s***r 发帖数: 1121 | 1 英譯中:吾愛(致XYE)
英文出自Temptation“My Girl".
吾心如浴,I've got sunshine
雖雲暗日微。on a cloudy day.
寒風若侵,When it's cold outside
犹似五月芳菲。I've got the month of May.
汝或問之,I guess you'd say
何事所依? What can make me feel this way?
情之所恋,My girl (my girl, my girl)
愛之所歸。Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
吾心已醉,I've got so much honey
甘怡如蜜。the bees envy me.
莺啼婉尔,I've got a sweeter song
林歌四溢。than the birds in the trees.
汝或問之,I guess you'd say
何事所依? What can make me feel this way?
情之所牽,My girl (my girl, my girl)
愛之所寄。Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
浮世名利,I don't need no money,
非吾所趨。fortune, or fame.
伊人相隨,I've got all the riches
勿求勿欲。baby one man can claim.
汝或問之,I guess you'd say
何事所依? What can make me feel this way?
情之所眷,My girl (my girl, my girl)
愛之所顧。Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
執子之手,I've got sunshine
任雲暗日微。on a cloudy day
執子之手, With my girl.
似五月芳菲。I've even got the month of May
執子之手,With my girl
吾愛之不渝。With my girl
smxzr12/15/11於smx |