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Mathematics版 - Why I said logic is not math Re: 插一句
some tales of mathematic!ans(155)(zz)Heroes in My Heart (5)
Mathematica Decimal Precision(zz)Heroes in My Heart (6)
[合集] 国内院士水平还是很强的(zz)Heroes in My Heart (15)
some tales of mathematic!ans(124)(zz)Heroes in My Heart (51)
关于学习mathematical statistics or probability斐波那契螺旋
【选校求教】Which one to choose, Columbia or Rutgers一个猜想
Ph.D. Positions available (Health/Medical Informatics)费尔马大定理阅读手记[zz]
话题: math话题: branches话题: why话题: yet
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
Mathematics has got so many different branches. Yet I do not believe math is
formed by some branches totally irrevlant to each other. Yet I do not believe
each of them is of equal importance.It is absolutely not true. There is core
mathematics , mainstream mathematics
which reflects the highest achivement of our times. For instance math shown in
the proof of Fermat theorem. At least those important math branches are
still closedly
connected to each other, which form the main body of mathemati
发帖数: 40
I agree with you. This kind of hatred happened many times in history
and it is happening now all over the academic fields, which stinks.
For example, Fisher and Pearson fought hard last century, finally it
looked like Fisher's maximum likelihood methods won over Pearson's
method of moments, but years later, GMM came out and it appeared as
good as, and sometimes better than MLE in many scenarios.
I'm just sick of all this BS: why ppl want to show they are good
by downgrading other's work?
发帖数: 1037

【在 W*******n 的大作中提到】
: Mathematics has got so many different branches. Yet I do not believe math is
: formed by some branches totally irrevlant to each other. Yet I do not believe
: each of them is of equal importance.It is absolutely not true. There is core
: mathematics , mainstream mathematics
: which reflects the highest achivement of our times. For instance math shown in
: the proof of Fermat theorem. At least those important math branches are
: still closedly
: connected to each other, which form the main body of mathemati

1 (共1页)
关于数论的一个问题关于学习mathematical statistics or probability
如果p是素数,乘法群(Z/pZ)一定是循环群吗?【选校求教】Which one to choose, Columbia or Rutgers
Have you guys heard this?Ph.D. Positions available (Health/Medical Informatics)
some tales of mathematic!ans(155)(zz)Heroes in My Heart (5)
Mathematica Decimal Precision(zz)Heroes in My Heart (6)
[合集] 国内院士水平还是很强的(zz)Heroes in My Heart (15)
some tales of mathematic!ans(124)(zz)Heroes in My Heart (51)
话题: math话题: branches话题: why话题: yet