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Military版 - 我老给巴马的信 (转载)
卡扎菲开始发枪了Protesters attack U.S. diplomatic compounds in Egypt, Libya
科普一下为啥土共看卡扎菲不顺眼吧[BBC] 利比亚叛军形势不妙 What next?
Breakng News : U.N. imposes no-fly zone over Libya (转载)利比亚看来真要内战了
U.S. Freezes $30 Billion in Libyan Assets利比亚驻华大使馆二秘和卡炸菲决裂了
China Caught With Hand in Candy Jar卡扎菲上校看来要完蛋了
话题: libyan话题: libya话题: military话题: gadhafi
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4393
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: hsh (三胡), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 我老给巴马的信 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 22 08:00:14 2011, 美东)
发信人: hsh (三胡), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 我老给巴马的信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 22 07:59:12 2011, 美东)
Libyan genocide calls for immediate military intervention
Dear president,
Even though this letter has very little chance to actually reach you, I'd
still put my full heart into pledging you to consider immediate military
intervention in Libya.
21 years ago, I was a student protester in Tienanmen square. We were
complete peaceful, yet CCP summoned a military force of 250000 men from all
major army divisions around China, and cracked us down with full force, with
tanks and real ammunition. Thousands unarmed protesters died from automatic
weapons and tanks in the streets of Beijing in the night of June 3rd,1989.
At that time, we would welcome US military intervention full-heartedly. But
we understood the reason why it cannot be done. China is a huge country,
with a major military force.
Today, we are facing a new wave of peaceful democratic revolution across the
mid-east. Here comes a blood-thirsty tyrant family in Libya, the Gadhafi
family would use any firepower in its hands to protect its corrupt
autocratic rule over Libya. They deployed tanks, military bombing aeroplanes
and African mercenaries to try to KILL every protester. This is genocide
already, and Libya's diplomats at the UN in NY called for international
intervention to stop the government's violent action against street
This is a great challenge, but also a great opportunity to US and this
1. We need be hawky when the situation arises. Where are your international
affairs advisers? They all need be fired.
2. We need act swiftly because Gadhafi will use overwhelming firepower to
kill all protesters: he already vowed to fight to the last men in armed
3. If we go in and liberate the people and come out quickly, let UN handle
Libyan democratic transition, we won't be trapped for a prolonged period,
and we will be viewed by the Muslim world as true liberators of people. We
will make Al Quaeda irrelevant.
4. The success of Libyan intervention is almost a certainty: many divisions
in Libyan military forces already side with the people. Our intervention
will lead to a revolt from most Libyan military forces. And the success will
help worldwide economic recovery by lowering the price of crude oil, and
therefore your next presidency and legacy.
People are dying in masses by the minutes. It will be too late to implement
sanctions against Libya after Gadhafi cracked down the demonstration and
solidifies its rule. People will suffer and hate the US, and the Gadhafi
family will continue on its blood-sucking rule for another 40 years.
Time to act is now, time is passing quickly.
Yours Truly,
1 (共1页)
卡扎菲上校看来要完蛋了Breakng News : U.N. imposes no-fly zone over Libya (转载)
利比亚战报:卡扎菲军队夺回西部边境地区---=------周一U.S. Freezes $30 Billion in Libyan Assets
西方再不介入的话,老卡就赢定了China Caught With Hand in Candy Jar
卡扎菲开始发枪了Protesters attack U.S. diplomatic compounds in Egypt, Libya
科普一下为啥土共看卡扎菲不顺眼吧[BBC] 利比亚叛军形势不妙 What next?
话题: libyan话题: libya话题: military话题: gadhafi