i*****y 发帖数: 3449 | |
c****3 发帖数: 6038 | |
t*******n 发帖数: 2319 | 3 这个要不是扯淡,就太恐怖了
【在 i*****y 的大作中提到】
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | |
l*****i 发帖数: 20533 | |
b*******8 发帖数: 37364 | |
f****e 发帖数: 679 | 7 我靠,您的药可千万别停,否则就疯的更厉害了。脑残无极限啊! |
j**********7 发帖数: 753 | 8
【在 s**********d 的大作中提到】 : 上古发音怎么知道的? : 是北京口音还是楚国?
c******s 发帖数: 693 | 9 北京话其实和鲜卑,匈奴,满族,回鹘,蒙古,朝鲜等有千丝万缕的关系
【在 s**********d 的大作中提到】 : 上古发音怎么知道的? : 是北京口音还是楚国?
m*****5 发帖数: 23482 | |
j**********7 发帖数: 753 | 11
【在 i*****y 的大作中提到】
l**i 发帖数: 8144 | 12 扯淡
【在 i*****y 的大作中提到】
o*******k 发帖数: 562 | 13 我操,什么玩意?你咋知道这是中古发音?都他妈的的骗funding的。 |
w***n 发帖数: 1162 | 14 我从来没在军版骂过人,这次我忍不住了!!!
【草泥马】 |
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 15 Interesting. The history of China after Tang was mostly under occupation of
northern nomads, and the language of northern China has been greatly
influenced by these other language elements. It is very difficult to know
if the video delivers the correct pronunciation, but it is obvious that the
language is very different from what we are familiar with.
Those who made baseless accusations before me are just jerks and should be
eradicated. |
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 16 要说语言完全不同就信口开河了,毕竟汉字字形是保留下来了,语法更是。
【在 s******r 的大作中提到】 : Interesting. The history of China after Tang was mostly under occupation of : northern nomads, and the language of northern China has been greatly : influenced by these other language elements. It is very difficult to know : if the video delivers the correct pronunciation, but it is obvious that the : language is very different from what we are familiar with. : Those who made baseless accusations before me are just jerks and should be : eradicated.
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | |
y***l 发帖数: 6963 | 18 估计所谓的客家话就是古汉语
【在 d*****l 的大作中提到】 : 这么毒的根据是什么?
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 19 难道还能让古人复活不成?
【在 y***l 的大作中提到】 : 估计所谓的客家话就是古汉语 : 现代条件下信息传递速度这么快,过去100年的交流估计要大过过去1000年的信息交流, : 过去100年各地方言基本没啥变化,凭啥就说过去1000年汉语变化很多
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 20 I am not expert in ancient language, are you? If not, none of us are
qualified to make any comments on the
specifics. The pronunciation is a major part of the language. ALso the
simplified Chinese you write do not
have much similarity to the written form of language before Qin Shihuang
unified the language.
LZ is just showing the video so that people can have a taste of what the
language sounds like. It is good
entertainment to me, and I tend to encourage it. If you do not like it, why
not just keep it to yourself rather
than showing off the ignorance?
【在 d*****l 的大作中提到】 : 要说语言完全不同就信口开河了,毕竟汉字字形是保留下来了,语法更是。 : 现在不是别人做baseless指责,而是该读音的声称者应当要做出有根据的 : 论证,而不是凭空做出baseless发言啊。 : : of : the
K*******i 发帖数: 631 | 21 扯B淡,搞拟音的都是脑残
【在 i*****y 的大作中提到】
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 22 你不光自己make comments, 还对别人的comments作comments,这不是很可笑吗?
【在 s******r 的大作中提到】 : I am not expert in ancient language, are you? If not, none of us are : qualified to make any comments on the : specifics. The pronunciation is a major part of the language. ALso the : simplified Chinese you write do not : have much similarity to the written form of language before Qin Shihuang : unified the language. : LZ is just showing the video so that people can have a taste of what the : language sounds like. It is good : entertainment to me, and I tend to encourage it. If you do not like it, why : not just keep it to yourself rather
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 23 明显有拿现代某些方言去往上硬套的痕迹。
【在 K*******i 的大作中提到】 : 扯B淡,搞拟音的都是脑残
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 24 Further discussion with you is not really interesting and is a waste of my
time. Please read my post carefully,
and I am not trying debase your ability to comprehend.
【在 d*****l 的大作中提到】 : 你不光自己make comments, 还对别人的comments作comments,这不是很可笑吗? : 别人的评论多是问根据来的,并不一味的是不喜欢、反驳或者谩骂,相反是你在指责提 : 问的人,你是出于何心啊? : 简体字跟繁体字以及隶书、大小篆、甲骨文都是有严格的一一对应关系的,你怎么不说 : T和t根本不一样呢?现在改口说成"entertainment"了,刚刚道貌岸然的来冒充专家干 : 嘛? : : why
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 25 自己脑残就吃脑残片,绕啥呢?
【在 s******r 的大作中提到】 : Further discussion with you is not really interesting and is a waste of my : time. Please read my post carefully, : and I am not trying debase your ability to comprehend.
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 26 If you are really interested in the subject, you should go to read about it.
You are welcome to post something
that all of us can learn about after you done your study. Before that, no
one has the obligation to teach a
【在 d*****l 的大作中提到】 : 自己脑残就吃脑残片,绕啥呢? : 你一开始就是缺乏逻辑的乱发议论,论不过别人了就闭嘴嘛,有啥好绕的?
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 27 你既然承认是moron就别幻想当老师、专家,来告诉别人上古语音有多复杂有多不同。
【在 s******r 的大作中提到】 : If you are really interested in the subject, you should go to read about it. : You are welcome to post something : that all of us can learn about after you done your study. Before that, no : one has the obligation to teach a : moron.
b*******8 发帖数: 37364 | 28 搞出这个的人,对错不说,咋都是人才啊。训练一批这样的人,可以打仗时做密码传递
。 |
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 29 以其昏昏使人昭昭。
【在 b*******8 的大作中提到】 : 搞出这个的人,对错不说,咋都是人才啊。训练一批这样的人,可以打仗时做密码传递 : 。
X*****u 发帖数: 1780 | |