k******n 发帖数: 253 | 1 (实在不好意思发这种不中不英的帖子, 不过我的中文打字那个慢呀, 还是请大家见谅
最近STEP1 的考经很少,回想起备考的时候天天等着别人发考经,尤其是做完NBME,很想
知道这个分数究竟是什么水平,现在就是回报麦地的时候了.As I promised before,
here is my step 1 story:
Background: full-time working in the lab, mother of two. 我是做题型的人,光看
Prep time: total of 9 months, 4-5 hours a day
April: finally decided to take step 1 – read stories on the forum, gather
study material (order FA on amazon, bid a set of Kaplan notes on ebay).
Meanwhile, borrow a FA from the library and start reading for the first time
. Just want to get a sense what step 1 is. That is six weeks of time.
Mid-May-June: after reading FA for the first time, I really cannot remember
a thing. I got a discount from Kaplan so buy Kaplan Q-bank for a month.
Since the explanation has FA reference page number, I think it is a really
good way to get familiar with FA.
July-Sep: spent three months doing UW offline version- between 60-70%
corrections. Average one block a day on weekdays, weekends are reserved for
weekly review.
October: do UW the second time online – got around 80-90%.
November: start NBME – one form a week. And I used the extended form which
tells you which ones you did wrong. I found this really helpful in
minimizing confusion. At the same time, read FA the third time (20 pages per
night, finish the book in one month)
December: take three weeks off before my exam. Read FA the 4th time in two
weeks. I also decided to go back to Kaplan Q-bank again to do more questions
– did not finish all in the end.
关于ELISA 原理的题都做错了,惭愧不已。生化是最弱的,那些酶连中文都没弄懂,
学习小组过FA时我就拒绝lecture 生化那一部分,呵呵,还要谢谢组长百般容忍。不过
最后经过三遍UW的反复练习,算是有个大概的概念, 最后碰到的考题也不是太难,总
Study group: Never thought about joining a study group before, mainly
because my study time is so limited and I can only study at certain time of
the day because of the kids. But I was so fortunate to find a group of
people who are in similar situation (full time working, on the west coast…)
The good thing about study group for me is that I will never read the book
that carefully if I read it all by myself.
NBME: NBME 的重要性前人已反复强调。我是强烈建议找一个study group 一起过。 我
题目学得细致很多, 把非答案选项都逐一分析。我是非常感谢大家的笔记,要我自己
一个人看肯定不会看得这么细。NBME 还是早一点做好,多一点时间最后慢慢消化。我
是要提前离队,所以最后三个FORMS 只有靠论坛上的讨论。总结一下成绩:
FORM 1-4: offline, about 82-87%
Form 5: 520 (85%)
Form 6: 520 (168/200)
UW sim 1: 690/254
UW sim 2: 700/256
Form 7: 570 (175/200)
Form 11: 600 (178/200)
Form 12: 620 (181/200)
CD 2009 (on site): 92%
Step 1: 250+/89 (值得一提的是现在那个score scale 估计是调整了:222 is mean,
SD 24. 以前不是说是220/20吗?那是不是就是说同样的分数, 其实算percentile是没有
仔细看其实一开始的时候成绩很一般, FORM 1-6 的成绩停滞不前.那时候最着急, 完成
FORM 6 后离考试还有一个月, 看了很多考经找办法提高. 最后决定还是多做题,所以又
买了一个月的KAPLAN来做,同时看书. 最后题是没有做完,而且做QBANK 正确率也只是75
%左右,所以其实很打击. 现在回想, 其实还是看书是硬道理.感觉,经过了NBME 过千道
题的训练,再回看书就很有收获.有时候看到一个知识点就会想起相关的题. 最后一周就
是再过NBME的题. 考试或多或少会碰上原题或很类似的题.最后一个月真的很重要, can
make a big difference.所以开始模考成绩不理想的同学不需要灰心.
组里的同学说了过了250就要acknowledge 大家; 所以在这里也感谢这么多人的共同努
力,那些笔记真的很有用. 当然要特别鸣谢组长Jessie, 从FA到NBME, 要没有她我就只
成绩。 | n*********r 发帖数: 42 | 2 Big Cong! 谢谢分享!增加了我考Step1 的决心!! | T******a 发帖数: 195 | 3 大大恭喜! 我就说你肯定能考好成绩,不过250还是非常amazing. 赶紧cs/ck了,就等
你今年的好消息了。 | u******0 发帖数: 7 | 4 麦地新年新气象!恭喜!!
想知道:1. 大概背景,2. NBME Form相应考前时间
谢谢! | f***r 发帖数: 413 | | s*********a 发帖数: 336 | | b*****b 发帖数: 9 | 7 呵呵,看到你的ID认出了你,250+ 太强了!大大恭喜!! | h***a 发帖数: 290 | 8 Thank you for sharing your experience. | s********o 发帖数: 373 | | n*****a 发帖数: 105 | | h******I 发帖数: 229 | | h******g 发帖数: 93 | |