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Medicalpractice版 - Another 20M trial.
崭新和 Lexian, 进来看一下。Re: 是医院烂,还是全美国的护士水平都那么烂 (转载)
Medicare cut。欢迎参加2015中美医生交流活动周(国内)
恭喜开张.这几天和IRS斗争,晚到了.Sorry气晕了, how would you deal with a biach like this
Not easy to be an anesthesiologist【娱乐和幽默】Dr.Lexian, 我终于感觉到你的愤怒。
NND, 差点交代在医院了。可以sue麻醉师吗?DEA
我的麻醉贴被封了。心寒。。。。。。”MD Equivalent “有感
话题: 20m话题: he话题: insurance话题: lexian话题: trial
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9638
发帖数: 12932
well, some trial lawyer scored another lottery. Every anesthesiologist/
anesthetist in the nation will see their malpractice insurance premium goes
up, and bills for anesthesia go up eventually.
Without knowing the detail, i guess the defense has some serious screw up in
paper work. seems like they don't have the pre-op evaluation paper. Even
if just a short note indicating that you have see the patient, discussed
anesthesia plan with the patient etc, there would be no case. THIS IS WHY
NOWADAYS everything you do you have to think if this is defensible in the
court. you can step on some crap anywhere you walk.
at my place, we have anesthesia evaluation printed on the backside of OR
record - the case won't start without it being filled and signed and dated.
发帖数: 9638
按规矩干是正道。 没有documentation做了也是白做。
我纳闷的是为什么20M? 说起来生命无价, 赔多少都不多; 可是真要论价, 1M比较
合适吧? 没听说过life insurance按10m, 20m赔偿的。 要是这个病人真买了20M
life insurance, 我无话可说。


【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: well, some trial lawyer scored another lottery. Every anesthesiologist/
: anesthetist in the nation will see their malpractice insurance premium goes
: up, and bills for anesthesia go up eventually.
: Without knowing the detail, i guess the defense has some serious screw up in
: paper work. seems like they don't have the pre-op evaluation paper. Even
: if just a short note indicating that you have see the patient, discussed
: anesthesia plan with the patient etc, there would be no case. THIS IS WHY
: NOWADAYS everything you do you have to think if this is defensible in the
: court. you can step on some crap anywhere you walk.
: at my place, we have anesthesia evaluation printed on the backside of OR

发帖数: 118
医生手术前下胃管没有?其实"rapid sequence induction" 在这种情况下并不能完全
rapid sequence induction,哪怕就是做做样子,只要有记录的话后果就会好得多。可

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: What do you think, Lexian?
: http://www.allbusiness.com/legal/torts-wrongful-death/13627747-

发帖数: 12932
U r absolutely right, RSI can't completely avoid aspiration in a bowel
obstruction patient with enormously intra-abdominal pressure. Even if a g-
tube had been placed, not necessarily stomach emptying can be achieved - i
had seen a patient died that way, aspiration even with a G-tube (nothing
came out of G-tube on suction but over 700cc of gastric content gushed out
on induction).
the question is Why punitive damage for substandard care, even if you
intentionally commit a crime, like a pre-meditated murder, you don't see
punitive damage above a few hundred thousand. a 20M punitive damage for
substandard care? gimme a break. this is the biggest malice plaguing US
medical system.

【在 N*******r 的大作中提到】
: 这个病人已经肠梗阻了,入院已经5天,按道理早就应该下胃管减压了,不知内科/外科
: 医生手术前下胃管没有?其实"rapid sequence induction" 在这种情况下并不能完全
: 避免误吸(aspiration),但你必须得做,还必须要记录下来。不然的话出了事,就全
: 是你的错。
: 设想如果麻醉师和CRNA在induction以前先下胃管而且负压抽吸(suction),再按规程作
: rapid sequence induction,哪怕就是做做样子,只要有记录的话后果就会好得多。可
: 这样做临床上就真正能避免误吸了吗?。。。。。。答案是No!
: 这个州又没有医疗事故赔偿封顶,这可好一下子就判出20个million来,活该这个医生
: 倒霉。

发帖数: 12932
“The insurance company for Coastal Anesthesia, its doctor and CRNA, was Mag
Mutual. The insurance company was given the opportunity to settle this
case prior to trial, but refused to engage in any negotiations whatsoever.
The company took the position that the case was entirely defensible and
offered nothing to resolve the case prior to trial.”
the insurance didn't want to settle it because the max risk they have is
only 1m most likely. the poor doc will have to work more than several life
time to pay off the debt - how horrific.
发帖数: 9638
Really? I have not noticed that.
If that is a case, an umbrella insurance still would not be enough to cover.
That is why someone said physicians should save the money under their
spouse's name only.
But what if the spouse decides to leave one day, then what? :)


【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: “The insurance company for Coastal Anesthesia, its doctor and CRNA, was Mag
: Mutual. The insurance company was given the opportunity to settle this
: case prior to trial, but refused to engage in any negotiations whatsoever.
: The company took the position that the case was entirely defensible and
: offered nothing to resolve the case prior to trial.”
: the insurance didn't want to settle it because the max risk they have is
: only 1m most likely. the poor doc will have to work more than several life
: time to pay off the debt - how horrific.

发帖数: 12932
by statistic, the later is much more likely to happen, so take your poison:-)


【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: Really? I have not noticed that.
: If that is a case, an umbrella insurance still would not be enough to cover.
: That is why someone said physicians should save the money under their
: spouse's name only.
: But what if the spouse decides to leave one day, then what? :)
: Mag

发帖数: 9638

【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: by statistic, the later is much more likely to happen, so take your poison:-)
: cover.

发帖数: 12932
Divorce rates among physicians have been reported to be 10% to 20% higher
than those in the general population.[20](which is well published 50%)
Furthermore, those couples that include a physician who remain married
reported marriages that are more unhappy.

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: Link?
endoscopy得账单帮忙看看Re: 是医院烂,还是全美国的护士水平都那么烂 (转载)
NND, 差点交代在医院了。可以sue麻醉师吗?欢迎参加2015中美医生交流活动周(国内)
我的麻醉贴被封了。心寒。。。。。。气晕了, how would you deal with a biach like this
发帖数: 5094
trust fund to your kids :)


【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: Really? I have not noticed that.
: If that is a case, an umbrella insurance still would not be enough to cover.
: That is why someone said physicians should save the money under their
: spouse's name only.
: But what if the spouse decides to leave one day, then what? :)
: Mag

发帖数: 9638
You want to make my money untouchable in my whole life time, even for myself? :)

【在 a**e 的大作中提到】
: trust fund to your kids :)
: cover.

发帖数: 9638

【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: Divorce rates among physicians have been reported to be 10% to 20% higher
: than those in the general population.[20](which is well published 50%)
: Furthermore, those couples that include a physician who remain married
: reported marriages that are more unhappy.
: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/410643_2

发帖数: 371

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: 按规矩干是正道。 没有documentation做了也是白做。
: 我纳闷的是为什么20M? 说起来生命无价, 赔多少都不多; 可是真要论价, 1M比较
: 合适吧? 没听说过life insurance按10m, 20m赔偿的。 要是这个病人真买了20M
: life insurance, 我无话可说。
: goes
: in

发帖数: 9638
How much is a life worth? For this case, a simple answer is possibly how
much life insurance she has bought. Like home insurance, it covers the home
's market value. 20M is just ridiculous.
Lexian mentioned an important point: this physician is liable for the rest
amount not covered by his malpractice insurance. If he were Steven Jobs, he
would have to pay 19 M. If he were lexian, he would have to sell all his
stocks and move to an apartment. If he were a new graduate AMG, he would have to make a payment plan
until he dies; If he were a FMG, go back to his own country and hide away
from the public..
Is anyone still jealous of physicians in the U.S? :)

【在 D*********r 的大作中提到】
: 人身保险应该和这个案子无关吧,好奇地是,如果这个医生的行医保险有上限,那么这
: 个判决到底有什么意思?“警世”?
: documentation太重要了,看来以后病人放个屁都一定要写到病历里边,就酱紫。

发帖数: 12932
man, u over-estimated my net worth. I'd have to come on Mitbbs and sell the
点石成金术to pay the debt off.

have to make a payment plan

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: How much is a life worth? For this case, a simple answer is possibly how
: much life insurance she has bought. Like home insurance, it covers the home
: 's market value. 20M is just ridiculous.
: Lexian mentioned an important point: this physician is liable for the rest
: amount not covered by his malpractice insurance. If he were Steven Jobs, he
: would have to pay 19 M. If he were lexian, he would have to sell all his
: stocks and move to an apartment. If he were a new graduate AMG, he would have to make a payment plan
: until he dies; If he were a FMG, go back to his own country and hide away
: from the public..
: Is anyone still jealous of physicians in the U.S? :)

发帖数: 9638
Not even close? I thought I am pretty good on guessing.
Well, you may open up an online course for CMG IV to make some extra for
covering the difference. :)


【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: man, u over-estimated my net worth. I'd have to come on Mitbbs and sell the
: 点石成金术to pay the debt off.
: home
: he
: have to make a payment plan

发帖数: 371
It was a tragedy for both parties for sure. Hopefully some systematic
protocols can reduce the number of such tragedies to minimal, such as the
sigh-out form on the back of the OR record mentioned by Lexian.
Also come to think of it, the defendant is a physician w/ more than 10 years of experiences. Just wondering what happened that day. Maybe his wife was filing for divorce?

have to make a payment plan

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: How much is a life worth? For this case, a simple answer is possibly how
: much life insurance she has bought. Like home insurance, it covers the home
: 's market value. 20M is just ridiculous.
: Lexian mentioned an important point: this physician is liable for the rest
: amount not covered by his malpractice insurance. If he were Steven Jobs, he
: would have to pay 19 M. If he were lexian, he would have to sell all his
: stocks and move to an apartment. If he were a new graduate AMG, he would have to make a payment plan
: until he dies; If he were a FMG, go back to his own country and hide away
: from the public..
: Is anyone still jealous of physicians in the U.S? :)

发帖数: 5094

【在 D*********r 的大作中提到】
: 人身保险应该和这个案子无关吧,好奇地是,如果这个医生的行医保险有上限,那么这
: 个判决到底有什么意思?“警世”?
: documentation太重要了,看来以后病人放个屁都一定要写到病历里边,就酱紫。

发帖数: 9638
He is human. Unfortunately, his error caused a woman's death.

years of experiences. Just wondering what happened that day. Maybe his wife
was filing for divorce?

【在 D*********r 的大作中提到】
: It was a tragedy for both parties for sure. Hopefully some systematic
: protocols can reduce the number of such tragedies to minimal, such as the
: sigh-out form on the back of the OR record mentioned by Lexian.
: Also come to think of it, the defendant is a physician w/ more than 10 years of experiences. Just wondering what happened that day. Maybe his wife was filing for divorce?
: home
: he
: have to make a payment plan

1 (共1页)
”MD Equivalent “有感Not easy to be an anesthesiologist
再谈医生的收入。NND, 差点交代在医院了。可以sue麻醉师吗?
GME funding 缩减会减少住院医吗?我的麻醉贴被封了。心寒。。。。。。
崭新和 Lexian, 进来看一下。Re: 是医院烂,还是全美国的护士水平都那么烂 (转载)
Medicare cut。欢迎参加2015中美医生交流活动周(国内)
恭喜开张.这几天和IRS斗争,晚到了.Sorry气晕了, how would you deal with a biach like this
话题: 20m话题: he话题: insurance话题: lexian话题: trial