay for it? This time they would
have no choice but to make the progressives pay for it, there is not enough
money otherwise so those well paying jobs at Google won't be so well paying
after all. And you will still have that huge mortgage to pay still. To get
to $400 billion a year they are going to have to triple the tax rate from 11
% to 30% or higher. But don't forget, you still have to pay your 30% federal
, 6% social security and medicare taxes. But I am sure they will be fine
about 30% of their paycheck in take home pay. Then once the well off
Californians see this then they are going to leave, or at least the smart
first ones will. That will tank house prices, then the majority will be
stuck in underwater mortgages unable to leave. (Sort of forced to stay, very
progressive). Then the companies will move out of state cause nobody is
going to want to live somewhere they couldn't possibly afford anymore. Then
the good jobs go too. But in reality this will never pass because
progressives only pass their bad policies when someone else has to pay for
it. And one thing we have learned, progressives talk about paying more for
government, but they never are willing to do it themselves. And this will
not pass for this reason alone.
California can't even fix it's roads above third world nation status and
they think they can run healthcare? Good thing this thing bombed.
Socialism does not work. The VA hospitals prove that socialism does not work
in health care.
发帖数: 55301
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1月2日枪支安全介绍和射击活动聚会[活动组织] 2/18 周六 Big Santa Anita Loop hiking
有什么好的练美式口音的软件或方法推荐?CHINO 漂亮独立屋4房3浴出租 $2400/月
球陪同[活动组织] 周六 Big Santa Anita Loop hiking
加州政府穷疯了 HUGE California Traffic Tickets Fines Effect (转载)[活动组织] 周六 Big Santa Anita Loop hiking
West LA 下午有重大政治活动 :)spacious private guest house (Woodland Hills, CA 91364) for rent,交通方便,拎包入住
LA 不愿意做宅男宅女的同学们,周六hiking讨论号外号外,free tax efile for all CA resident
每周一Hi(king)(08/21)Big Santa Anita Loop@Sierra Madre (up美国众议院通过最终版本医改法案
需要建议~for white elephant gift exchange....earthquake
话题: pay话题: sb话题: pass话题: 562