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Mathematics版 - 悲剧啊,望月新衣的证明还是没人看
日本数学家望月新一宣称证明质数之间深层联系猜想——abc猜想 (转载)求教数学名词定理的命名
Boston.com 介绍老张的个人情况望月新一 和 Perelman 貌似超出其他数学家一大截啊
Zhang Yitang is proof that for mathematicians, life begins at 40【数学的奇妙八卦】zz
After Prime Proof, an Unlikely Star Rises建议大家不要轻易去读望月新一的论文
你最佩服那一类数学家 ?(James Simon除外)智力上限
哈佛亚裔数学家撰文中世纪伊斯兰数学成就abc conjecture被证明了没有?
话题: he话题: papers话题: mochizuki话题: yamashita话题: iuteich
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 21731
In case you haven’t been following this story, “abc” refers to a famous
conjecture in number theory, for which Shin Mochizuki claimed last year (see
here) to have found a proof. His argument for abc involves a new set of
ideas he has developed that he calls “Inter-Universal Teichmuller Theory”
(IUTeich). These are explained in a set of four papers with a total length
over 500 pages. The papers are available here, and he has written a 45 page
overview here. One can characterize the reaction to date of most experts to
these papers as bafflement: what Mochizuki is doing is just so far removed
from what is known and understood by the experts that they have no way of
evaluating whether or not he has a new idea that solves the abc problem.
In principle one should just be able to go line by line through the four
papers and check the arguments, but if one tries this, one runs into the
problem that they depend on a long list of “preparatory papers”, which run
to yet another set of more than 500 pages. So, one is faced with an
intricate argument of over 1000 pages, involving all sorts of unfamiliar
material. That people have thrown up their hands after struggling with this
for a while, deciding that it would take years to figure out, is not
Mochizuki has just released a new document “concerning activities devoted
to the verification of IUTeich”. It explains the state of his efforts to
get other mathematicians to check his work, a project that has been going on
since last year, leading to many ongoing updates to the papers making up
the proof. He explains that he submitted the four IUTeich papers to a
journal last August, but will not have anything to say about the journal or
the state of the submission process. This is the way mathematics is supposed
to work: the papers should be refereed by experts who have agreed to go
through and check them carefully (and confidentially). Given the unusual
character of the series of papers, finding willing and able referees may be
very difficult. It would of course be most satisfying if such referees can
be found and can either identify holes in his argument, or vouch for
correctness of the whole thing.
In the meantime, he has been working since October 2012 with Go Yamashita,
who has carefully gone through the papers and is now writing a 200-300 page
survey of what is in them. Yamashita may also give a course on the topic at
Kyushu University sometime after next April. As part of this process, three
other mathematicians participated in a seminar in which Yamashita lectured
on the papers.
Another mathematician working on this is Mohamed Saïdi, who devoted
about six months to studying the papers, then spent three months visiting
Kyoto and discussing them with Mochizuki. According to Mochizuki, he has
said that he believes the theory to be correct. Mochizuki summarizes the
current situation as
the issue of whether or not one should regard the verification of
IUTeich as being, for all practical purposes, complete, i.e., as a result of
the activities of Yamashita and Saïdi, is by no means clear, and any
sort of “final conclusion” on this topic must be regarded as a matter that
lies beyond the scope of the present report.
Mochizuki goes on to claim that, based on what he has heard from Yamashita
and Saïdi, researchers trying to read his papers should find it
possible to understand the theory if they work on it for roughly half a year
. He warns that they do need to be aware though that an attempt to make
sense of what he is doing by expecting “a similar pattern of argument to
existing mathematical theories is likely to end in failure.” They also need
to keep in mind that he’s not particularly focused on proving abc, that
for him it is the IUTeich theory itself that is the object of interest.
This is a remarkable story, with little precedent. After more than a year, I
haven’t heard anyone willing to bet either way on how it will turn out.
Mochizuki is a talented mathematician and maybe he has a proof. Or maybe he
has a complicated set of ideas which don’t do what he hopes. Perhaps
someday one of these alternatives will start to emerge, but it doesn’t now
look like this will be anytime soon.
发帖数: 320



【在 s*****V 的大作中提到】
: http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=6514#comments
: In case you haven’t been following this story, “abc” refers to a famous
: conjecture in number theory, for which Shin Mochizuki claimed last year (see
: here) to have found a proof. His argument for abc involves a new set of
: ideas he has developed that he calls “Inter-Universal Teichmuller Theory”
: (IUTeich). These are explained in a set of four papers with a total length
: over 500 pages. The papers are available here, and he has written a 45 page
: overview here. One can characterize the reaction to date of most experts to
: these papers as bafflement: what Mochizuki is doing is just so far removed
: from what is known and understood by the experts that they have no way of

发帖数: 3159
发帖数: 21731
发帖数: 1930

【在 s*****V 的大作中提到】
: 某种意义上,望月新衣的境遇和民科很像,做出来东西都没有人愿意验证,虽然他过往
: 还是有很好的CREDIT.

发帖数: 913
I read it but couldn't get a clear picture of how it works.



【在 s*****V 的大作中提到】
: http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=6514#comments
: In case you haven’t been following this story, “abc” refers to a famous
: conjecture in number theory, for which Shin Mochizuki claimed last year (see
: here) to have found a proof. His argument for abc involves a new set of
: ideas he has developed that he calls “Inter-Universal Teichmuller Theory”
: (IUTeich). These are explained in a set of four papers with a total length
: over 500 pages. The papers are available here, and he has written a 45 page
: overview here. One can characterize the reaction to date of most experts to
: these papers as bafflement: what Mochizuki is doing is just so far removed
: from what is known and understood by the experts that they have no way of

发帖数: 21731
发帖数: 1485



【在 s*****V 的大作中提到】
: http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=6514#comments
: In case you haven’t been following this story, “abc” refers to a famous
: conjecture in number theory, for which Shin Mochizuki claimed last year (see
: here) to have found a proof. His argument for abc involves a new set of
: ideas he has developed that he calls “Inter-Universal Teichmuller Theory”
: (IUTeich). These are explained in a set of four papers with a total length
: over 500 pages. The papers are available here, and he has written a 45 page
: overview here. One can characterize the reaction to date of most experts to
: these papers as bafflement: what Mochizuki is doing is just so far removed
: from what is known and understood by the experts that they have no way of

1 (共1页)
张益唐说望月新一对abc猜想的证明应该是不行的你最佩服那一类数学家 ?(James Simon除外)
日媒称望月新一关于ABC猜想的证明即将被确认 (转载)哈佛亚裔数学家撰文中世纪伊斯兰数学成就
陶哲轩对望月新一的证明很不爽 (转载)望月新一的ABC猜想证明怎么样了?
日本数学家望月新一宣称证明质数之间深层联系猜想——abc猜想 (转载)求教数学名词定理的命名
Boston.com 介绍老张的个人情况望月新一 和 Perelman 貌似超出其他数学家一大截啊
Zhang Yitang is proof that for mathematicians, life begins at 40【数学的奇妙八卦】zz
After Prime Proof, an Unlikely Star Rises建议大家不要轻易去读望月新一的论文
话题: he话题: papers话题: mochizuki话题: yamashita话题: iuteich