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Military版 - 讲座信息:Vogel on Deng Xiaping in LA
Washington Post (1)薄瓜瓜这两年:从明星留学生到“失宠”小儿子
港媒炮轰邓小平新传江泽民亲述: 和邓小平的最后一战,
方励之: 真实的邓小平 (转载)日本外相否认钓鱼岛“搁置论”
哈佛学者:如果邓小平还在 一定会为今日中国感到高兴维基解密李光耀对习太子的评价很高啊
方励之论邓小平 (转载)关于薄温之间斗争,这个洋人写的这篇文章写的挺到位
美国衰落的再思考作者:吉迪恩•拉赫曼 著 陈梦玫 译 时间:2013-01-15 浏览次数:99 次傅大姐红口白牙畅谈人生
话题: china话题: vogel话题: deng话题: japan话题: ezra
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1181
11/09/2011: Ezra Vogel on Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
Davidson Conference Center, Boardroom
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Cost: Free, please RSVP
Time: 4:00PM - 5:30PM
Distinguished Harvard sociologist Ezra Vogel offers his assessment of Deng’
s leadership. J. Stapleton Roy, former ambassador to China, wrote of Vogel’
s just published book,
“Deng Xiaoping`s skill, vision, and courage in overcoming seemingly
insuperable obstacles and guiding China onto the path of sustained economic
development rank him with the great leaders of history. And yet, too little
is known about the life and career of this extraordinary man. In this
superbly researched and highly readable biography, Vogel has definitively
filled this void. This fascinating book provides a host of insights into the
factors that enabled Deng to triumph over repeated setbacks and lay the
basis for China to regain the wealth and power that has eluded it for two
Ezra Vogel is professor emeritus of sociology at Harvard University where he
taught 1964-2000. He is one of the most influential scholars of East Asia,
contributing vital books on China and Japan. His China-focused titles
include Canton Under Communism (1969) and One Step Ahead in China: Guangdong
Under Reform (1989). His books on Japan include Japan`s New Middle Class (
1963), Japan as Number One: Lessons for America (1979), and Is Japan Still
Number One? (2000). In addition to these seminal works, Vogel has edited a
number of others, including Living with China : U.S./China Relations in the
Twenty-First Century (1997). Professor Vogel is a member of the USC US-China
Institute Board of Scholars.
Click here to RSVP.
1 (共1页)
傅大姐红口白牙畅谈人生哈佛学者:如果邓小平还在 一定会为今日中国感到高兴
副品的十大回复,请添加 (转)美学者评胡温体制:对台大规模让利,最大政绩ZT联合报
ZT - 富平穿越记方励之论邓小平 (转载)
太子党还一茬一茬的, 没完没了了美国衰落的再思考作者:吉迪恩•拉赫曼 著 陈梦玫 译 时间:2013-01-15 浏览次数:99 次
Washington Post (1)薄瓜瓜这两年:从明星留学生到“失宠”小儿子
港媒炮轰邓小平新传江泽民亲述: 和邓小平的最后一战,
方励之: 真实的邓小平 (转载)日本外相否认钓鱼岛“搁置论”
话题: china话题: vogel话题: deng话题: japan话题: ezra